Verbs Flashcards
If you don’t want to have pimples(gr***s) apply this cream
Si no quieres tener granos, aplicate esta crema.
I want to apply to Harvard
Quiero solicitar plaza en Harvard
The hunter aimed and shot
El cazador apuntó y disparó.
The president appoints the judges of the Supreme Court
El presidente nombra a los jueces de la Corte Suprema.
Nobody attended the meeting yesterday
Nadie asistió a la reunión de ayer.
I want you to assist me with this project
Quiero que me ayudes con este proyecto.
I’m going to look after the client
Voy a atender al cliente.
to assist someone ayudar, atender / Atender means ‘to serve, to take care,’ or ‘to look after,
I have to take care of this patient
Tengo que atender a este paciente
Atender means ‘to serve, to take care,’ or ‘to look after,
(I want to attend the lecture)
Quiero asistir a la conferencia
expression: to pay attention
Estar a*****
estar atento/a (to pay attention)
Let me know if you cannot come
Avísame si no puedes venir.
Avisar does not mean to advise. It means ‘to inform,’ ‘to let someone know, to call to one’s attention’ or ‘to warn beforehand, especially of some danger.
(I advise you to study for the exam)
Te aconsejo que estudies para el examen.
the warning, the notice
el aviso
On leaving the cavern we were blinded by the lights
Cuando salimos de la caverna nos deslumbraron las luces.
Your(3ps) signature obliges (comp……) you to pay the invoice
Su firma le compromete a pagar la factura
Comprometer is not used in the sense of ‘to adjust or settle by mutual consent It means ‘to compromise’ in the sense of ‘to jeopardize’ or ‘to put someone in a predicament. On the other hand, the reflexive form comprometerse has various meanings: ‘to commit oneself to something, ie, politics, etc., or to get engaged.
María y Eliseo got engaged in Las Vegas
María y Eliseo se comprometieron en Las Vegas.
comprometerse has various meanings: ‘to commit oneself to something, ie, politics, etc., or to get engaged.
We agreed to share the expenses of the trip
LL*****s a
Llegamos a un acuerdo para compartir los gastos del viaje.
More likely Acordamos compartir los gastos del viaje.
to compromise llegar a un acuerdo mutuo, llegar a un compromiso
The actress did not answer the questions
La actriz, no contestó a las preguntas.
The lawyers contested(imp——-) the judge’s decision
Los abogados impugnaron la decisión del juez.
to contest impugnar (una decisión)
Expression: to answer the phone
contestar el teléfono
The bus collided with a tree
El autobús chocó contra un árbol.
Ana almost choked on a fish-bone
to choke ahogarse, asfixiarse, (~ on something) atragantarse
Ana casi se atragantó con una espina de pescado
to choke ahogarse, asfixiarse, (~ on something) atragantarse
He sued the insurance company for fraud
Demandó a la compañía de seguros por fraude.
He demanded (not suing) compensation from the company
Exigió una compensación a la compañía.
to demand pedir, exigir, reclamar, reivindicar
They started to argue in public
Se pusieron/empezaron a discutir en público.
(Let’s discuss the matter at the meeting)
Vamos a hablar del asunto en la reunión.
I was very displeased by your behavior
Me disgustó mucho tu comportamiento.
Frog legs disgust me
Las ancas de rana me dan asco. (Frog legs disgust me)
I am upset.
T—- – di——
expression: to be really upset (one way of saying it)
Tengo un disgusto
tener un disgusto (to be really upset)
Estoy disgustado.
Estoy molesto.
(I always have fun in Spanish class)
Siempre me divierto en la clase de español.
We had to divert(des____) the course of the river to irrigate the field.
Tuvimos que desviar el curso del río para regar el campo.
We have to dredge the lake behind the house
Hay que/tenemos que dragar el lago detrás de la casa.
The boy got off the train and dragged his heavy suitcase on the platform
El chico se bajó del tren y arrastró su pesada maleta/valija por el andén.
I wrapped the gift and gave it to my mother
Envolví el regalo y se lo di a mi mamá.
I don’t want to involve you in my problem
No quiero involucrarte en mi problema.
expression: to wrap oneself in something
expression: envolverse en (to wrap oneself in something)
My wool dress shrank after washing it
Mi vestido de lana se estrechó después de lavarlo.
Before going out running I do stretching exercises
Antes de salir a correr hago ejercicios para estirar los músculos.
