Verbs Flashcards
To memories verbs
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘sein’?
to be
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘haben’?
to have
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘gehen’?
to go
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘kommen’?
to come
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘sehen’?
to see
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘essen’?
to eat
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘trinken’?
to drink
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘lesen’?
to read
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘schreiben’?
to write
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘sprechen’?
to speak
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘arbeiten’?
to work
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘spielen’?
to play
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘kaufen’?
to buy
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘verkaufen’?
to sell
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘finden’?
to find
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘verlieren’?
to lose
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘beginnen’?
to begin
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘enden’?
to end
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘stehen’?
to stand
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘sitzen’?
to sit
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘liegen’?
to lie (down)
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘laufen’?
to run
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘fahren’?
to drive/go (by vehicle)
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘fliegen’?
to fly
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘schlafen’?
to sleep
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘denken’?
to think
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘glauben’?
to believe
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘wissen’?
to know
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘vergessen’?
to forget
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘erinnern’?
to remember
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘bringen’?
to bring
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘nehmen’?
to take
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘zeigen’?
to show
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘erzählen’?
to tell
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘fragen’?
to ask
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘antworten’?
to answer
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘warten’?
to wait
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘fühlen’?
to feel
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘lieben’?
to love
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘hassen’?
to hate
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘lächeln’?
to smile
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘weinen’?
to cry
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘suchen’?
to search
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘verstehen’?
to understand
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘erklären’?
to explain
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘beantworten’?
to answer (a question)
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘versuchen’?
to try
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘vergleichen’?
to compare
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘entscheiden’?
to decide
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘wählen’?
to choose
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘brauchen’?
to need
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘mögen’?
to like
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘dürfen’?
to be allowed to
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘können’?
to be able to
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘müssen’?
to have to
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘sollen’?
to should
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘wünschen’?
to wish
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘erwarten’?
to expect
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘verpassen’?
to miss
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘schicken’?
to send
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘empfangen’?
to receive
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘einladen’?
to invite
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘mitbringen’?
to bring along
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘aufstehen’?
to get up
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘ausgehen’?
to go out
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘einkaufen’?
to shop
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘abholen’?
to pick up
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘vorbereiten’?
to prepare
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘verändern’?
to change
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘behalten’?
to keep
What is the English translation of the German verb ‘aufhören’?
to stop