Verbs Flashcards
What is accepter?
To accept
What is choisir?
To choose
What is nettoyer?
To clean
What is monter?
To climb/get on
What is venir?
To come
What is contacter?
To contact
What is traverser?
To cross/go across
What is décider?
To decide
What is partir?
To depart/leave
What is mourir?
To die
Wha this discuter?
To discuss
What is boire?
To drink
What is conduire?
To drive
What is gagner?
To earn
What is manger?
To eat
What is s’amuser?
To enjoy oneself
What is entrer?
To enter/go in
What is expilquer?
To explain
Wha this tomber?
To fall
What is s’endormir?
To fall asleep
What is remplir?
To fill/fill in
What is trouver?
To find
What is finir?
To finish, end
What is voler?
To fly
What is suivre?
To follow
What is oublier?
To forget/ to leave something behind
What is s’habiller?
To get dressed
What is se déshabiller?
To get undressed
What is rendre?
To give back
Wha this offrir?
To give (a gift)
What is aller?
To go
What is monter (dans)?
To get into (bus, car, train)
What is descendre (de)?
To get out of (bus, car, train)
What is se lever?
To get up
What is descendre?
To go down
What is se promener?
To go for a walk
Wha this sortir?
To go out
What is se coucher?
To go to bed
What is monter?
To go up
What is détester?
To hate
What is avoir?
To have
What is devoir?
To have to/must
What is entendre?
To hear
What is aider?
To help
What is tenir?
To hold
What is se dépêcher?
To hurry
What is inviter?
To invite
What is savoir?
To know (a fact)
What is connaître?
To know (person, place)
What is durer?
To last