Coffee makes me jumpy(me ex____) but tea doesn’t
El café me excita pero el té no.
In Spanish excitar means ‘to arouse sexually,’ or ‘to get overexcited or nervous,’ e.g., from caffeine.
She was so excited she couldn’t stop talking about the performance
Estaba tan entusiasmada/emocionada que no paraba de hablar de la representación/actuación
expression: (to be excited about something that’s coming up, to feel like doing something)
tener ganas de
That company manufactures spare parts for cars
P—– – rep—–
Esa compañía fabrica piezas de repuesto para carros.
The defendant fabricated a believable defense
El acusado se inventó una defensa verosímil.
Learn the expression: made in Chile
fabricado en Chile
I am going to record the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games
Voy a grabar la ceremonia de apertura de los Juegos Olímpicos
I grabbed the bus to arrive on time for the meeting
Also translate
I took the bus to arrive on time for the meeting
Cogí/agarré el autobús para llegar a tiempo a la reunión.
Tomé el autobús para llegar a tiempo a la reunión.
The old man tried to get up from his chair
El anciano intentó levantarse de la silla.
Intentar does not mean ‘to intend.’ It means ‘to try.”
We intend to travel to China this summer
Pensamos viajar a China este verano.
if you want to say: to intend, tener la intención de (hacer algo), pensar (hacer algo)
Insert a quarter in the vending machine
Introduce una moneda de 25 centavos en la máquina.
Introducir is not used when making someone’s acquaintance or into someone. Its meaning is purely physical, that is, ‘to insert’ or ‘to put in.”
(I want to introduce you to my cousin (f) the guitar player)
Te quiero presentar a mi prima la guitarrista.
if you want to say:
to introduce one person to another presentar a alguien
We have to learn to operate new technology
Tenemos que aprender a manejar la nueva tecnología.
Manejar does not mean ‘to manage.’ It means ‘to handle,’ ‘to use’ or to operate machine). In Latin America it means ‘to drive’ (conducir is used in Spain)
That young man managed to win the election. Now he manages the project
Ese joven logró ganar las elecciones. Ahora dirige el proyecto.
To manage lograr, conseguir, dirigir (una compañía, un proyecto)
The noise of the road bothers me
Me molesta el ruido de la carretera.
Molestar does not mean ‘to molest.’ In Spanish it has no sexual conotatation simply means ‘to bother.’
The criminal went to jail for molesting minors
to molest abusar
El criminal fue a prisión por abusar de menores.
“Learn the expression: No molestar (do not disturb)
My back hurts, and I can’t move my legs
Me duele la espalda y no puedo mover las piernas,
Mover does not mean to change one’s residence or location,’ or ‘to move from one place to another. It simply means ‘to move something’ in a physical sense, to change position.’
They moved to a new house on the coast
Ellos se mudaron a una nueva casa en la costa.
To move one’s residence mudarse
la mudanza (the move)
to move emotionally conmover
The guitar concert moved us deeply
(It’s got mover in it)
El concierto de guitarra nos conmovió profundamente.
to move emotionally conmover
To move one’s residence mudarse
Goldman Sachs is sponsoring the art exhibit
Goldman Sachs patrocina la exhibición de arte.
patrocinar does not mean ‘to patronize.’ It means ‘to sponsor.”
No one likes to be patronized
A nadie le gusta que lo traten con condescendencia.
Deepl and Google agree
to patronize (a shop or a restaurant) frecuentar, ser cliente de to patronize (treat condescendingly) tratar con condescendencia o paternalismo
We will not patronize a store that treats its employees badly.
No vamos a frequentar una tienda que trata mal a sus empleados.
to patronize (a shop or a restaurant) frecuentar, ser cliente de to patronize (treat condescendingly) tratar con condescendencia o paternalism
The lawyer posed the problem to the jury
El abogado le planteó el problema al jurado.
Plantear means ‘to present an idea or situation’ for attention or consideration It also means ‘to pose a problem’ (plantear un problema), ‘to raise a question (plantear una pregunta), or ‘to suggest something’ (plantear una sugerencia)
The lawyer posed the problem to the jury
El abogado le planteó el problema al jurado.
Plantear means ‘to present an idea or situation’ for attention or consideration It also means ‘to pose a problem’ (plantear un problema), ‘to raise a question (plantear una pregunta), or ‘to suggest something’ (plantear una sugerencia)
Onions are planted in the spring
Las cebollas se plantan en primavera.
