Vestibular Anatomy, Physiology, and Testing Principles Flashcards
Define Vertigo
A symptom characterized by an illusion of movement of the environment, often rotatory, and often accompanied by dysequilibrium and vegetative symptoms
Vegetative symptoms:
- Disturbance in a person’s function to maintain daily functions (ie. inattention, weight loss, insomnia, fatigue/malaise)
Define Oscillopsia
- A symptom of jumping, blurring, or other movement of the visual scene
- If it occurs only with head movements –> possibility of severe bilateral vestibular loss (absent VOR when walking/moving)
Define Vection
An illusion of self-movement caused by slow continuous movement of the visual surround
- Optokinetic stimulates the vestibular nuclei –> false interpretation that it is not the visual scene but rather the self which is moving
Define Nystagmus vs. Vestibular Nystagmus
- Repetitive uncontrolled motion of the eyes
- Reflex; resets eyes during prolonged rotation and direct gaze toward oncoming visual scene
- Multiple types
Vestibular Nystagmus:
- BIlateral, conjugate (eyes work together), eye movements
- Comprised of a slow phase (image on fovea) and a fast phase (saccade, correction of image)
- Jerk nystagmus: Defined as nystagmus that has a slow phase and a fast phasee
- Pendular nystagmus: Defined as nystagmus that only has slow phases
What is the physiologic basis for motion sickness?
Discrepancy between visual and vestibular inputs
Example: Windowless berth on a boat. Visual input is stable, but vestibular input suggests the boat is rocking
√Describe the blood supply to the labyrinth
- Internal Auditory artery (aka. Labyrinthine artery), which branches into:
- Anterior vestibular artery: supplies utricle, S-SCC, L-SCC
- Common cochlear artery
- –> cochlear artery: supplies cochlea
- –> posterior vestibular artery: supplies saccule and P-SCC
Labyrinthine artery most commonly comes off of the AICA (Anterior inferior cerebellar artery)
Easy way to remember:
1. Superior vestibular nerve and anterior vestibular artery both supply the same structures
2. Inferior vestibular nerve and posterior vestibular artery supplies the same structures
√What structures are innervated by the SVN and IVN respectively?
- Superior semicircular canal
- Lateral semicircular canal
- Posterior semicricular canal
- Saccule
√What are the two types of hair cells found in the ampullae (containing neuroepithelium known as cristae ampullaris)?
- Flask shaped nerve cells, chalice shaped nerve ending
- One nerve ending can synapse with 1-4 hair cells - TYPE II HAIR CELLS
- Cylinder shaped nerve cells
- Multiple efferent and afferent nerve fibers synapsing on a single hair cell
Vancouver 234
√How does depolarization of a vestibular hair cell occur?
- Stereocilia (the little cilia) bend toward the kinocilium (the big cilia)
- Results in increased vestibular neuronal firing rate
Vancouver 234
Explains why Ewald’s laws are the way they are:
√What is the name of the neuroepithelial component of otolith organs and significance of striola?
- Neuroepithelial component: Macula
- Striola: Central line through otolith membrane
- Cilia movement towards striole for utricle causes excitation (uTricle Towards)
- Cilia movement away from striola for saccule causes excitation (sAccule Away)
Vancouver 234
√Define Crista and Macula
Crista: sensory neuroepithelium within the ampulla (bullous base of each SCC) of the SCCs
Macula: Sensory neuroepithelium of the otolithic organs (saccule - closer to cochlea; and utricle - closer to SCC)
√What are Ewald’s laws?
Note: The semicircular canals are normally NOT sensitive to gravity
Ewald’s First Law:
- The nystagmus is always in the plane of the affected canal
- Ampullopetal (toward the ampulla) flow causes more stimulation (stimulatory) than ampullofugal (away from the ampulla) flow (inhibitory) in the lateral canal
- Ampullofugal (away) flow produces a stronger response (stimulatory) than ampullopetal (toward) flow (inhibitory) in the vertical canals (anterior and posterior SCCs)
Ewald’s Second Law:
- Excitation-Inhibition Symmetry
- Movement of endolymph in the “on” direction (ie. stimulatory) for a canal produces greater nystagmus than an equal movement of endolymph in the “off” (ie. inhibitory) direction.
