Verbs like Gustar COPY Flashcards
Do you like this idea?
¿Te gusta esta idea?
We like speaking.
Nos gusta hablar.
My friend likes it.
A mi amiga le gusta.
- To give
- Dar
- To like
- Gustar
- To make/do
- Hacer
- To seem
- Parecer
- To go
- Ir
- To permit/allow
- Permitir
- To interest
- Interesar
- To remain (or to fit/to suit)
- Quedar
- To pass
- Pasar
- To call
- Llamar
- To occur
- Ocurrir
- To be important
- Importar
- To leave
- Dejar
- To take
- Llevar
- To put
- Poner
- To lack (or to miss/to go)
- Faltar
- To touch
- Tocar
- To cost/to be difficult
- Costar
- To come
- Venir
- To delight/love (things or activities)
- Encantar
- To offer
- Ofrecer
- To serve
- Servir
- To arrive
- Llegar
- To result
- Resultar
- To worry
- Preocupar
In that moment it gave him fear to ask for help.
En ese momento, a él le dio miedo pedir ayuda.
Do you like to read?
¿Te gusta leer?
I didn’t used to like mushrooms.
No me gustaban los champiñones.
I need milk.
Me hace falta leche.
What makes you laugh?
¿Qué te hace reír?
It seems strange to me.
Me parece extraño.
What do you think?
¿Qué te parece?
Is it okay with you?
¿Te va bien?
This (medical) treatment is better for me.
Este tratamiento me va mejor.
These glasses allow me to see better.
Estas gafas me permiten ver mejor.
My job doesn’t allow me to relax.
Mi trabajo no me permite relajarme.
It doesn’t interest me to go to the beach today.
No me interesa ir a la playa hoy.
This trip interests us a lot.
Este viaje nos interesa mucho.
You aren’t left with any other option.
No te queda otra opción.
I don’t have any flour left.
No me queda harina.
What happened to you?
¿Qué te pasó?
The same thing happens to me often.
Me pasa lo mismo a menudo.
What caught (present tense) your attention in the book?
¿Qué te llama la atención de este libro?
That song caught my attention.
Esa canción me llamó la atención.
What is happening to you?
¿Qué te ocurre?
These things never happen to me.
Estas cosas nunca me ocurren.
I don’t mind (It’s not important to me)
No me importa.
The exam results aren’t important to her.
Los resultados de los exámenes a ella no le importan.
This story leaves me with some questions.
Esta historia me deja con algunas preguntas.
This diet does not leave me satisfied.
Esta dieta no me deja satisfecho.
It took me a long time to understand it.
Me llevó mucho tiempo entenderlo.
This leads us to think that it’s possible.
Esto nos lleva a pensar que es posible.
It puts me in a good mood to see my friends.
Me pone de buen humor ver a mis amigos.
The problems here make me very sad.
Los problemas aquí me ponen muy triste.
What are you missing in order to reach your goals?
¿Qué te falta para alcanzar tus metas?
My son is lacking motivation.
A mi hijo le falta motivación.
Your story is touching.
Tu historia me toca.
It seems great to me.
Me parece genial.
Spanish verb conjugations are difficult for me.
Las conjugaciones verbales españolas me cuestan.
What costs you the most to learn Spanish?
¿Qué es lo que te cuesta más aprender del español?
Is it ok with you to meet up with me this afternoon?
¿Te viene bien quedar conmigo esta tarde?
Nothing comes to (my) mind.
Nada me viene a la mente.
I love it!
¡Me encanta!
I love this type of food.
Me encanta este tipo de comida.
What does the new job offer you? (What adv does the new job offer)
¿Qué te ofrece el trabajo nuevo?
This weekend offers me an opportunity to relax.
Este fin de semana me ofrece la oportunidad de relajarme.
This attitude doesn’t serve me.
Esta actitud no me sirve.
What good does it serve you to argue?
¿De qué te sirve discutir?
I came to like that place a lot.
Me llegó a gustar mucho ese lugar.
If a difficult time comes, remember your dream.
Si te llega un momento difícil, recuerda tu sueño.
I’m sorry, I can not possibly help you today.
Lo siento, me resulta imposible ayudarte hoy.
I still find it difficult to believe his story.