I stood Silvia up
to stand someone up
Dejé plantado a Silvia.
dejar plantado a alguien
He can’t stop boasting about his new BMW convertible
No para de presumir de su nuevo BMW descapotable. Book
No puede dejar de presumir de su nuevo BMW descapotable. Google, Bing
Presumir means ‘to brag, show off, boast,’ or ‘to be conceited.’
Even though I know few people, I presume I’ll go to the party
Aunque no conozco a mucha gente, supongo que iré a la fiesta.
to presume suponer
This year Juan aspires (pre*****) to win the New York marathon.
Este año Juan pretende ganar el maratón de Nueva York.
Pretender does not mean ‘to pretend or fake something. It means ‘to aspire,’ ‘to expect’ or ‘to attempt to do something.”
Expression: pretender que alguien haga algo (to want somebody to do something)
He likes to pretend that he speaks Japanese, but he only knows a few words)
Le gusta fingir que habla japonés, pero sólo sabe unas palabras.
to pretend fingir, aparentar
pretender que alguien haga algo (to want somebody to do something)
You have to taste my asparagus soup.
Tienes que probar mi sopa de espárragos.
Probar does not mean ‘to probe.’ It means ‘to try’ or ‘to taste.’
Did you try on the dress I bought you?
¿Te probaste el vestido que te compré?
Probar does not mean ‘to probe.’ It means ‘to try’ or ‘to taste.’
This matter needs(re______) much probing.
Esta cuestión requiere mucha investigación.
to probe investigar, sondar (medicine)
*Learn the expression: escarbar en (to probe into)
Try/Make sure (verb beginning with pr) to arrive on time for your own wedding!
¡Procura llegar a tiempo para tu propia boda!
Procurar means ‘to manage,’ ‘to try to do something,’ or ‘to make sure.’
Procurar means ‘to manage,’ ‘to try to do something,’ or ‘to make sure.’
The government wants to procure more troops
El gobierno quiere conseguir más tropas.
To procure obtener, conseguir
They took away his cell phone on the first day of class.
Le quitaron su teléfono móvil el primer día de clase.
Quitar does not mean ‘to quit.’ It means ‘to remove,’ or ‘to get out’ (a stain), or ‘to take something away from someone else.’
She quit her job because she wasn’t being paid enough
Dejó su trabajo porque no le pagaban lo suficiente.
To quit dejar (a job), dejar de, abandonar, irse, marcharse, salir de
Pedro quit smoking when he was 30
Pedro dejó de fumar cuando tenía 30 años.
To quit dejar (a job), dejar de, abandonar, irse, marcharse, salir de
to clear the table
quitar la mesa;
de quita y pon (removable; detachable)
He realized his dream of becoming a doctor
Él realizó su sueño de llegar a ser médico.
Realizar in Spanish does not mean ‘to become aware.’ It means ‘to realize’ in the sense of making real, ‘to fulfill.’
He realized that he had made a mistake
El se dio cuenta de que había cometido un error
To realize (in the sense of becoming aware) darse cuenta de
I don’t remember the name of your street
No recuerdo el nombre de tu calle.
Recordar does not mean ‘to record; it means ‘to remember,’ ‘to recall’ or ‘to remind someone.
Can you record some CDs for the party?
¿Puedes grabar unos discos para la fiesta?
expression: (to remind somebody of something)
I reminded my brother that he had an appointment.
recordarle algo a alguien
Le recordé a mi hermano que tenía una cita.
I am going to tell* you a story
In this case not decir but a verb beginning with re*****
Te voy a relatar un cuento.
Relatar has nothing to do with ‘relationship, or with relating one thing with another. It simply means ‘to tell a story.’
I don’t want to relate one thing with another. They are separate
No quiero relacionar una cosa con la otra. Son dos cosas diferentes.
to relate relacionar
I have to stir the rice
Tengo que remover el arroz.
Remover has nothing to do with removing anything from anywhere. It means ‘to stir’ or ‘to turn something.”
Also revolver
Stir all of the ingredients together with a spoon.
Revuelve todos los ingredientes con una cuchara
This detergent is expensive, but it does remove stains
Este detergente es caro, pero saca/quita las manchas,
to remove sacar, quitar
Expression (to move heaven and earth)
remover Roma con Santiago
Expression: el quitamanchas (stain remover);
You have to subtract the taxes to know how much you are earning
Tienes que restar los impuestos para saber cuánto ganas.
