Verbs Flashcards
To Answer
Tense: Answered
Participe: Answered
Progressive: Answering
Mean: Responder
To Arrive
Tense: Arrived
Participe: Arrived
Progressive: Arriving
Mean: Llegar
To Ask
Tense: Asked
Progressive: Asking
Mean: Preguntar
To Be
Tense: Was, Were
Participe: Been
Progressive: Being
Mean: Ser o estar
To Become
Tense: Became
Participe: Become
Progressive: Becoming
Mean: Llegar a ser
To Begin
Tense: Began
Participe: Begun
Progressive: Beginnig
Mean: Comenzar
To Beat
Past form: beat
Past participle: beaten
Mean: Derrotar
To Bend
Past form: bent
Past participle: bent
Mean: doblar
Example: The machine bent the metal bar at a sharp angle.
To Bet
Past form: Bet
Past participle: Bet
Mean: Apuesta
Example: Rita bet ten dollars on a horse at the race track.
To Bid
Past form: Bid
Past participle: Bid
Mean: Ofertar
Example: Three construction companies are bidding for the prestigious contract.
(1) To Offer
To Bind
Past form: Bound
Past participle: Bound
Mean: Amarrar
Example: Colleen binds her ankles for stability.
To Bite
Past form: Bit
Past participle: Bitten
Mean: Morder
Example: The dog bit his leg
To Bleed
Past form: Bled
Past participle: Bled
Mean: Sangrar
Example: Her nose was bleeding badly.
To Blow
Past form: Blew
Past participle: Blown
Mean: Soplar
Example: The wind blew hard during the storm.
To Break
Past form: Broke
Past participle: Broken
Mean: Romper
Example: They had to break a window to get in.
To Breed
Past form: Bred
Past participle: Bred
Mean: Criar o reproducir (Animales)
Example: to keep animals in order to produce baby animals
To Bring
Past form: Brought Past participle: Brought Mean: Traer Example: Did you bring an umbrella with you? He brought me some flowers.
To Broadcast
Past form: Broadcast
Past participle: Broadcast
Mean: Transmitir
Example: a news broadcast
To Build
Past form: Built
Past participle: Built
Mean: Construir
To Burst
Past form: Burst
Past participle: Burst
Mean: Reventar
Example: If a container bursts, or if you burst it, it breaks suddenly, so that what is inside it comes out
To Buy
Past form: Bought
Past participle: Bought
Mean: Comprar
Example: I went to the shop to buy some milk.
To Cast
Past form: Cast
Past participle: Cast
Mean: Arrojar, lanzar
Example; These facts cast new light on the matter
To Catch
Past form: Caught
Past participle: Caught
Mean: Atrapar
Example: Try to catch the ball.
To Choose
Past form: Chose
Past participle: Chosen
Mean: Have you chosen a name for the baby?
To Cling
Past form: Clung
Past participle: Clung
Mean: Agarrar
Example: I clung on to his hand in the dark.
To Come
Past Form: Came
Past Participe: Come
Example: Can you come to my party?
Mean: Venir
To Cost
Past Form: Cost
Past Participe: Cost
Example: If something costs a particular amount of money, you have to pay that in order to buy or do it.
Mean: Costar
To Creep
Past Form: Crept
Past Participe: Crept
Example: I crept out of the room.
Mean: andar sigilosamente
To Deal
Past Form: Dealt
Past Participe: Dealt
Example: Whose turn is it to deal?
Mean: Repartir
To Dig
Past Form: Dug
Past Participe: Dug
Example: They dug a huge hole in the road.
Mean: Excavar.
To Dive
Past Form: Dove/Dived
Past Participe: Dove/Dived
Example: He dived off the side of the boat into the water.
Mean: Clavarse en agua.
To Do
Past Form: Did
Past Participe: Done
Example: Max’s Café does great sandwiches.
Mean: Hacer
To Draw
Past Form: Drew
Past Participe: Drawn
Example: She drew a picture of a tree.
