Verbs Flashcards
to be
I am
io sono
you are (sing)
tu sei
he/she/You are
lui/lei/Lei è
we are
noi siamo
you are (plural)
voi siete
they are
loro sono
to have
I have
io ho
you have (sing)
tu hai
lui/lei/Lei ha
we have
noi abbiamo
you have (plural)
voi avete
they have
loro hanno
to speak
I speak
io parlo
You speak (sing)
tu parli
lui/lei/Lei parla
we speak
noi parliamo
you speak (plural)
voi parlate
they speak
loro parlano
to study
I study
io studio
you study (singular)
tu studi
he/she/You study
lui/lei/Lei studia
we study
noi studiamo
you study (plural)
voi studiate
they study
loro studiano
to love
I love
io amo
you love (singular)
tu ami
lui/lei/Lei ama
we love
noi amiamo
you love (plural)
voi amate
they love
loro amano
to live
I live
io abito
you live (singular)
tu abiti
he/she/You live
lui/lei/Lei abita
we live
noi abitiamo
you live (plural)
voi abitate
they live
loro abitano
I love you
Ti amo
to listen
I listen
io ascolto
you listen (sing)
tu ascolti
he/she/You listen
lui/lei/Lei ascolta
we listen
noi ascoltiamo
they listen
loro ascoltano
you listen (plural)
voi ascoltate
to wait for
I wait for
io aspetto
you wait for (sing)
tu aspetti
he/she/You wait for
lui/lei/Lei aspetta
we wait for
noi aspettiamo
you wait for (plural)
voi aspettate
they wait for
loro aspettano
to search/to look for
I look for
io cerco
You look for (sing)
tu cerci
he/she/You look for
lui/lei/Lei cerca
we look for
noi cerciamo
you look for (plural)
voi cercate
they look for
loro cercano
to buy
I buy
io compro
you buy (sing)
tu compri
he/she/You buy
lui/lei/Lei compra
we buy
noi compriamo
you buy (plural)
voi comprate
they buy
loro comprano
to ask
Ho una domanda
I have a question
I ask
io domando
you ask (sing)
tu domandi
he/she/You ask
lui/lei/Lei domanda
we ask
noi domandiamo
you ask (plural)
voi domandate
they ask
loro domandano
to look at/to watch
I look at
io guardo
you look at (sing)
tu guardi
he/she/You look at
lui/lei/Lei guarda
we look at
noi guardiamo
you look at (plural)
voi guardate
they look at
loro guardano
to work
I work
io lavoro
you work (singular)
tu lavori
lui/lei/Lei lavora
we work
noi lavoriamo
you work (plural)
voi lavorate
they work
loro lavorano
to eat
I eat
io mangio
You eat (sing)
tu mangi
he/she/You eats
lui/lei/Lei mangia
we eat
noi mangiamo
you eat (plural)
voi mangiate
they eat
loro mangiano
I don’t eat
io non mangio
to think
I think
io penso
you think (sing)
tu pensi
he/she/You thinks
lui/lei/Lei pensa
we think
noi pensiamo
you think (plural)
voi pensate