Vergence Eye Movements TopHat Flashcards
T/F: vergence eye movements (EM) moves the eyes in same direction so images of a single object are held simultaneously on both fovea
false → moves the eyes in opposite direction
T/F: VMC is a type of empirical horopter
false → equiangular (geometric) horopter
T/F: uncrossed binocular disparity may stimulate negative fusional vergence (divergence)
T/F: disparity convergence latency value is 180 ms
T/F: during disparity vergence the initial 200 msec portion if effectively a closed-loop
false → open loop
T/F: a horizontal disparity vergence response takes approximately 8 seconds to complete
false → approximately 1 second to complete
T/F: accommodative vergence is only present during monocular conditions, but not during binocular conditions
false → present in both monocular & binocular conditions
T/F: disparity vergence fast system uses a leaky integrator with a time constant of ~10 sec
T/F: both high & low AC/A ratios indicates normal binocular vision
false → indicates binocular vision problems
T/F: alcohol causes decrease in AC/A ratio
T/F: in main sequence, peak vergence velocity increases as vergence amplitude increases, with a ratio of approx. 4:1
T/F: lesion of dorsal vermis leads to exodeviation (excess divergence)
false → lesion of fastigial oculomotor region
lesion of dorsal vermis leads to esodeviation (excess convergence)
T/F: patient w/ head trauma has normal vergence
false → abnormal vergence