Verbs like Gustar (example phrases) Flashcards
I like to play football
A mí me gusta jugar fútbol
I like you
A mí me gustas (tú)
I really like dogs
Me encantan los perros
I really like her
A mí me encanta (ella)
I am fascinated by spaceships
A mí me fascinan las naves espaciales
You are fascinated by her
A ti te fascina (ella)
I care about them
A mí me importan (ellos)
You care about the situation
A tí te importa la situation
We are bothered by the noise
A nosotros nos molesta la bulla
I am bothered by you
A mí me molestas (tú)
I think it is fun
A mí me parece muy divertido
I am itched by the bite
A mí me pica la picadura
She is itched by the mosquito
A ella le pica el mosquito
I am missing to check in for my flight
I haven’t done it yet
A mí me falta el checkin para mi vuelo
I am missing you for a cuddle
you are lacking, not here
A mí me faltas (tú) para un abrazo
I am bored by this lecture
A mí me aburre esta lectura
We are bored by you
A nosotros nos aburres (tú)
It’s enough food for you?
A ti te basta la comida?
He has enough cuddles
A él le bastan los abrazos
I like her
Caer bien
A mí me cae bien (con ella)
We don’t like you
Caer mal
A nosotros nos caes mal (tú)
He is disgusted by the smell
A él le da asco el olor
I am disgusted by them
A mí me dan asco (ellos)
They really dislike the room
A ellos les disgusta la habitación
I really dislike him
A mí me disgusta (él)
I am hurt by the cut
A mí me duele el corte
She is hurt by the fracture
A ella le duele la fractura
You suit the clothes
A tí te queda la ropa
For me remains £50
A mí me quedan cincuenta libras
They miss me
A ellos les hago falta
I miss them
A mí me hacen falta (ellos)
I am glad of it that you are here
A mí me alegra que estés aquí
You have to take out the rubbish
A tí te toca sacar la basura
He always has to do the reports
A él le toca siempre hacer los informes
I see appearing to me an error message
A mí me aparece un mensaje de error
I can’t see appearing to me the emails
A mí no me aparecen los correos electrónicos
I made it good?
A mí me quedó bueno?
Yes, you made it good
Sí, a ti te quedó bueno.
Yes, I am being driven crazy by the kids
Sí, A mí me vuelven locos (los niños)
Are you being driven crazy by the kids?
(A ti) te vuelven locos los niños?
I am annoyed by you
A mí me fastidias (tú)
I am annoyed by the sound
A mí me fastidia la bulla