Verbs Vocab Flashcards
āhebban, āhōf, āhōfon, āhafen
class VI strong, ‘to raise, lift up’
gewītan, gewāt, gewiton, gewiten
class I strong, ‘to depart, to go’
hātan, heht, hēton, hāten
class VII strong, ‘to call up, command, order’
lǣdan, lǣde, lǣded
class I weak, ‘to lead, to bring’
habban, hæfde, hæfd
class III weak, ‘to have, to hold’
ābēodan, ābēad, ābudon, āboden
class II strong, ‘to bid, announce’
belūcan, belēac, belucon, belocen
class II strong, ‘to close, lock, shut’
estīgan, gestāh, gestigon, gestigen
class I strong, ‘to ascend, to climb, to mount’
sendan, sende, sened
class I weak, ‘to send, etc’
swogan, swēog, swēogon, swōgen
class VII strong, ‘to resound, to roar’
stīgan, stāh, stigon, stigen
class I strong, ‘to rise, ascend’
wealdan, wēold, wēoldon, wealden
class VII strong, ‘to wield, direct’
wrecan, wræc, wræcon, wrecen
class V strong, ‘to wreak, force; to tell, utter’
grīpan, grāp, gripon, gripen
class I strong, ‘to grasp, seize’
segnian, segnade, segnad
class II weak, ‘to bless, consecrate’
belūcan, belēac, belucon, belocen
class II strong, ‘to close, lock up, shut’
gebīdan, gebād, gebidon, gebiden
class I strong, ‘to pray for, await, attain, experience’
hrēran, hrērde, hrēred
class I weak, ‘to stir, move’
wadan, wōd, wōdon, waden
class V strong, ‘to wade, stride’
cweðan, cwæð, cwǣdon, cweden
class V strong, ‘to speak, to say’
cwīðan, cwīðe, cwīðed
class I weak, ‘to bewail, moan, accuse’
class I weak, ‘to graze’
class I weak, ‘to plow’
licgan, læg, lǣgon, legen
class V strong, ‘to extend, to lie (on the ground(‘–3rd person singular present līð
eardian, eardode, eardod
class II weak, ‘to dwell, inhabit, live (at a place), occupy’
oferfēran, oferfērde, oferfēred
class I weak, ‘to cross, traverse’
hergian, hergode, gehergod
class II weak, ‘to conduct raids, etc’
geseglian, geseglode, geseglod
class II weak, ‘to sail’
wician, wīcode, wīcod
class II weak, ‘to anchor’
feallan, fēoll, fēollon, feallen
class VII strong, ‘to fall, flow’
sige habban
to win (the) victory
ābrecan, ābræc, ābrǣcon, ābrocen
to break down
gesēon, geseah, gesāwon, gesewen
to see
ofslēan, ofslōh, ofslōgon, ofslægen
to slay
stelan, stæl, stǣlon, gestolen
to steal
weaxan, wēox, wēoxon, geweaxen
to grow, wax
to save
to perform
to divide
(III strong) to mourn; be anxious, fearful
(III weak) to think, intend
(III strong) to surround
(I weak) to serve, to feed; (figurative) to kill
(I weak) to surround, afflict
(IV strong) to bear, carry, bring forth; give birth to
anomalous verb: to put, to do, to take; to bring about, to cause
(II weak) to assemble, collect, unite, gather
(I strong) to tear, tear apart
(I weak) to institute, establish
(III strong) to ask, hear (of)
(I weak) to raise up, to offer, to promote, commit
(II) to end
let us
(I weak) strengthen, enhance; arrange
(I weak) glorify
(VII strong) to let, leave, leave alone; omit; abandon, release; allow, permit
(I weak) to release
(VII strong) to go, walk, get