- Essentially, stimulation produces more significant nystagmus than inhibition
√Name the 6 eye muscles responsible for extraocular movements, their functions, and their innervations.
- Lateral rectus (VI) - abduction
- Medial rectus (III) - adduction
- Superior rectus (III) - upward (secondary action intorsion, tertiary action adduction)
- Inferior rectus (III) - downward (secondary action extorsion, tertiary action adduction)
- Superior oblique (IV) - downward and outward (1 intorsion, 2 depression, 3 abduction)
- Inferior oblique (III) - upward and outward (1 extorsion, 2 elevation, 3 abduction)
Clinical testing is different:
√Which semicircular canal is innervated by which nerves? What is the utricle and saccule innervated by?
Lateral and Anterior SCC and utricle and superior saccule = Superior vestibular nerve
Posterior SCC and saccule = Inferior vestibular nerve
What are the efferent pathways of the vestibular system?
- Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
- CNIII, IV, VI (EOMs) - Medial and Lateral Vestibulospinal tracts
- Spinal cord - Inferior cerebellar peduncle
- Cerebellum - Thalamus
- Cerebral cortex
Describe a complete physical examination for a patient presenting with vertigo.
- Watch Gait, Heel-Toe walking
- Pronator Drift, Romberg/Tandem Romberg (close eyes and stay balanced for 30 seconds)
- A test of static balance
- Pathological Romberg test implies vision-dependency for maintenace of body balance
- Patients with bilateral vestibulopathy show a positive Rombert test (with the eyes open and closed)
- Patients with severe proprioceptive loss could also show a positive Romberg test - Spontaneous nystagmus
- Gaze-evoked nystagmus: 30 degree horizontal and vertical
- Saccades
- Complete Cranial nerve Exam
- Head impulse test (reliable in patients with severe VOR deficit - Gain < 0.4)
- Skew deviation - alternate cover, cover uncover
- Head shake Test
- VOR Suppresion - Eyes locked on thumbs, rotate chair
- Test of central function
- Looking for ability to suppress - Dynamic Visual Acuity - 10-15 degrees at approximately 2Hz in the horizontal plane
- Impaired VOR results in a drop of visual acuity
- Decrease of 2 lines of a Snellen chart is pathologic - Positional testing
- Dix Hallpike
- Roll test/BBQ roll - Fakuda Step Test
- Positive test is when the patient turns towards the lesioned side - Other neurologic system testing:
- Cerebellar testing
- Lower limb Proprioception - Blood pressure: Sitting and standing
Regarding the Head Thrust test, discuss:
1. How does it work?
2. What are the results?
- Uses unpredictable, high-acceleration head rotations (3000-4000 degrees/second) through amplitudes of 10-20 degrees in order to demonstrate asymmetric VOR responses in unilateral labyrinthine weakness
- When the thrust excites the canal on the intact side, the VOR that results is nearly compensatory for the head movement
- When the thrust excites the canal on the lesioned side, the VOR that results is markedly diminished, resulting in a corrective saccade
Regarding the Head Shake test, discuss:
1. What is done during the test?
2. What occurs with normal testing? What occurs with in vestibular lesions/pathology?
3. What are the patterns of unilateral peripheral loss in this test?
4. What are the patterns of central loss in this test?
- Examiner passively rotates the subject’s head horizontally at 1-2 Hz for 10-20 cycles of rotation
- Once the rotation stops, the eyes are observed under Frenzel lenses (to prevent visual suppression of the nystagmus)
- Velocity storage mechanism is charged equally on both sides, and there is no post-rotatory nystagmus as the stored velocities decay at the same rate on the either side
- Unilateral (uncompensated) vestibular hypofunction: Nystagmus occurs after head shaking
- Illusory continued rotation toward the intact side results in nystagmus with slow phases go toward the lesioned side, and fast phases toward the intact side
- The is the usual pattern, however, the details are more complicated
- The pattern of nystagmus cannot reliably differentiate betweeen central and peripheral pathology
- Most common is horizontal nystagmus that changes direction
- Initial: fast phase towards good ear
- Later (longer lasting): Reverses with fast phase towards the bad ear
- Upbeat nystagmus can be present but is usually weaker than horizontal
- Variable patterns and can be horizontal
- Vertical component (usually downbeating) more common than horizontal –> called “Perverted nystagmus”
What are the six most common objective investigations for peripheral vestibular dysfunction?
- Mainly horizontal SCC (calorics) and some tests of posterior and superior SCC (e.g. DHP) - vHIT
- Tests all six SCCs individually - Rotational Chair
- Can only assess horizontal SCCs - Posturography
- Quantitative test of integration of vestibular, visual, and proprioceptive inputs that control balance - cVEMP/oVEMP
- cVEMP tests saccule
- oVEMP tests utricle - Subjective Visual Vertical (horizontal)
What is the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR)? Draw the pathway.
VOR = A reflex pathway that generates rapid compensatory eye movements in response to positional changes. These eye movements are of equal velocity, but opposite direction, of head movements. Goal is for foveal image stabilization (allows us to move around and still see clearly at same time)
Pathway (e.g. Left)
1. Head movement to Left
2. Left SCC stimulated and right SCC inhibited (Ewald’s second law)
3. Signal to left superior vestibular nerve
4. SVN goes to Scarpa’s Ganglion
5. Synapses at Vestibular nucleus
6. Vestibular nucleus is connected and synapses with the CONTRALATERAL CNVI nucleus (right)
7. VI nucleus sends fibers to two locations:
a. Lateral rectus muscle (VI) - on the same side as the VI nucleus (right)
b. Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus (MFL) - which then goes to the contralateral (left) oculomotor nucleus –> goes to the left medial rectus muscle
8. Results in contralateral eye abduction (right) and ipsilateral eye adduction (left) –> eyes move opposite to head movement (right)
BPPV lecture Darren
Kevan Otology Page 24
Drawing in notebook
Describe the clinical methods for testing the VOR
- Gaze/spontaneous nystagmus
- Cover/uncover test (aka. Test of Skew)
- Head shake nystagmus: Rhythmic moving of patient’s head from side to side (approximately 1/sec)
- Normal: Bilateral symmetric charging of vestibular system, so no post-rotatory nystagmus
- Unilateral weakness: Asymmetric input from vestibular system results in vigorous nystagmus after shaking
- Vertical nystagmus after horizontal head shake suggests cross-coupling and may imply a central pathology - Head Impulse Test
- Dix-Hallpike Test
- Positional Gaze Assessment
- Dynamic Visual Acuity
- Abnormal VOR results in decreased visual acuity during head oscillation (typically by 2-3 lines on Snellen chart) - Valsalva/Tulio/Hennebert’s sign
- Assess for Arnold Chiari, PLF, SCCD, Syphillis, Meniere’s, Cogan’s
Where do you place the leads for ENG testing?
- Above, below, and on either side of each eye (medial one is shared between both eyes)
- Also 1 forehead ground electric
Kevan Otology Page 30
What is ENG/VNG?
What part of the vestibular system does the ENG test?