Restar has nothing to do with ‘to rest.’ It simply means ‘to subtract’ or ‘to take away.
This weekend I am not going to go out, I’m going to rest.
Este fin de semana no voy a salir, voy a descansar.
To rest descansar
I reminded my brother that he had an appointment.
Le recordé a mi hermano que tenía una cita.
expression: restarle importancia a algo
The lecturer summarized yesterday’s events
El profesor resumió los eventos de ayer.
Resumir does not mean ‘to resume. It means ‘to summarize.’
After the applause, the violinist resumed his concert
Después de los aplausos, el violinista continuó su concierto.
to resume continuar, empezar de nuevo, reanudar
expression: tomar el hilo de un discurso (to resume a speech)
Resumir: to summarise, abridge
They removed(ret_____) the old flag and put a new one in its place
Retiraron la vieja bandera y pusieron una nueva.
Retirar does not mean ‘to retire. It means ‘to remove,’ ‘to take away,’ ‘to withdraw,’ or ‘to pull out’ from a competition.
The trainer withdrew(re____) the player five minutes after the start of the match
El entrenador retiró al jugador a los cinco minutos del comienzo del partido.
Retirar does not mean ‘to retire. It means ‘to remove,’ ‘to take away,’ ‘to withdraw,’ or ‘to pull out’ from a competition.
Pepe retired from his job at the age of 65
Pepe se jubiló de su trabajo a los 65 años.
to retire from a job jubilarse
He rummaged* through my things without my consent
3 verbs you could use all beginning with re
Revolvió/registró/rebuscó en mis cosas sin mi permiso.
Revolver means to stir’ or ‘to rummage through.
expression: me revuelve el estómago (it turns my stomach)
He is so conceited that he thinks the world revolves around him
Es tan engreido que cree que el mundo gira a su alrededor.
to revolve rotar, girar
I can’t stand this heat!
¡No soporto este calor!
You don’t need the puedo
Soportar does not mean ‘to support a family, a claim or an idea. It means to stand,’ ‘to bear’ or ‘to endure.’
I support you in whatever you do
Yo te apoyo en cualquier cosa que hagas.
To support (an idea or someone) apoyar, respaldar
I support/back your idea
Respaldo tu idea.
to support (an idea or someone) apoyar, respaldar
Four Doric columns support the roof of this ancient temple
Cuatro columnas dóricas sostienen el techo de este templo antiguo.
To support (a physical structure) sostener
I can’t stand him /it
expression: no lo soporto!
No need for poder
He looks quite sad. Has something happened to him?
Parece bastante preocupado. ¿Le ha sucedido algo?
Although suceder can be used in Spanish to mean ‘to follow in sequence, is primary meaning is ‘to happen.’
He bought the book Speed Up Your Spanish and succeeded in passing his Spanish exam
Compró el libro Speed Up Your Spmish y logró aprobar el examen de español
To succeed tener éxito, lograr, triunfar
*Learn the expression: suceda lo que suceda (whatever happens)
He did not study much for the exam and he failed it
No estudió mucho para el examen y lo suspendió,
Suspender is used in Spanish to speak about failing an exam. It can be used in the sense of ‘to cancel, postpone or call off an event.
They cancelled (suspended ) the concert because of low attendance
Suspendieron el concierto por falta de público.
Cancelaron, anularon
Suspender is used in Spanish to speak about failing an exam. It can be used in the sense of ‘to cancel, postpone or call off an event.
They hung the chandelier from the ballroom ceiling
to suspend colgar
Colgaron la araña de luces en el techo del salón de baile.
to suspend colgar
los tirantes (suspenders)
That doctor treated me very well
Ese doctor me trató muy bien.
Tratar in Spanish has various uses. It can mean ‘to treat a disease,’ or ‘to treat someone’ well or badly.
However, in many instances the use of tratar is different from the English verb ‘to treat
I try to lose weight, but it’s so hard!
Trato de (procuro) adelgazar, pero es tan difícil!
tratar de + infinitive = ‘to try to do something’ (synonym of procurar hacer algo)
in many instances the use of tratar is different from the English verb ‘to treat
expression: tratar a alguien de usted / tú (to address somebody as ‘usted’ or ‘tú’)
What is that book about? It is about globalization
¿De qué trata ese libro? Trata de la globalización.
expression: tratar a alguien de usted / tú (to address somebody as ‘usted’ or ‘tú’)
In my job I deal with all kinds of people
En mi trabajo trato con gente de todo tipo.
