Verbs- 1st Conjugation Flashcards
amo, amare, amavi, amatum
to love, like
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatum
to think, ponder, consider, plan
do, dare, dedi, datum
to give, offer
erro, errare, erravi, erratum
to wander; err, go astray, make a mistake, be mistaken
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatum
to praise
servo, servare, servavi, servatum
to preserve, save, keep, guard
conservo, conservare, conservavi, conservatum
to preserve, conserve, maintain (stronger form of servo)
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatum
to call, summon
satio, satiare, satiavi, satiatum
to satisfy, sate
iuvo (or adiuvo), iuvare, iuvi, iutum
to help, aid, assist; please
ceno, cenare, cenavi, cenatum
to dine
culpo, culpare, culpavi, culpatum
to blame, censure
supero, superare, superavi, superatum
to be above, have the upper hand, surpass; overcome, conquer
tolero, tolerare, toleravi, toleratum
to bear, endure
neco, necare, necavi, necatum
to murder, kill
demonstro, demonstrare, demonstravi, demonstratum
to point out, show, demonstrate
creo, creare, creavi, creatum
to create
sto, stare, setti, statum
to stand, stand still, stand firm
appello, appellare, appellavi, appellatum
to speak to, address (as), call, name
muto, mutare, mutavi, mutatum
to change, alter; exchange
vito, vitare, vitavi, vitatum
to avoid, shun
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatum
to look for, expect, await
desidero, desiderare, desideravi, desideratum
to desire, long for, miss
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatum
to sail, navigate
recito, recitare, recitavi, recitatum
to read aloud, recite
delecto, delectare, delectavi, delectatum
to delight, charm, please
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatum
to free, liberate
paro, parare, paravi, paratum
to prepare, provide; get, obtain
pronuntio, pronuntiare, pronuntiavi, pronuntiatum
to proclaim, announce; declaim; pronounce
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratum
to labor; be in distress
educo, educare, educavi, educatum
to bring up, educate
narro, narrare, narravi, narratum
to tell, report, narrate
nego, negare, negavi, negatum
to deny, say that… not
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatum
to annouce, report, relate
puto, putare, putavi, putatum
to reckon, suppose, judge, think, imagine
spero, sperare, speravi, speratum
to hope for, hope (that)
invito, invitare, invitavi, invitatum
to entertain, invite, summon
probo, probare, probavi, probatum
to approve, recommend; test
dedico, dedicare, dedicavi, dedicatum
to dedicate
praesto, praestare, praestiti, praestitum
to excel; exhibit, show, offer, supply, furnish
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatum
to fight
dubito, dubitare, dubitavi, dubitatum
to doubt, hesitate
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum
to ask
recuso, recusare, recusavi, recusatum
to refuse
Specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatum
To look at, see
Curo, curare, curavi, curatum
To care for, attend to; heal, cure; take care
To please, amuse, delight; pass time pleasantly
To speak, plead; beg, beseech, entreat, pray
To restore, revive; refresh, cheer
To make clear, brighten; cheer up, soothe
To walk
To pour a libation of, on; pour ritually; sip; touch gently
To fight against, attack, assault, assail
To equip, furnish, adorn
To spend or occupy the night
To unfold; explain; spread out, deploy
To weary, tire out