What information can be gained from an ENG? (4)
What are the components of VNG testing battery? (4)
ENG = Electronystagmography
VNG = Videonystagmography
- VNG largely replaces ENG now. Instead of using electrodes, we use cameras to track eye movements
SYSTEM TESTED: Vestibulo-ocular reflex, manifested by eye movements in response to vestibular input
1. Helps identify whether there is a vestibular problem
2. Distinguish peripheral vs. central vestibular
3. Which ear (or both) is impacted, and to what degree?
4. Acute vs chronic vestibulopathy (and the degree of compensation)
1. GAZE TESTING (with or without fixation) - looking left right up down
- Spontaneous nystagmus
- Static positional testing (e.g. look left/right)
- OCULOMOTOR TESTING (with fixation)
- Smooth pursuit
- Saccades
- Calorics (low velocity vestibular response) - POSITIONAL TESTING
- Dix-Hallpike
- Rotary chair (mid velocity vestibular response) - not classically part of VNG (according to Vancouver)
- Video Head Impulse Testing (high velocity vestibular response) - not classically part of VNG (according to Vancouver)
How does vestibular compensation work? In what situation might the damaged ear actually be the stronger ear?
COMPENSATION = Cerebellum suppresses vestibular signals from the NORMAL ear to balance out the reduced signals from the damaged ear
During vestibular recovery of a damaged ear, the damaged ear may actually demonstrate stronger function as the normal ear is still being centrally suppressed
List the indications for ENG/VNG 7
- Confirm diagnosis of unilateral vestibular loss (e.g. post vestibular neuritis)
- Confirm and measure bilateral vestibular hypofunction (BVH)
- Document or Measure nystagmus (e.g. in Central lesions)
- Meniere’s disease
- Preoperative: e.g. prior to cochlear implantation or for candidacy for labyrinthectomy or translabyrinthine surgery
- Difficult BPPV/CPN (Central positional nystagmus)
- Malingering
“U Beat Beat Nystagmus
Me Me Plop”
What does a VNG NOT do? 3
- Does not necessarily “rule out vestibular hypofunction”
- Normal VNG can be found in: BPPV, MD, Vestibular schwanomma - Does not often localize lesion (just cuz you test one side is weak doesn’t mean that’s the problem)
- Does not make a diagnosis or identify underlying disease process causing the weakness
VNG does not replace a good clinical assessment
What are the downsides to VNG? 6
- Long test
- Expensive equipment
- Large space needs
- Patient discomfort/tolerance
- Laden with artifact
- Test
- Technical
- Patient performance
- Interpretation - Spurious results require experienced interpretation
In what situations might a patient have a normal ENG but still have a vestibular problem? 5
Patients with fluctuating vestibular conditions:
1. Meniere’s Disease
2. Vestibular migraines
3. Autoimmune inner ear disease
Vestibular Schwannoma
“Vestibular BAM Vestibular”
What are the things that need to be taken into consideration prior to VNG testing?
- Stop all CNS-active
- Medications/vestibular suppressants 24-48 hrs prior
- No alcohol 48 hrs prior
- No facial creams/lotions (affect mask)
- No eating 2-3 hours before (nausea and vomit)
- Cardiac issues
- Seizure disorder
- Visual/eye issues
- Cooperation level
- Motion/vision sensitivity
What are 10 factors that may influence the ENG test/subtest outcomes?
1. Can only measure horizontal eye movements, not vertical or torsional
2. Ambient light level can disturb recording
3. Recording based on comeoretinal potential
1. Changes in skin resistance (sweating)
2. Age
3. Fatigue
4. Congenital nystagmus
5. Level of attentiveness
6. Presence of sedating medications
7. Interference from eye blinking
Light level (ambient)
Laziness (fatigue)
Congenital nystagmus
Sedating medication
What medications can effect the VNG? Which medications appear more like a central pattern vs. sedation pattern vs. peripheral vestibular pattern?