Tratar con ‘to deal with someone’
expression: tratar a alguien de usted / tú (to address somebody as ‘usted’ or ‘tú’)
The play becomes interesting in the third act. Can I read the minutes of the meeting?
La obra se pone interesante en el tercer acto. ¿Puedo leer el acta de la reunión?
el acto act (action); act (in a play); in plural: cultural events (actos culturales); on the spot (en el acto)
el acta (las actas) minutes, proceedings (of a conference); affidavit (el acta notarial)
The American man and woman met in Madrid. He was wearing an elegant jacket
El americano y la americana se encontraron en Madrid.
El hombre y la mujer estadounidenses se conocieron en Madrid.
One is met for the first time.
Él llevaba una elegante americana.
el americano American male; a type of coffee (prepared by adding espresso to hot water)
la americana
American female; a suit jacket (in Spain)
I like that handsome man(hombre a——) I’ll make you a bet that I’ll be going out with him this Saturday
Me gusta ese hombre apuesto. Te hago una apuesta a que salgo con él este sábado.
el apuesto
good-looking man
la apuesta
a bet or wager
They have put new benches in the park. The “banking profession”* is passing through a bad time.
- One word
Han puesto bancos nuevos en el parque. La banca atraviesa un mal momento.
el banco a bench; a bank; a school of fish
la banca
banking (activity); the banking institution; bank (in a game of chance)
Han puesto bancos nuevos en el parque. La banca atraviesa un mal momento.
Romeo was from the Montague faction(b—-). He wore a blue sash(b—-) on his arm
Romeo era del bando de los Montagues. Llevaba una banda azul en el brazo.
el bando
a faction; side; edict
la banda
musical band; gang; sash; cushion (in billiards)
The dinghy crashed into the ship but there were no casualties.
La barca chocó con el barco pero no hubo heridos.
el barco
boat; ship; sailing ship (barco de vela)
la barca
dinghy, small boat; rowing boat (barca de remos)
There was a lot of mud on the streets after the storm. I will wait for you at the café bar.
Había mucho barro en las calles después de la tormenta. Te esperaré en la barra del café.
el barro la barra
mud, clay
a bar, café bar, baguette (una barra de pan); lipstick (una barra de labios)
They are playing Ravel’s “Bolero” at the bowling alley tonight.
Esta noche tocan el “Bolero” de Ravel en la bolera.
el bolero
a Spanish dance and musical rhythm; a lady’s short jacket; a bootblack (Mexico) (un limpiabotas, in Spain)
la bolera
a bowling alley
When she looked inside the bag, she realized she didn’t have her handbag with her.
Cuando miró dentro de la bolsa, se dio cuenta de que no tenía su bolso.
el bolso laGender and number 13
el bolso: a handbag (for a woman); or travelling bag
la bolsa: a bag (plastic, paper); the stock market; a pocket (in Central America and Mexico)
He needs an operation on his tear duct. Your cousin’s behavior is unacceptable.
el conducto
pipe; channel, duct (anatomy)
Ja conducta
behavior, conduct
Tienen que operarle el conducto lacrimal. La conducta de tu primo es inaceptable.
That’s a painting by Picasso. We have to walk two more blocks.
Ese cuadro es de Picasso. Tenemos que caminar dos cuadras más.
el cuadro
square (also un cuadrado); painting (also una pintura), a scene, control panel (cuadro de mandos), fuse box (cuadro de fusibles);
symptoms (cuadro clínico).
la cuadra
a street block (Latin America) (la manzana, in Spain); a stable (for horses)
Let’s set the table with the cutlery. The sailor went up on deck.
el cubierto la cubierta
a piece of cutlery, place setting at a table
a cover, the cover of a tire, carcass; the deck of a ship, promenade deck
Pongamos los cubiertos en la mesa. El marinero subió a la cubierta del barco.
We have to buy a new garbage can. Pepe was “completely drunk”.
” “ A saying to translate those words.
Tenemos que comprar un cubo nuevo para la basura. Pepe estaba borracho como una cuba.
el cubo
a bucket; a cube (geometry); a hub (of a wheel), garbage can (el cubo de la basurn)
la cuba
a barrel; a cask
Do you have a knife to cut the string? No, but I have a razor blade so that you can shave.
