VERBS Flashcards
5 properties
Person (1, 2, 3)
Number (S/P)
Tense (time & aspect)
Voice (active / passive)
Mood (indicative, imperative, subjunctive)
Time: present, past, future
Aspect: simple, progressive, repeated, or completed.
Simple aspect
Action simply occurring
- I see a duck
- That boy ate dinner
- The girl will do lunch
Progressive aspect
Action in progress
- The girl is eating
- The boy was walking when
- She will be coming to the mountain
Repeated aspect
Repeated or habitual action
- She walks to school everyday
- The boy used to play soccer
- I shall sit here for hours
Completed aspect
Action has already completed
- I have now finished my lunch
- They had sailed a thousand miles
- She will have finished her dinner
Kinds of verbs
Linking (copulative)
Transitive verbs
Carry the action from subject to DO
- The cat catches the mouse
Intransitive verbs
No D.O.
- The cat sleeps
Linking (copulative) verbs
Equate subject with noun or adjective in the predicate.
- The cat is a thief; the cat is black.
Active voice
The action is performed by the subject
Passive voice
The subject receives the action
Indicative mood
Mood for factual action (or question)
Imperative mood
Give a command
Subjunctive mood
To represent an action as possible, wished for, doubtful, or nonfactual.
Principal parts
1 = first person singular present active indicative (I move)
2 = present active infinitive (to move)
3 = first person singular perfect active indicative (I moved / I have moved)
4 = perfect passive participle (having been moved)
Four conjugations (families)
1st (a): voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus
2nd (e^-): moveo, movere, movi, motus
3rd (e): audio, audire, audivi, auditus
Active personal endings
1S: o/m
2S: s
3S: t
1P: mus
2P: tis
3P: nt
Active indicative:
Present: stem + endings
Imperfect: stem + ba + endings (m)
Future: stem + bi + endings (o)
Sum active infinitive
Present: sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
Imperfect: eram, eras, erat, eramus, eratis, erant.
Future: ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt.
Complementary infinitive
Infinitive used to complete the meaning of another verb.
(Laborare) debemus –> we ought to work
Object infinitive
Infinitive as D.O.
Agricola (laborare) optat
Dative of possessor
Noun in the dative case to indicate the person who possesses something.
Domino est liber –> the master has a book
Irregular verb “eo, ire, ii/ivi, itum
Present: eo, is, it, imus, itis, eunt
Imperfect: ibam, ibas, ibat, ibamus, ibatis, ibant
Future: ibo, ibis, ibit, ibimus, ibitis, ibunt.
Passive personal endings
1S: or/r
2S: ris/re
3S: tur
1P: mur
2P: mini
3P: ntur
* long vowels shorten before endings: m, t, nt, r, ntur.
Passive indicative
Present: stem + endings
Imperfect: stem + ba + endings
Future: stem + bi (bu) + endings
Ablative of personal agent
Expresses the person by whose agency an action is performed.
Preposition: a/ab
Nautae a poeta moventur –> the sailors are (being) stirred up by the poet.
Passive voice: habeo & video
Video passive = seem
Habeo passive = be considered
Subject infinitive
Subject of another verb
- Bonum est (laborare)
A noun receives further limitation/definition by its following noun.
- Regina, femina bona et magna, patriam Italiam amat = The queen, a good and great woman, lover (her) country Italy.
** must always agree in case to the noun it modifies.
Changes to stem of 3rd, 3rd (io), and 4th verbs
3rd: e –> i
3rd io: e –> i
4th: i^- stays
3: e –> e^-
3i: e –> ie^-
4: i –> ie^-
Present passive infinitive stem
Change final E to I^-
- regere > regi^-
Imperative form
ACTIVE (move)
Singular: stem
Plural : stem +te
PASSIVE (be moved)
Singular: stem +re
Plural: stem +mini^-
Perfect active system
Stem is taken from 3rd principal part
Perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect.
Stem = 3rd part - i –> (vocavi = vocav)
Perfect active
Perfect active: stem + *endings
Pluperfect: stem + (era^-) + endings (m)
Future perfect: stem + (eri) +endigns (o)
Perfect active endings
i, isti, it, imus, istis, erunt/ere
Perfect passive system
ppp + esse
(Stem + declension) + esse
**ppp ends in -tus OR -sus
PERFECT = sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
PLUPERFECT = eram, eras, erat, eramus, eratis, erant
FUTURE PERFECT = ero, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt.
An action that did not happen (yet).
Stem + e/ea/a/ia/ia + endings
Take stem + lengthen e^- +endings
Perfect active stem + (eri) + endings
*Passive: ppp + (present subj. of sum):
- sim, sis, sit, simus, sitis, sint.
Perfect active stem + (isse^-) + endings
*Passive: ppp + (imperfect subj. of sum)
- essem, esses, esset, essemus, essetis, essent.
Present active subjunctive of sum, possum, eo
Sim, sis, sit, simus, sitis, sint.
Possim, possis, possit, possimus, possitis, possint.
Eam, eas, eat, eamus, eatis, eant.