CENTRAL PATTERN (Gaze evoked nystagmus, abnormal tracking, failure of fixation suppression, downbeat nystagmus, abnormal saccades):
1. Antivertigo or Antinausea medications (e.g. Meclizine, Drmamine, Phenergan)
2. Anticonvulsants (e.g. Dilantin, Tegretol)
3. Tranquilizers, Benzos (e.g. Valium, Xanax)
4. Antidepressants/Anti-anxiety (e.g. Paxil, Prozac, Lithium, SSRI/TCAs)
5. Sedatives, Barbituates (e.g. Phenobarbital, Demerol, Codeine, Sleeping pills)
6. Nicotine, Street drugs
SEDATION PATTERN (Suppression of calorics/spontaneous nystagmus/positional nystagmus/reduced saccades and OPK velocity):
1. Tranquilizers, Benzos (e.g. Valium, Xanax)
2. Antidepressants/Anti-anxiety (e.g. Paxil, Prozac, Lithium, SSRI/TCAs)
3. Sedatives, Barbituates (e.g. Phenobarbital, Demerol, Codeine, Sleeping pills)
4. Antihistamines, Cold medications (e.g. Benadryl, Actifed, Aspirin)
VESTIBULAR PATTERN (e.g. inducing positional nystagmus)
1. Antivertigo or Antinausea medications (e.g. Meclizine, Dramamine, Phenergan)
2. Sedatives, Barbituates (e.g. Phenobarbital, Demerol, Codeine, Sleeping pills)
3. Nicotine, Street drugs
4. Antihistamines, Cold medications (e.g. Benadryl, Actifed, Aspirin - TRANSIENT
5. Aminoglycosides, Chemotherapeutic agents (e.g. Gentamicin, Cisplatin) - PERMANENT
6. Diuretics (e.g. Lasix) - TRANSIENT
7. Alcohol
What is Alexander’s Law?
What is the mechanism?
List an example of how this works.
Alexander’s Law = Intensity of nystagmus will increase when looking in the direction of the nystagmus (ie. the fast phase)
- And decreased during gaze in the direction of the slow phase
Mechanism of action: The natural tendency for the eye to recoil to midline is additive to the slow phase movement of the eye when looking in the direction of the nystagmus
Example: Left peripheral vestibulopathy
- Increased right sided stimulation (compared to left)
- Body feels that it is turning right
- Slow phase drift will move left
- Fast phase will move right (like an airplane with a broken will trying to re-adjust itself)
- When looking right: Eyes will want to drift left due to recoil, which is additive to the slow phase draft –> therefore need to “pull eye back more/faster” because there is “more pressure on the slow phase to go slow”
- When looking left: Eyes will want to drift right due to recoil, which is subtractive to the slow phase drift –> therefore don’t need to “pull as hard” onto the fast phase cuz the slow phase is not as intense
Describe the components of the VNG battery of tests.
How do they work?
What is normal/abnormal?
What is central or peripheral?
A. GAZE TESTING (with and without fixation) - examine ability to maintain steady gaze with and without fixation.
1. Spontaneous nystagmus
- Peripheral lesion: Will be consistent with Alexander’s law. Should be suppressed with visual fixation
- Central lesion: Vertical or direction changing nystagmus
- Static positional testing (e.g. look left/right) - stability of eccentric gaze/”gaze test”
Notes on gaze testing:
- Nystagmus measures slow-phase velocity and direction
- Any nystagmus in gaze testing will be present in other parts of VNG - so this should match your clinical findings
B. OCULOMOTOR TESTING (with fixation) - abnormal oculomotor testing typically seen with central lesions
1. Smooth Pursuit (the first test that I tried, looking at a red dot and just following it)
- Tracking movements of eyes used to follow an object moving across the field of view, caused by either motion of the object or motion of the viewer, are mediated by the smooth-pursuit system.
- Tested by having patient follow targets moving no faster than 20degrees/second.
- Abnormal = Asymmetry in horizontal tracking, presence of more corrective saccades
- Measures: Tracking Gain (Ratio of peak eye velocity to peak target velocity, at different frequencies - age dependent)
- Saccades
- Rapid changes in gaze from one target to another is achieved by saccades; test examines patient’s ability to make voluntary fast eye movements for gaze adjustments
- Tested by asking patient to alternately fixate with head still (look at nose, then finger, nose, finger - 15 degrees away).
