Vestibular Flashcards
5 vestibular receptor organs
- Horizontal SSC
- Posterior SSC
- Anterior SSC
- Sacculus
- Utricle
3 relationships between SCCs and utricle
- at right angles to each other
- Anterior SCC is coplanar with contralateral Posterior SCC
- Horizontal SCC and utricle usually parallel with earth
Receptive area of SCC
The thickened epithelium in the ampula is called
Ampullary crista
The ampulla contains
Culupa: gelatinous diaphram + hair cells within
What is displaced by endolymph current?
Hair cells depolarize when they’re bent….
toward the kinocilium
K+ channels open and K+ flows in
Hair cells hyperpolarize when they’re bent…
away from the kincilium
Basolateral K+ channels open and K+ flows out
Physical relation of SCC kinocilium to utricle
Horizontal: kinocilium closer to utricle
Anterior & Posterior: kincilium on side farther from utricle
Horizontal SCC when head turns Left
Left depolarize
RIght hyperpolarize
Horzontal SCC when head turns Rights
Right depolarizes
Left hyperpolarize
Orientation of otolithic organs
Utricle: horizontal
Saccule: verticle
What does the otolithic membrane contain
macula that contain steriocilia
How does the utricle respond to head rotation?
It doesn’t
What direction polarizes otolith hair cells? Why?
Many different directions
Because the striola curves through the macula