VFR Type Course Flashcards
Hvad er vigtigt vedr. config og fuel?
Stellet skal stå uden FLIR og med max. 70% fuel
Hvad skal WX min. være
3 km VIS
800’ AGL ceiling
**Max. 10 kts crosswind og ingen halevind i landingsretningen*
Hvilken attitude skal man forsøge at holde?
65 kts attitude
Hvad er steady-state callouts og hvad bruges de til?
“Nr green”
“Ng value (eg. “Ng 72.1”)”
“Aircraft in trim”
Bruges til at bekræfte, at helikopteren er established i en sikker autorotation.
Hvilken altitude og A/S bruges som training standard til entry i autorotation
1000 ft MSL
100 KIAS
Beskriv forløbet fra steady-state i en autorotation til landing
I ca. 75 ft AGL (65 KIAS): smoothly apply aft cyclic to reduce the sink rate to zero at approx. 15 ft (tail clearance).
Maintain tail clearance (15 ft) by applying further aft cyclic while reducing ground speed.
Adjust collective as necessary to maintain rotor RPM.
At minimum ground run speed: adjust cyclic to obtain a level landing attitude.
Before landing: apply collective as necessary to cushion landing.
Maintain ground track alignment with pedals and neutralize controls when the AC comes to a complete stop.
90 og 180 graders drej
Hvornår skal AC senest være lignet op i landingsretningen?
FØR 100 ft AGL
90 og 180 graders drej
Hvornår skal steady-state factors kaldes ud?
When time permits
90 og 180 graders drej
Hvad skal man være særligt opmærksom på ift. Nr?
Nr should be monitored closely since it tends to build in tight turns. Use collective pitch as necessary to maintain Nr within the limits.
Simulated engine failure at stationary hover
Hvad skal man gøre med kontrollerne, når gassen bliver rullet af?
Adjust pedals to maintain heading and apply aft cyclic as necessary to maintain position over the ground.
Simulated engine failure at stationary hover
Hvad bør man overveje, hvis autorotationen initieres fra et high hover?
Slightly lowering the collective and applying forward cyclic to gain A/S may contribute to a more successful landing.
Simulated engine failure during takeoff
Hvornår initieres autorotationen?
Efter et 40 kts climb er initieret
Simulated engine failure during takeoff
Hvad skal man være obs på, hvis autorotationen initieres FØR climb-out?
I så fald bruges teknikken for SFO under taxi.
Do NOT attempt to decelerate the aircraft due to the likelihood of the lower vertical fin striking the ground
Simulated engine failure at altitude
Hvad skal der gøres her i modsætning til autorotation fra 1000 ft og ned? (såfremt tiden er til det)
Time permitting the PF will complete or simulate emergency procedures outlined in the operator’s and crewmember’s checklists,