- Abnormal = dysmetria (over or under shooting of saccades)
- Measuring effects of a neural pulse (“step”) and a match between pulse and step
- Need to tell patient not to anticipiate (can affect the results) and do NOT move head (eyes only) - Optokinetics (the second test that I tried with my eyes with all the lines)
- Optokinetic system drives the eyes to follow visual surround during low-frequency (sustained) head movements
- Optokinetic nystagmus is a response to motion of the entire visual field rather than to motion of a particular target (which smooth pursuit is used for)
- E.g. automatic visual tracking of a picket fence seen from a moving car
- Tested using optokinetic tape
- Smooth-pursuit tracking contributes to the generation of optokinetic responses; so defects in smooth-pursuit also lead to impaired OKN
1. Calorics (low velocity vestibular response)
- 8-80 degrees/second is normal
- < 8 degrees/sec may suggest hypofunction on that side
- See separate caloric testing card for deatils
1. Dix-Hallpike testing
1. Rotary chair (mid velocity vestibular response) - not classically part of VNG battery per Vancouver notes
2. Video Head Impulse Testing (high velocity vestibular response) - not classically part of battery per Vancouver notes
Saccades graph: Figure 166.6 Cummings
Regarding oculomotor saccade testing, discuss:
1. What are the 3 main things it measures? What are the most common lesions when these things are abnormal?
2. What part of the neural pathways are implicated in saccadic movements? (ie. Localization of saccadic movements)
3. What are different types of saccade pathophysiology?
4. What is the normal latency in saccade testing?
5. What is the localization and etiology of saccadic slowing (decreased velocity)?
6. What is the localization and etiology of delayed saccades (increased latency)?
7. What is the localization and etiology of fast saccades?
8. What does dysmetria look like on saccadic VNG? Where is the localization for dysmetric?
1. Accuracy - how accurate is the eye movement
- Lesions: Cerebellar lesions (dorsal vermis), Brainstem (PPRF and MLF)
2. Velocity - how quickly does the eye move (peak velocity ~700 degrees/second)
- Lesions: Ocular issues, INO
3. Latency - how long before the eye starts to move
- Lesions: Neurodegenerative disorders
1. Pulse-Step Generator: Paramedian Pontine Reticular formation
2. Pulse amplitude set by: Cerebellar vermis and Cerebellar Flocculus
1. Short pulse duration (hypometric saccade)
2. Reduced pulse amplitude (slow saccade)
3. Inappropriate step size (Gaze-Evoked Saccade)
4. Disconjugate gaze (Pulse-Step Mismatch)
5. Saccadic slowing (decreased velocity)
6. Delayed saccades (increased latency)
- 200ms latency is normal time it takes eyes to match target
SACCADIC SLOWING (Decreased Velocity - more slope-y than vertical):
1. Localization: Basal Ganglia, Brainstem, Cerebellum, Peripheral oculomotor nuclei/muscles
2. Etiology:
- Drugs or intoxicatioin
- Neurodegenerative disease (Spinocerebellar degeneration, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Supranuclear palsy)
- Metabolic problems
- Inattention
DELAYED SACCADES (Increased latency - horizontal goes past the target)
1. Localization: Frontal or Frontoparietal cortex, or basal ganglia
2. Etiology same as saccadic slowing (especially Parkinson, Huntington, Alzheimer)
3. Artifact may be due to: Inattention, poor visual acuity, malingering, drugs (e.g. sedatives, EtOH, etc.)
- Myasthenia gravis
- Orbital tumors
1. VNG tracing:
- Hypermetric – vertical portion pasts the normal target line and then comes back to the target (Slide 60 VNG talk)
- Hypometric – opposite
- Localization/Etiology:
- Hypometria: Cerebellar flocculus (short pulse duration); although 10% is acceptable
- Hypermetria: Cerebellar Vermis (long pulse duration) or brainstem lesion
- Etiology: The Big 5
- Cerebrovascular
- Tumour
- Inflammatory/MS
- Degenerative/atrophy
- paraneoplastic
Pathway: Slide 47-65 Darren VNG talk
Draw the PPRF pathway from Darren’s talk
Regarding oculomotor tracking (smooth pursuits), what is the etiology and localization of defective pursuits?
