Vert. Presentation Cards Flashcards
Female infertility rates
1/3 of infertility in couples is from females alone.
1/3 from males
1/3 from both
10 to 15% of all couples are infertile.
What prevents sperm and egg contact?
Pelvic infection, endometriosis, pelvic surgery, ectopic pregnancy all lead to scarring.
Alcohol Dehydrogenase
A gene that almost fully protects the fetus from the effects of a mother’s alcohol intake during pregnancy.
First to notice physical attributes of fetal alcohol syndrome
Parents and teachers are often first
Fetus’ jaw is abnormally small.
Micro = small
gnathia= jaw
Epicanthal folds
Upper eyelid skin
Lip philtrum guide
Used to diagnose the severity of fetal alcohol syndrome based on the child’s upper lip on a 1-5 scale.
Mental problems associated with fetal alcohol syndrome
ADHD, poor memory, short attention span, learning problems.
Rates of fetal alcohol syndrome
1-2 in every 1000 children in the US are born with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Services for FAS
Disability services have the most positive impact.
Mirror twins
Genetically identical with opposite hands, opposite cowlicks in hair, etc.
Twin to twin transfusion
A condition where one twin takes the blood of the other through the placenta. One twin is the donor, the other the recipient.
Twin development can be detected at…
5-6 weeks in pregnancy.
Survival rate of conjoined twins
5 to 25%
Plan B- One Step
One pill. Contains high levels of levonorgestrel. A type of emergency contraception.
Doctors can refuse to give to patients.
May increase chance of ectopic pregnancy.
Does not have an effect on an implanted zygote.
Plan B one step prevents pregnancy by…
Prevents or delays ovulation. Increases the thickness of cervical mucus, making sperm less motile. Prevents the zygote from implanting.
Side effects of Plan B-One step
Headache, changes in menstrual cycle, and nausea.
Availability of Plan B One Step
17 and under need perscription. If older, only need ID.
Hemolytic Disease of the New born
Alloimmune disease where mother’s antibodies attack the fetus’ red blood cells. ABO immunity is most common cause.
Diagnosed via Indirect Coombs Test and Blood Serum Test. Agglutination means positive test.
Occurs in 20-25% of pregnancies.
Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn symptoms
Reticulocytosis, jaundice, and hydrops fetalis
RhoGam (Rh immunoglobuin)
Given at 28 weeks and 72 hours after birth.
Intrauterine blood transfusion
Effective way of treating HDN.
Mild cases of HDN can be treated by…
hydration, steroids, antihistamines
HDN in horses
Colostrum- feeding from mother. After about 7 days.
Expulsion from the uterus before term. Abnormal fetus causes almost all miscarriages during the first three months.
Back pain, contractions, weight loss, and brown or red bleeding (symptoms).
1 in 4 pregnancies.
Pelvic exam and ultrasound can confirm miscarriages.
1-2% of women have repeated miscarriages.
When symptoms of a miscarriage occur
Rest, restrict activity, and refrain from sex.
Elective Abortion
Legalized in 1973. Aspiration is an early method.
Late Term Abortion
Used in the 2 and 3 trimesters.
Dilation and Evacuation:
Induction: Induces labor
Dilation and Extraction: Used after 24. Banned in the US.
Unconjugated bilirubin is a waste product resulting from the destruction of red blood cells. High levels in the blood can be toxic.
Albumin carries unconjugated bilirubin to the liver. Liver reacts with glucoronic acid.
Phototherapy is a common treatment.
Kernicterus is brain damage due to the levels of bilirubin.
In Vitro
Process of assisted fertilization. Literally means “in glass”.
63% are single children, 32% are twins and 5% are multiples.
Embryo is transferred to the uterus when it has about 8 cells.
Transvaginal oocyte retrieval
Reduced surgical retrieval by half. Used in in Vitro fertilization
Stimulates LH and FSH an inhibits the release of human gonadotropin. Results in mass ovulation.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis. Done by removing one cell from the embryo to analyze for genetic disorders.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Used when male sperm count is very low or when chances of fertilization are low.
What year was “the Pill” legalized for all women?
Margaret Sanger founded?
Planned Parenthood.
Since the Pill was approved?
The number of women who graduated from college increased by 5 times.
Number of women in the work force went up by 3 times
Pregnancy related deaths dropped by 50%.
What percentage of employer insurance plans cover contraception?
Half the pregnancies in the US are unplanned?
How does contraception prevent pregnancy?
- Prevents the release of the egg
- Thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm motility
- Thinning uterine lining to prevent attachment of a fertilized egg.
- Block the fallopian tubes to prevent contact between sperm and egg.
Which method of contraception offers a number of health benefits?
Depoprevera (shot) has which side effect?
Bone thinning.
Some drugs interfere with what kind of contraception?
Hormonal contraception
Two types of IUD available in the US
Copper T IUD: Paraguard
Hormonal IUD: Mirena (common)
Female sterilization
Permanent! 1/5 women regret it.
Teratogenic Effect
Anything that causes a birth defect
Developmental problem that can occur in a fetus from smoking
Club feet
What is SIDS?
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
What is the problem with smoking while breastfeeding?
Nicotine passes easily through fluids, the baby ingests it.
What effect does maternal smoking have on a child/adult?
Aggressiveness, addiction, hyperactivity
Why do some mothers smoke while pregnant?
Poor education, addiction.
Gestational Diabetes
Too much glucose can lead to a baby that cannot be delivered safely.
Women that experience gestational diabetes have a high risk of having type II diabetes between 5 and 15 years later.
Hypoglycemia is caused by various hormone disorders and too much insulin.
Similar to type II diabetes
Leads to insulin resistance during pregnancy
Insulin Resistance
Term referring to the placenta producing a large number of hormones that interfere with the body’s usual response to insulin.
Organ responsible for insulin production
High risk in women with gestiational diabetes. Blood pressure is too high, causing swelling of arms and legs.
low blood sugar
high blood sugar
Molecular formula for cocaine
Cocaine babies
Cocaine decreases the circumference of the baby’s head.
Low birth rates.
Placental abruption
Babies can experience withdrawals hours after birth