Mean: Dibujar
To drink
Past Form: Drank
Past Participe: Drunk
Example: he doesn’t smoke or drink.
Mean: Beber
To Eat
Past Form: Ate
Past Participe: Eaten
Example: Let’s have something to eat (= some food).
Mean: Comer
To Fall
Past Form: Fell
Past Participe: Fallen
Example: She fell off her bike.
Mean: Caer
To feed
Past Form: Fed
Past Participe: Fed
Example: He fed the child with a spoon.
Mean: Alimentar
To Feel
Past Form: Felt
Past Participe: Felt
Example: I feel guilty about shouting at her.
Mean: Sentir
To Fight
Past Form: Fought
Past Participe: Fought
Example: Two men were fighting outside the bar.
Mean: Pelear
To Find
Past Form: Found
Past Participe: Found
Example: I found some money in my coat pocket.
Mean: Encontrar
To fit
Past Form: Fit
Past Participe: Fit
Example: How many people can fit in your car?
Mean: Caber
To Flee
Past Form: Fled
Past Participe: Fled
Example: He fled the country during the war.
Mean: Huir
Run Away / Escape
To Fly
Past Form: Flew
Past Participe: Flown
Example: The bird flew up into a tree.
Mean: Volar
To Forbid
Past Form: Forbade
Past Participe: Forbidden
Example: She forbade him to go.
Mean: Prohibir
To Forget
Past Form: Forgot
Past Participe: Forgotten
Example: I’ve forgotten my umbrella.
Mean: Olvidar
To Forgive
Past Form: Forgave
Past Participe: Forgiven
Example: to decide not to be angry with someone, or not to punish them for something bad they have done
Mean: Perdonar
To Freeze
Past Form: Froze
Past Participe: Frozen
Example: If you freeze something, you lower its temperature below 0°C, causing it to become cold and often hard, and if something freezes, its temperature goes below 0°C:
Mean: Congelar
To Get
Past Form: Got
Past Participe: Gotten
Example:We stopped on the way to get some breakfast.
Mean: Conseguir
To Give
Past Form: Gave
Past Participe: Given
Example: Can you give me a date for another appointment?
Mean: Dar o Regalar
To Go
Past Form: Went
Past Participe: Gone
Example: I went to Paris last summer. Have you ever been there?
Mean: Ir
To Grind
Past Form: Ground
Past Participe: Ground
Example: Shall I grind a little black pepper over your salad?
Mean: Moler
To Grow
Past Form: Grew
Past Participe: Grown
Example: This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.
Mean: Resplandecer
To Hang
Past Form: Hung
Past Participe: Hung
Example: If you hang wallpaper, you fix it to the wall.
Mean: Colgar
To Have/ Has
Past Form: Had
Past Participe: Had
Example: They have a beautiful home.
Mean: Tener
To Hear
Past Form: Heard
Past Participe: Heard
Example: I heard a really interesting programme on the radio this morning.
Mean: Oir
To Hide
Past Form: Hid
Past Participe: Hidden
Example: I like wearing sunglasses - I feel I can hide behind them.
Mean: Esconder o Ocultar
To Hit
Past Form: Hit
Past Participe: Hit
Example: Teachers are not allowed to hit their pupils.
Mean: Golpear
To Hold
Past Form: Held
Past Participe: Held
Example: Can you hold the bag while I open the door?
Mean: Sostener
To Hurt
Past Form: Hurt
Past Participe: Hurt
Example: Tell me where it hurts.
Mean: Doler o herir.
To Keep
Past Form: Kept
Past Participe: Kept
Example: I always keep a copy of any official or important letters that I send off.
Mean: Mantener
To Know
Past Form: Knew
Past Participe: Known
Example: “What does it cost?” “Ask Kate. She’ll know.”
Mean: Saber o conocer.
To Lay
Past Form: Laid
Past Participe: Laid
Example: She laid the baby on the bed.
Mean: Poner con cuidado.