Verbs Of Movement Etc Flashcards
Empezar a + inf
Comenzar a + inf.
Empezar el proyecto
Empezar a correr
Comenzar a comer
enseñar a + inf
aprender a + inf
Enseñar a caminar
Aprender a tomar
Ponerse a + inf
Se puso a estudiar
-he started to study
Al escuchar la noticia, nos pusimos a llorar.
-Upon hearing the news, we began to cry.
Ir a + inf
Venir a + inf
Volver a + inf (to do again)
Going to do something
I am going to study
I am going to cook
To come to do something
Juan vino a contarme lo que sucedió ayer.
To do something again
Deberías volver a pintar la casa.
You should paint the house again.
No quiero volver a verla 
I don’t want to see her again 
Acercarse a …
To get closer to some thing or someone
Quieres acercarte a la pantalla?
Do you want to get closer to the screen?
Acércate a mí
Acércate a tu abuela
Acostumbrarse a …
To get used to, to get accustomed to something
Hay que acostumbrarse al calor
One has to get used to the heat
Estoy acostumbrado al calor
I’m used to the heat
Maria está acostumbrada a trabajar todos los días
Maria is used to working every day 
Asistir a …
To attend …
Quiero asistir al evento
I want to attend the event 
Dedicarse a …
To dedicate one self to something
A qué te dedicas?
What do you do ?
(Dedicate yourself to )
A qué se dedica?
Juan, se dedica a enseñar a niños a tocar el piano
Juan dedicates himself to teaching children to play the piano
Parecerse a …
To look like or resemble
Me parezco a mi abuelo
I look like my grandfather
Mi amigo, se parece mucho al tipo que acabe de entrar
My friend looks a lot like the guy who just came in
Los hermanos se parecen
My brothers look alike
Las hermanas se parecen a él
The brothers look like him 
Limitarse a …
To limit oneself to doing something
Voy a limitarme a comer sólo dos donas al día
I am going to limit myself to eating only two donuts a day
Los testigos deben abstenerse de hablar del caso con la prensa
The witnesses must refrain from talking about the case with the press
Abstenerse de…
To abstain, to refrain from doing something
Por razones de salud, me abstengo de comer carne de res
For health reasons, I refrain from eating beef 
Abusar de
To abuse something or someone
Juan, abusa de su autoridad 
Juan abuses his authority
Quejarse de
To complain about
Los vecinos siempre se quejan en nuestras fiestas
The neighbors always complain about our parties
Juan, se queja de todo
Juan complains about everything
Consistir en…
To consist of
Su trabajo consiste en atender a los clientes y resolver sus problemas 
Her job consist of assisting customers resolving their problems 
Amenazar con…
To threaten to do something
El jefe amenazó con despedir a todos los empleados

The boss threaten to fire all of the employees 
El escándalo amenaza con poner fin a su carrera
The scandal threatens to put an end to her career
El ladrón me amenazó con un cuchillo
A thief threaten me with a knife