VERBS Flashcards
Ponerse histeric@
become [bɪˈkʌm] (became (pt) (become (pp))) hysterical [hɪsˈterɪkəl] ADJ 1. (Psych) → histérico 2. (= out of control) → histérico To become hysterical Or o get hysterical
Entraria en panico, tendria miedo
I would panic
Quedarse inmovil(de miedo)
freeze (friːz) – past tense froze (frəuz) : past participle frozen (ˈfrəuzn) – verb
5. to make or become stiff, still or unable to move (with fear etc). She froze when she heard the strange noise.
quedarse inmóvil
I would freeze: me quedaria helado de miedo
act [ækt]
1. to do something. It’s time the government acted to lower taxes.
- (= conquer) [+ enemy, opposition] → vencer; [+ problem, temptation, inhibitions] → superar, vencer; [+ rage, fear, disgust] → superar, dominar
overcome [ˌəʊvəˈkʌm] (overcame (pt) (overcome (pp)))
- [+ body, treasure] → enterrar (fig) [+ memory, matter] → echar tierra sobre
bury [ˈberɪ] VT
buried by an avalanche → sepultado por una avalancha
- to speak or say very softly.
susurrar ; cuchichear ; hablar en voz baja
whisper (ˈwispə) verb
- [+ air] → respirar
breathe [briːð]
Mantener la calma
Keep calm
- to feel or cause to feel panic
panic (ˈpænɪk)
- be overcome by a sudden fear; “The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away”
(= evaluate) [+ damage, property] → valorar, tasar; [+ situation etc] → valorar
assess [əˈses] VT
to lose hope (of).
desesperar ; perder la esperanza
despair (diˈspeə) verb
to be offended /əˈfend/ ofenderse
Tener morriña, echar de menos
homesick [ˈhəʊmsɪk] ADJ to be homesick → tener morriña
I feel homesick → echo de menos mi casa
Estar decepcionado
to be disappointed /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/
Sentirse solo
To be lonely
To feel lonely
Estar o Sentirse orgulloso
to be proud/praʊd/
Estar nervioso
to be/feel nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/
Estar agradecido a sb
Agradecer algo
to be grateful /ˈgreɪtfʊl/ to sb
to be grateful for sth
Quedarse estupefacto (de sorpresa)
To be shocked /ʃɒkt/
Estar aliviado (person: freed from anxiety)
To be relieved (rɪˈliːvd)
2. To free from pain, anxiety, or distress: I was relieved by the news that they had arrived home safely.
Sentirse culpable( por algo)
to feel guilty (about sth) /ˈgɪltɪ/
- (usually postpositive) annoyed, discontented, or bored: estar harto
fed up (informal) [ˌfedˈʌp] to be fed up (with sth/sb) estar harto (de algo/algn) to be fed up with doing sth estar harto de hacer algo
(=distress) afectar; (=hurt, make sad) disgustar; (=offend) ofender, disgustar
upset ʌpˈset
the news upset her a lot la noticia la afectó mucho