Verbs with different meanings in the past Flashcards
I met him yesterday
le conocí ayer
I knew the root of the outbreak
conocia la raiz del brote
I (had the ability) could do it, but didn’t do it.
podia hacerlo, pero no pude hacerlo
I succeeded in arriving on time.
Pude llegar a tiempo
I could not do it.
No podia hacerlo
I wanted to upgrade my phone
queria actualizar mi teléfono
I tried to solve their problems
quise resolver sus problemas
I refused to lie
no quise mentir
I didn’t want to blame them
no queria echar la culpa a ellos
I knew that the working class felt overwhelmed
sabia que la prole se sentia avasallado
I found out that he had refused to bargain
supe que él ha rechazado regatear
I had a book about endangered animals
Tenia un libro sobre las especies en peligro de extinction
I received the tools yesterday
Tuve las herramientas ayer