Vestibular System Flashcards
Function of the Vestibular Apparatus:
- Maintain upright posture
- Adjust head position in response to changes in posture
- Coordinate eye movements with each other
- Coordinate eye movements to compensate for head movements
- Linear Acceleration:
- Angular acceleration:
- head movement along a single plane
- head rotation in a single plane or simultaneous change in velocity and direction
Anatomy of Vestibular Apparatus:
- Bony labyrinth
- Membranous labyrinth
- Sensory receptors
What lies in between the gap of the bony labyrinth?
Maculae (N=2):
- Utricle and saccule
- Mechanoreceptors that detect linear acceleration
- Hair cells in the macula epithelium are covered by a gelatinous otolithic membrane
- responds to head tilt
- The macula in the utricle is oriented in the _____________ and is most sensitive to movement in this plane (e.g. forward-backward or side to side)
- The macula in the saccule is oriented in the __________ and is most sensitive to movement in the sagittal plane (e.g. forward-backward or up-down)
- horizontal plane
- vertical plane
Semicircular canal (N=3):
- Movement of endolymph within the semicircular canals deflects the gelatinous cupola
- Respond to changes in angular acceleration
Functional Pairs of Semicircular Canals:
- Right Horizontal / Left Horizontal
- Right Superior / Left Posterior
- Right Posterior / Left Superior
Special Sensory information is transmitted via the __________________ to the brainstem
vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)
Vestibular Nuclei (N=4):
- Caudal Pons (superior and lateral)
- Rostral Medulla (medial and inferior)
Lateral Vestibulospinal Tract
- Function:
- Route:
- Mechanism:
- Function: Maintains balance and posture
- Route: Pathway descends ipsilaterally from lateral vestibular nucleus to all spinal cord levels
- Mechanism: Excites extensor muscles of the neck, back and lower limbs (antigravity muscles)
Medial Vestibulospinal Tract
Adjusts head position in response to postural changes
- Pathway descends bilaterally from medial vestibular nucleus to cervical spinal cord levels
- Coordinates eye movements with each other
- Pathway projects superiorly and bilaterally along medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF)
- Vestibular nuclei ⇒ paramedian pontine reticular formation (PPRF)
- PPRF projects to the ipsilateral abducens nucleus which, in turn, projects to the contralateral oculomotor nucleus
- Eyes are yoked together resulting in conjugate horizontal gaze
- Coordinates eye movements to compensate for head movements
- vestibuloocular reflex - VOR
- __VOR maintains eye position during head turning
Rhythmic oscillations of the eyeballs
- Involuntary to-and-fro, up-and-down, or rotary movements on one or both eyes
- Nystagmus may be produced by:
- Rotation of the head (rotary nystagmus)
- Observing a moving object when the head is stationary (optokinetic nystagmus)
- Temperature-generated convection currents in semicircular canal endolymph (caloric nystagmus)
Application of warm water into left ear canal ⇒ warmed endolymph “rises” simulating head turning toward ____ and inducing a ___________
left; left-beating nystagmus
Application of cold water into left ear canal ⇒ cooled endolymph “sinks” simulating head turning toward _____ and inducing a ______________.
right; right-beating nystagmus