Veterinary Clin Path of Renal Dz Flashcards
Explain how the nephron functions
- blood constituents filtered by glomerulus
- fluid flows thru proximal tubules, constituents selectively reabsorbed
- Loop of Henle: water reabsorbed determine urine vol
- urine continues up distal tubules to gather in collecting ducts
- poor re-absorption = loss of glucose of protein & increase in urine
- enzymes in urine if cells of tubules are damaged or die
Signs of excretion of nitrogenous wastes on biochemistry?
Urea, creatinine
Acid-base regulation on clinpath?
H+. HCO3-
Body water regulation on clin path?
Natriuretic peptides (ANP, BNP)
electrolyte regulation affected by renal fxn on clin path?
Na, K, Cl, Phosphate, Mg, Ca (horse)
degradation of certain enzymes & sign of renal fxn on clin path?
Endocrine fxn & sign of renal fxn on clin path
EPO, renin, Vit D
Increased plasma/serum conc of urea &/or creatinine (& SDMA)
Azotaemia are measures of
azotaemia is diminished by factors causing
decrease in prod’n of urea by liver
OR creatinine by muscle
OR decrease in dietary urea intake
GFR measurement is determined by
Creatinine excretion
Creatinine excretion
- freely filtered by kidney
- no tubular resorption
- small amt secreted by prox tubules in dogs
- more accurate indicator of GFR
Equation of creatinine clearance
[(Ratio of urine to serum conc) X (rate of urine production (ml/min))]/ (body weight (kg)) = ml / min / kg
Uraemia definition
syndrome w/ increase in urea concentration characterised by marked azotaemia & specific clinical signs (V, anorexia, GI ulceration)
Uraemia occurs in advanced…
renal dz
pre-renal azotaemia due to a decrease in renal perfusion is due to:
hypovolaemia, dehydration, CV dz
Pre-renal azotaemia leads to
Urea increase
Creatinine normal or increased
USG increased
Pre-renal azotaemia is increased in urea production due to:
GIT haemorrhage & high protein diet
GIT haemorrhage leads to…
increased urea
normal creatinine
high protein diet leads to
increased urea
creatinine normal or elevated
Renal dz is only evident when
75% of nephrons are compromised
what are signs of renal dz on clin path?
urea & creatinine increased
urine inadequately concentrated