Verbs From Class Flashcards
To produce
To be in disagreement
Estar en desacuerdo
To intervene
To defend
Defender (e-ie(
To impose tariffs against
Imponer tariffas sobre
To be under the control of
Estar bajo el control de
To arrive on the moon
Llegar a la luna
To generate loss
Generar pedidas
To fell pride
Sentir(se) orgulloso
To be self centered
Estar centrado en a simisma
To threaten
To be under the influence of
Estar bajo la infuencia de
To be reluctant to do sth
Ser reacio a hacer algo
To spare no expense para
No escatimar gatos para
To reinforce
To strengthen; to reinforce
To allude to x
Aludir a x
To threaten to do sth
Amenazar con hacer algo
To criticize
To substitute x for f
Sustituir x por y
To be in ones power to do sth
Estar en su mano por hacer algo
To stoke; to give life to ( something)
The last straw
La gota que colma el vaso ( x ha sido la gota que ha colmado el vaso de z)
To have plans to do something
Tener previsto hacer algo
To report
To usually do something
Soler hacer algo
To collapse
To be a source of algo
Ser fuente de algo
To reach the bottom of x
Llegar hasta el fondo de x
To emphasize