¿Tienes un cuchillo para cortar la cuerda? No, pero tengo una cuchilla para que te afeites.
el cuchillo
a knife
la cuchilla, una navaja
a razor blade
Tell me a nice story. We have to pay the restaurant check.
Cuéntame un lindo cuento. Tenemos que pagar la cuenta del restaurante.
el cuento
a tale, a fairy tale (el cuento de hadas); story, lie, a tall story (un cuento chino)
la cuenta
a bank account; a calculation; restaurant check, bill (ila cuenta,
por favor!)
We have the right to be happy. Turn right at the lights.
Tenemos el derecho de ser felices. Gira a la derecha en el semáforo.
el derecho
the law; a right
la derecha
the opposite of left (la izquierda); right-wing in politics; right- hand side
I didn’t know that to say ‘mistake’ in Spain one says ‘el fallo’ and in Latin America ‘la falla’.
el fallo
a mistake; a fault, an error or defect (Spain); a veredict a geological fault; a fault, error or defect (Latin America)
la falla
No sabía que para decir ‘mistake’ en España se dice’el fallo’ y en Latinoamérica ‘la falla’.
The bottom of the lake is deep. Let’s spend the night at this inn(f—-).
El fondo del lago es profundo. Pasemos la noche en esta fonda.
el fondo
the bottom; the back of a room; the background (of an image); a fund (finance); catalog or collection of a library
la fonda
an inn; a boarding house; a refreshment stand (Chile)
This novel is the result(fruit ) of my labor. The peach is a delicious fruit.
Esta novela es el fruto de mi trabajo. El melocotón es una fruta riquísima.
el fruto
fruit (result), profit or benefit; dried fruit and nuts (los frutos secos)
la fruta
fruit, seasonal fruit (fruta del tiempo)
I need to buy a wool hat(g—-) for this winter. They gave me a Lakers cap(g—-) for my birthday.
Necesito un gorro de lana para este invierno. Me regalaron una gorra de los Lakers.
el gorro
a tight-fitting cap; to be fed up with (estar hasta el gorro de)
a cap (with peak) la gorra
He didn’t utter a single word during lunch. She’s got the gift of the gab. She loves to talk.
el labio
lip (of a mouth)
la labia
smooth talk; to have the gift of the gab (lener mucha labia)
No despegó los labios en toda la comida. Tiene mucha labia, le encanta hablar.
He always sleeps like a log. We need firewood for the picnic.
Duerme siempre como un leño/tronco. Necesitamos leña para el picnic.
el leño
a log (of wood); a blockhead (person)
la leña
This book was very interesting. How much is a pound of cherries?
el libro
Este libro me pareció interesantísimo. ¿Cuánto cuesta una libra de cerezas?
a book
la libra
a pound, a pound sterling (libra esterlina)
The pork loin was delicious. Let’s go up the hill to see the city.
el lomo
la loma
a pork loin; the spine of a book, back of an animal a little hill or hillock
El lomo de cerdo estaba rico. Vamos a subir la loma para ver la ciudad.
Inside the castle, one could hear someone crying through the night. We have to change the tire before the trip.
En el castillo se podía oír un llanto por la noche. Tenemos que cambiar la Ilanta antes del viaje.
el llanto
crying, sobbing
the rim of a wheel; a tire (in Latin America) (el neumático in
la llanta
I need that log(m—–) for the fire. They cut trees to get wood(m—–)
Necesito ese madero para el fuego. Cortan árboles para obtener madera.
el madero
a piece of wood, a log; a piece of lumber, timber, a cop (in Spain, informal)
la madera
I need a cloak for the play. I am cold; do you have another blanket?
Necesito un manto para la obra de teatro. Tengo frío, ¿tienes otra manta?
el manto
a cloak, a geological layer
la manta
a blanket; la frazada (in Latin America)
I’m feeling sick. I think I’m going to vomit. The tide is coming in.
el mareo
seasickness; travel sickness; dizziness
la marea
¡Qué mareo! Creo que voy a vomitar. Está subiendo la marea.
He swam to the middle of the lake and took off a sock
Nadó hasta el medio del lago y se quitó una media(S. América)
el medio
the middle; the center; a means, by means of (por medio de); the environment (el medio ambiente)
la media
the average; stocking, tights; a sock (Latin America) (el calcetín, in Spain)
Nadó hasta el medio del lago y se quitó una media.
Her way of talking is charming, and she always dresses in fashion.
