Verbs from class 11/4 Flashcards
can, to be able to
io posso
I can, am able to
tu poui
you can, are able to
lui/lei può
he/she can, is able to
noi possiamo
we can, are able to
voi potete
you all can, are able to
loro possono
they can, are able to
have to, must
io devo
I have to, must
tu devi
you have to, must
lui/lei deve
he/she has to, must
noi dobbiamo
we have to, must
voi dovete
you all have to, must
loro devono
they have to, must
to want
io voglio
I want
tu vuoi
you want
lui/lei vuole
he/she wants
noi vogliamo
we want
voi volete
you all want
loro vogliono
they want
to die
io muoio
I die
tu muori
you die
lui/lei muore
he/she dies
noi moriamo
we die
voi morite
you all die
loro muoiono
they die
to go up, get up, mount
io salgo
I go up, get up, mount
tu sali
you go up, get up, mount
lui/lei sale
he/she goes up, gets up, mounts
noi saliamo
we go up, get up, mount
voi salite
you all go up, get up, mount
loro salgono
they go up, get up, mount
to come
io vengo
I come
tu vieni
you come
lui/lei viene
he/she comes
noi veniamo
we come
voi venite
you all come
loro vengono
they come
to salt
io salo
i salt
tu sali
you salt
lui/lei sale
you salt
noi saliamo
we salt
voi salate
you all salt
loro salano
they salt