VFR TEST Flashcards
TC definition
Measured from true North clockwise to the proposed flight path
DC: drift correction
The correction applied to prevent drifting off course
Th: true heading
The angle measured clock wise from true North nose of the to the aircraft
Tr: track
The actual flight path over the ground
Da: drift angle
The angular difference between Th and tr
IAS : indicated airspeed
Airspeed indicated on instrument
What referente provides instations for filing light plan?
1801 / GP
VAR / variation
Angular difference between true North and magnetic North
MH / magnetic heading
Measured from magnetic North to nose of aircraft
How is fuel listed on 1801?
Hours: minutes for time until burnout
Radio callsign for Army aircraft
“R” for Army and last 5 tailnumber
Runway enclosed by circle map signal
Hard surfaced runway 1500 ft - 8069 ft in length
*L = what for map symbol?
Part time lights
24 *2 74 120.575 what does 74 mean? What is 24? What does 120.575 mean?
24 = field elevation
74 = longest runway
120.575 = Unicom
/\ 555 = MSL
305 = AGL
MEF on map
Maximum elevation figure
Minimum flight altitude to fly over wildlife refuge
2,000 ft AGL
class A airspace
Start 18,000 MSL to flight level 600
IFR only
Class B Airspace
Depicted as Blue line
Dimensions: as depicted
Transponder ADS-B two way commo required prior to entry
Minimum vis = 3 Sm
cloud clearance= Clear of clouds
Class C Airspace
Core 5 mile radius shelf is 10 miles
Depicted as magenta
Altitudes: as depicted on maps
Equipment : transponer ads-b mode Flyover mode C 2 way commo require prior to entry
Communications begin as far out as 20 miles
Class D airspace
Broken Blue
Starts on surface, goes up to height MSL as depicted on map
Equipment: Z way radio commo
CLOUD CLEARANCE VFR C, D, E less than 10k
3 Sm vis, 1000 feet above 500 below 2,000 horizontal
Class E airspace
If stapled starts at surface up to floor of overlying airspace
Outside magenta vignette starts at 1,200 feet inside = 700 feet
G airspace visibility + cloud Clarance
Day 1/2 mile vis, Clear of clouds
Night 1 mile vis, Clear of clouds
Page 14 on handout
Is TRSA required?
No, recommended
Can you fly in MOA
Oxygen requirements
Above 10,000 feet PA if flight is longer than I hour
Above 12,000 PA move than 30 min
Mandatory above 14,000
Where does VFR cruising altitude begin
3,000 feet above ground AGL
VFR fuel requirement
20 min
Destination weather must be good for how long?
VFR time of arrival plus 1 hour
How long is a weather brief good for?
1 hour and 30 minutes