Todavía me resulta difícil creer su historia.
Nothing worries me.
Nada me preocupa.
I worry a lot about the future.
Me preocupa mucho el futuro.
- To bother
- Molestar
Crowded restaurants bother me.
Me molestan los restaurantes llenos.
We have only two weeks of school left
Solo nos quedan dos semanas más en la escuela.
It’s really difficult for me to understand this homework.
Me cuesto mucho entender esta tarea.
They appear to be a very nice couple to me.
A mí me parece una pareja muy buena.
We lack strong players on the team.
Nos faltan jugadores fuertes en el equipo.
I miss you.
Me haces falta.
Golf really bores me.
Me aburre mucho el golf.
Those kids worry me.
A mí me preocupan estos niños.
My boss doesn’t allow me to take breaks.
Mi jefe no me permite tomar descansos.
My stomach really hurts today.
Hoy me duele mucho el estómago.
I’m fascinated by the idea of evolution.
Me fascina la idea de la evolución.
It’s up to me to save the day.
Me toca salvar el día.
- To itch, to be itchy
- Picar
Sara’s arms are very itchy after her camping trip.
A Sara le pican mucho los brazos después del viaje al campamento.
- To get along well with
- Caer bien/mal
I get along with all the students.
Todos los estudiantes me caen bien.
- To be left over; to fit (clothing)
- Quedar
The printer is out of paper.
A la impresora no le queda papel.
That skirt fits you well.
Esa falda te queda bien.
Quedar vs Faltar
Q: Expresses what someone or something has left.
F: Expresses what someone or something lacks.
- To disgust
- Disgustar
The anchovies disgust me.
Las anchoas me disgustan OR Me disgustan las anchoas. (either way works)
This coat is missing a button.
A este abrigo le falta un botón.
I have a very good impression of Julian.
Julián me cae muy bien.
You have two books left to read.
Te quedan dos libros para leer.
Does your ankle hurt?
¿Te duele el tobillo?
It matters to us that you be happy.
Nos importa que seas feliz.
Politics interests me a lot.
La política me interesa mucho.
It doesn’t both Lia for people to ask her questions.
A Lia no le molesta que le hagan preguntas.
That sweater look a little big on you.
Ese suéter te queda un poco grande.
You’re missing a dollar.
Te falta un dólar.
- To annoy
- Hartar
Paulina annoyed us yesterday.
Paulina nos hartó ayer.
I care about my family a lot.
A mí me importa mucho mi familia.
- To impress
- Impresionar
I am impressed by your results.
Me impresionan tus resultados.
Your friends are interested in sports.
A tus amigos les interesan los deportes.
Kids bother you.
A ti te molestan los niños.
- To offend
- Ofender
Your comments offend me.
Me ofenden tus comentarios.
Clive is worried about money.
A Clive le preocupa el dinero.
That T-shirt suits you well.
Esa camisa te queda bien.
- To like (things, activities, people)
- Agradar
Do you like this restaurant?
¿Te agrada este restaurant?
We don’t like our neighbors.
No nos agradan los vecinos.
- To like (Mexico; a person)
- Caer Bien/mal
We don’t like your girlfriend.
No nos cae bien tu novia.
Did you like the new girls?
¿Te cayeron bien las chicas nuevas?
- To struggle/to cost
- Costar
This phone cost me a lot of money.
Este teléfono me costó mucho dinero.
Lucia struggles with math.
A Lucia le cuestan las matemáticas.
Verbs like gustar are called affective verbs. Why?
They allow you to talk about feelings, interests, like and dislikes towards something or someone.
- To bore (something or someone is boring you)
- Aburrir
- To amuse/to enjoy (things or people)
- Divertir
I enjoy going out with my friends.
A mí me divierte salir con mis amigos.
The clown amuses the baby.
A la bebé le divierten los payasos.
To hurt
Doler (always conjugated with a IO pronoun)
Yesterday we had a headache all day.
Ayer nos dolió la cabeza todo el día.
My legs hurt a lot.
Me duelen muchísimo las piernas.
We were impressed by what you did for your sister.
Nos impresionó lo que hiciste por tu hermana.
Does your job seem boring to you?
Te parece aburrido tu trabajo?