Su modo de hablar que tiene es encantador y siempre se viste a la moda.
/manera /forma
el modo
the way; the manner; the mood (in grammar) (el modo subjuntivo)
la moda
Othello the Moor killed Desdemona and began to eat blackberries.
el moro
Moor (note that this word may nowadays have a pejorative connotation)
la mora
a blackberry; a mulberry
El moro Otelo mató a Desdémona y se puso a comer moras.
It’s snowing! Let’s make a snowman. My wrist hurts)
Está nevando, vamos a hacer un muñeco de nieve. Me duele la muñeca.
el muñeco
a puppet (una marionela); a male doll; a cuddly or soft toy (un peluche); a snowman (muñeco de nieve)
la muñeca
wrist; a female doll
Está nevando, vamos a hacer un muñeco de nieve. Me duele la muñeca.
The Navajo Indian lives in Utah and always carries a pocketknife.
el navajo
El indio navajo vive en el estado de Utah y siempre lleva una navaja.
Navajo (of the tribe)
la navaja
a penknife, a flick knife (la navaja automática)
El indio navajo vive en el estado de Utah y siempre lleva una navaja.
Antarctica is a field of ice. And my fridge is full of fruit and vegetables.
el nevero
a snowfield, an ice field; a place of perpetual snow
la nevera
a fridge
La Antártida es un nevero. Y mi nevera está llena de frutas y vegetales.
He used a stick to scare the lion away. We need a shovel(p—) to dig in the garden.
Usó un palo para ahuyentar al león. Necesitamos una pala✓ para cavar en el jardín.
el palo
a stick; a mast, a suit (of cards)
la pala
a spade; a shovel
Barack Obama represents the Democratic Party. I have my birth certificate(p——).
Barack Obama representa al Partido Demócrata. Tengo mi partida de nacimiento.
el partido la partida
(football) match (un partido de fútbol); a political party a
a game of chess (una partida de ajedrez), a departure; a certificate or official document; a consignment or a batch of goods
The sheep were in the pasture. I’ll bring you a box of tea cookies.
el pasto
pasture; fodder; lawn or grass
la pasta
pasta, a paste, a cookie, money (colloq. in Spain)
Las ovejas estaban en el pasto. Te llevaré una caja de pastas de té.
The duck could not walk because of a broken leg(p—)
El pato no podía caminar porque por una pata(p—) rota.
el pato la pata
a duck
a leg of an animal or piece of furniture; a female duck
In Mexico and Central America peppers are called chillies. I put salt and pepper on the meat.
el pimiento pepper (vegetable) (el chile in Mexico and Central America)
pimienta white/black pepper
En México y en Centroamérica el pimiento se llama chile. Yo le pongo sal y pimienta a la carne.
We’ll have to pay for the car in installments. It’s a two-seater vehicle.
Tendremos que pagar el coche a plazos. Es un vehículo de dos plazas.
el plazo
a period of time; installment; in the long run (term) (a largo plazo)
la plaza
a square; a seat; a vacancy (una plaza vacante); a bull-ring (la plaza de toros)
The convict(p—-) went before the judge. The hunter’s dog found the prey(p—-)
El preso se presentó ante el juez. El perro del cazador encontró la presa.
el preso
a prisoner; a convict (generally for having committed a crime; different from el prisionero/la prisionera, someone imprisoned
against his/her will) a prey; a water dam; a female prisoner or convict
The merchandise got to the port(p—–). Where is the exit door(p—–)?
La mercancía llegó al puerto. ¿Donde está la puerta de salida?
a port (sea, computer); a pass (mountain)
el puerto
la puerta
a door, a gate; a gateway
One puts a period on finishing a sentence. He attacked me at knifepoint.
Se pone un punto al terminar una oración. Me atacó con la punta del cuchillo.
el punto
spot; a dot; a full stop; semicolon (punto y coma); colon (dos puntos); neutral gear (punto muerto)
la punta
the point of a pencil or knife; rush hour (la hora punta); the point of one’s foot (la punta del pie); the tip (tongue, nose, fingers)
He brought me a bouquet(bunch of flowers) for my birthday. There is a very strange bird on that branch.
Me trajo un ramo de flores por mi cumpleaños. Hay un pájaro muy raro en esa rama.
el ramo
a bunch; a bouquet
la rama
a tree branch
The rat was here for a while, but I didn’t move from the top of the table.
