what is the word derviation of narro and what does it mean ?
narrate,to tell a story in detail
what is the word derviation for navigo and what does it mean
navigation,the passage of ships
what is the word derviation for paro and what does it mean
prepare, to make ready before hand
what is the word derviation for porto and what does it mean
porter, a person employed
what is word derviation for pugno and what does it mean
pugnatious, wanting to start a fight
what is the word derivation for saluto and what does it mean
salute,gesture of respect
what is the word derviation for servo and what does it mean
serve,perform duties to diffrent people
what is the word derivation for specto and what does it mean
spectator, someone who watches a show
what is the word derivation for stopping and what does it mean
stand, to maintain an upright position
what is the word derivation for supero and what does it mean
super, over and above
what is the word derivation for voco and what does it mean
vocal, relating to someones voice
what is the word derivation for vulnus ad what does it mean
vunerable,exposed to the possibility of being attacked