VERBS Flashcards
To bring / take
E.g I need to take (bring) Mega for a walk.
E.g O yiw dye Mega hang guy
To call
E.g I am called Brian / my name is Brian
E.g O giw Brian / O guh mehng hai Brian
To cook
E.g I will cook something to eat.
E.g O wui joo yeh sek.
To do
E.g What do you do?
E.g Lay joe mehah?
To eat / to drink
E.g You eat lunch / dinner
You drink water.
Sek / yum
E.g Lay sek fahn.
Lay yuhm soy.
To go
E.g where are you going?
E.g Lay hoi bin ah?
To hurt
E.g I hurt myself
Dzeng tsun
E.g O dzeng tsun
To like
E.g I like eating ice cream.
Choong yee
E.g O choong yee sek suet go
Would like (more polite)
E.g I would like a beer, please.
Seong yiw
E.g O seong yiw beh dzao
To need
E.g Do you need a bag?
E.g Lay soi m soiyiw doi?
To lose
E.g You are losing
E.g Ley sue guhn
To make
E.g I am making cake
E.g O dzeng guhn dahn go
To sleep
E.g I go to sleep
Fuhn gao
E.g O hoi fuhn gao
To travel
Hoi loi hung
To want
E.g I want a plastic bag.
E.g O yiw goh gao doi.