Verbs acheter, manger, lancer, nettoyer Flashcards
I buy
you buy inf.
tu achètes
she buys
elle achète
we buy
nous achetons
you buy form.
vous achetez
they buy
elles achètent
I throw
Je lance
you throw inf.
tu lances
he throws
il lance
we throw
nous lançons
you throw form.
vous lancez
they throw
ils lancent
I eat
Je mange
you eat inf.
tu manges
she eats
elle mange
we eat
nous mangeons
you eat form.
vous mangez
they eat
elles mangent
I clean
Je nettoie
you clean inf.
tu nettoies
he cleans
il nettoie
we clean
nous nettoyons
you clean form.
vous nettoyez
they clean
ils nettoient
To buy (imparfait)
achetais, achetait, achetions, achetiez, achetaient
to buy (future)
achèterai, achèteras, achètera, achèterons, achèterez, achèteront
to eat (future)
mangerai, mangeras, mangera, mangerons, mangerez, mangeront
I ate
je mangeais
you ate inf.
tu mangeais
she ate
elle mangeait
we ate
nous mangions
you ate form.
vous mangiez
they ate
ils mangeaient
to throw (future)
lancerai, lanceras, lancera, lancerons, lancerez, lanceront
I threw
Je lançais
you threw inf.
tu lançais
he threw
il lançait
we threw
nous lancions
you threw form.
vous lanciez
they threw
elles lançaient
to clean (imparfait)
nettoyais, nettoyait, nettoyions, nettoyiez, nettoyaient
to clean (future)
nettoierai, nettoieras nettoiera, nettoierons, nettoierez, nettoieront