Verilog Flashcards
Implicit nets
wire [2:0] a, c;
assign a = 3’b101;
assign b = a;
assign c = b;
my_module i1 (d,e);
where error in above lines.
Implicit nets
Implicit nets are often a source of hard-to-detect bugs. In Verilog, net-type signals can be implicitly created by an assign statement or by attaching something undeclared to a module port. Implicit nets are always one-bit wires and causes bugs if you had intended to use a vector. Disabling creation of implicit nets can be done using the `default_nettype none directive.
wire [2:0] a, c; // Two vectors
assign a = 3’b101; // a = 101
assign b = a; // b = 1 implicitly-created wire
assign c = b; // c = 001 <– bug
my_module i1 (d,e); // d and e are implicitly one-bit wide if not declared.
// This could be a bug if the port was intended to be a vector.
Adding `default_nettype none would make the second line of code an error, which makes the bug more visible.
what does || and | do? which is bitwise and which is logical?
|| is logical which means it only checks for 0 or non-zero
is bitwise which means for vectors a[3:0] and b[3:0]
input [15:0] in;
output [23:0] out;
assign {out[7:0], out[15:8]} = in;
assign out[15:0] = {in[7:0], in[15:8]};
assign out = {in[7:0], in[15:8]};
input [15:0] in;
output [23:0] out;
assign {out[7:0], out[15:8]} = in; // Swap two bytes. Right side and left side are both 16-bit vectors.
assign out[15:0] = {in[7:0], in[15:8]}; // This is the same thing.
assign out = {in[7:0], in[15:8]}; // This is different. The 16-bit vector on the right is extended to
// match the 24-bit vector on the left, so out[23:16] are zero.
// In the first two examples, out[23:16] are not assigned.
how to do case statements?
always @(*) begin // This is a combinational circuit
case (in)
1’b1: begin
out = 1’b1; // begin-end if >1 statement
1’b0: out = 1’b0;
default: out = 1’bx;
what is casez?
always @(*) begin
casez (in[3:0])
4’bzzz1: out = 0; // in[3:1] can be anything
4’bzz1z: out = 1;
4’bz1zz: out = 2;
4’b1zzz: out = 3;
default: out = 0;
A 2-to-1 multiplexer between a and b selected by sel. using conditional operator
(sel ? b : a)
A T-flip-flop. using always and conditional operator
always @(posedge clk)
q <= toggle ? ~q : q;
State transition logic for a one-input FSM
always @(*)
case (state)
A: next = w ? B : A;
B: next = w ? A : B;
A tri-state buffer using conditinoal operator
assign out = ena ? q : 1’bz;
A 3-to-1 mux using conditional operator
((sel[1:0] == 2’h0) ? a : (sel[1:0] == 2’h1) ? b : c )
Given a 100-bit input vector [99:0], reverse its bit ordering.
Module Declaration
module top_module(
input [99:0] in,
output [99:0] out
module top_module (
input [99:0] in,
output reg [99:0] out
always @(*) begin for (int i=0;i<$bits(out);i++) // $bits() is a system function that returns the width of a signal. out[i] = in[$bits(out)-i-1]; // $bits(out) is 100 because out is 100 bits wide. end
how to use generate block to create a csa adder using full adders?
module full_adder(input in1, input in2, input cin, output carry, output sum);
wire [1:0] carry_and_sum;
always @* begin
carry_and_sum = in1+in2+cin;
sum = carry_and_sum[0];
carry = carry_and_sum[1];
module top_module(
input [99:0] a, b,
input cin,
output [99:0] cout,
output [99:0] sum );
genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) begin : adders if (i == 0) full_adder fa(a[i], b[i], cin, cout[i], sum[i]); else full_adder fa(a[i], b[i], cout[i-1], cout[i], sum[i]); end endgenerate endmodule