At what frequency is smooth pursuit performed at?
What is the most common causes of bilateral impaired smooth pursuit?
- Bilateral defects: Diffuse cortical, basal ganglia, cerebellar disease
- Unilateral: Focal lesion involving ipsilateral cerebellar hemisphere, brain stem, parieto-occipital region
- Vertical pursuits: Not that useful clinically, as rarely positive without abnormal horizontal pursuits as well
- 0.2-0.8 Hz
1. Medication side effects (e.g. anticonvulsants, sedatives)
2. Neurologic conditions (e.g. Parkinson’s Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Alzheimer’s, Schizophrenia)
Regarding optokinetic testing, discuss:
1. What is the purpose of OPK testing?
2. What are some tips for OPK testing?
3. What does this measure?
4. What are disadvantages of this test?
5. What can create artifact?
6. What is the etiology for patients who have abnormal optokinetic testing?
- Test of tracking
- True optokinetic tests represent reflexive response to moving full-field visual stimuli (like a truck moving in your peripheral vision makes you hit the brake)
- Normal = 20-40 degrees per second
- No head movements, eyes only
- Can use the “LOOK” method (follow the targets all the way) or “STARE” method (follow the target at the centre) - basically ask them to “count the number of lines that show up” as the line tape moves
- Slow phase velocity (SPV) of nsytagmus should match the velocity of targets
- Everyone can do 20deg/sec - test of malingering
1. Very costly/difficult to make proper full-field visual stimulus (light bar and rotating drum is not true full field)
2. Any testing using light bars or dots is probably just a test of tracking
3. Probably of limited diagnostic value as a test
4. Testing both tracking and OPK with the same test; so utility is limited
- Technical
- Cooperation/poor tolerance
- Superimposed nystagmus
1. Malingering
2. Cerebellum
3. Brainstem
4. Absence or asymmetry of OPK suggests peripheral vestibular lesions
Regarding Static Positional Testing of gaze, what is the localization? What is the clinical significance?
- Non-localizing
Clinical utility:
- Normal people can have different types of mild slow positional nystagmus
- Apogeotropic and Geotropic variations of positional nystagmus are common and not necessarily pathologic
- Migraine and VM patients often have positional nystagmus
How do you interpret a VNG/ENG eye tracing?
POSITIVE is RIGHT (horizontal) / UP (vertical) and NEGATIVE is LEFT / DOWN
- Slope is the velocity
- Shallow slope = slow fase
- Steep slope = fast correction phase
Slow phase Velocity: Distance that the eye travels over time
- For one nystagmus beat, need to determine the distance the eye travels during the slow phase, and divides that by the amount of time is takes
- SPV = change in theta (degrees) divided by change in time
- Easier way would be to draw a line of best fit of the slow phase, and measure the slow of this line (y2-y1/x2-x1).
- Slope of the line calculated can then be described as “eye movement per 1 second” and be calculated over a preset amount of time (SPV = change in theta prime, divided by 1)
Looks like a saw tooth pattern (See Kevan Otology page 25)
1. Horizontal: > 4 degree/sec
2. Vertical: > 7 degree/sec
What does “degrees per second” mean?
- 4 degrees per second = turning a full circle in 90 seconds
- 360 degrees per circle / 4 degrees per second = 90 seconds per circle
Darren VNG Lecture 2023