La rata estuvo aquí un rato, pero no me movi de encima de la mesa.
el rato
a while
la rata
a rat; a stingy person (figurative)
ratón m/f mouse
The little boy painted his knees with a paint roller.
El niño se pintó las rodillas con un rodillo de pintura.
el rodillo
a paint roller, a rolling pin for baking
la rodilla
a knee
Mysteriously, there was a wheel in the center of the bullfighting ring.
el ruedo
a bullfighting ring
la rueda
a wheel
Como si de un misterio se tratara, había una rueda en el centro del ruedo,
I need a hairdryer to dry my hair. I’ll put the clothes in the dryer
Necesito el secador para secarme el pelo. Pondré la ropa en la secadora.
el secador
a hairdryer
la secadora
a tumble-dryer, a hairdryer (in Mexico)
He fainted and fell to the ground. My soles were so smooth that I slid.
el suelo
floor, ground, soil, surface
la suela
the sole of a shoe
Se desmayó y se cayó al suelo. Tenía las suelas tan desgastadas que me resbalé
The stem of the plant will grow in spring. What’s your size?
El tallo de la planta crecerá en primavera ¿Qué talla usas?
el tallo
stem (of a plant); a sprout, shoot
la talla
a size; a wood carving
Some Muslim women wear a veil, others don’t. We took a sailing course in Lanzarote.
Algunas mujeres musulmanas llevan velo, otras no. Hicimos un curso de vela en Lanzarote.
el velo
a veil
la vela
a sail; sailing; a candle
The drummer was playing the drums
El baterista tocaba la batería.
el batería
a drummer
la batería
a battery; a set of cookware; a set of drums; a female drummer
We cannot use our capital to pay for the car. New York is not the capital of NY State.
No podemos pagar el coche con nuestro capital. Nueva York no es la capital del estado de NY.
el capital
capital (money)
la capital
a capital city
There was a cholera outbreak in that town. That made me very angry (expression)
Hubo una epidemia de cólera en ese pueblo. Eso me hizo entrar en cólera.
el cólera
cholera (illness)
la cólera
anger, rage
The wounded man is still in a coma. You have to put a comma here.
El herido todavía está en coma. Tienes que poner una coma aquí.
el coma
a coma (medicine)
la coma
a comma
You can see Halley’s comet every 76 years. The boy plays with his kite.
El cometa Halley se ve cada 76 años. El niño juega con su cometa.
el cometa
a comet
la cometa
a kite
That suit has a good cut. This matter will be resolved in court.
Ese traje tiene buen corte. Este asunto se resolverá en la corte (los juzgados in Spain);
el corte
a cut (injury); the cut of a suit
la corte
a court of law in Latin America; (los juzgados in Spain); the royal court of a monarch; to court someone (hacer la corte)
The priest walked into(entered) the church. There is no cure for AIDS yet.
El cura entró en la iglesia. Todavía no hay cura para el SIDA.
el cura
a priest
la cura
the cure
Don’t tell me that again(use repitir) you’re like a broken record. Let’s dance at the disco tonight.
No me lo repitas más, eres como un disco rayado. Bailemos esta noche en la disco.
el disco
a record, a disk (computer, anatomy)
la disco
a discotheque (short form for la discoteca), el antro (in Mexico and Venezuela); el boliche (in Argentina and Uruguay)
The editorial was very critical of the government. Routledge is one the best publishing companies
El editorial fue muy crítico con el gobierno. Routledge es una de las mejores editoriales.
el editorial
the editorial (leading article)
la editorial
the publishing house
This is the happy end to the story. Rafael Nadal played in the final at Wimbledon.
Éste es el final feliz, del cuento.
Rafael Nadal jugó la final de Wimbledon.
el final
the end
la final
the sports final, the playoffs
Yesterday, the soldiers left for the front. She has a high forehead
Los soldados se marcharon ayer al frente. Ella tiene la frente alta/grande.
Ayer los soldados se fueron al frente. Ella tiene la frente alta.
el frente
the front (military)
la frente
the forehead
That watchman fell asleep while on duty.
el guardia
policeman; a watchman; estar de guardia (to be on duty)
La guardia
a a policewoman, guard (a body of soldiers)
Ese guardia se quedó dormido mientras estaba de guardia.
We had a good guide for the excursion. We found him in the telephone book.
Tuvimos un buen guía en la excursión. Lo encontramos en la guía telefónica.
el guía
a male guide
la guía a guide book; a female guide; telephone book