Verbs | 動詞 [どうし] Flashcards
In this deck, the entirety of the third edition of Genki I and Genki II will be presented.
to love
to iron
to meet (a person)
to give up
(something) opens
to open something
開ける [あける]
to give (to others - away)
to oversleep
朝寝坊する [あさねぼうする]
to play
遊ぶ [あそぶ]
to collect
集める [あつめる]
to knit
編む [あむ]
for the rain to stop
雨が止む [あめがやむ]
to apologize
謝る [あやまる]|う
to wash
洗う [あらう]
to express, to show
表す [あらわす]
to walk
歩く [あるく]
to show someone around
案内する [あんないする]
to say
言う [いう]
to complain
文句を言う [もんくをいう]
to talk behind one’s back
悪口を言う [わるぐちをいう]
to bully
苛める [いじめる]
to hurry
急ぐ [いそぐ]
to need
to make coffee or tea
to put something in
入れる [いれる]
to take an exam, to catch (a ball), to receive, to sustain (damage)
受ける [うける]
to tell a lie
to sing
歌う [うたう]
to copy
写す [うつす]
to go well or smoothly
上手くいく [うまくいく]
to be born
生まれる [うまれる]
to sell
売る [うる]
to be sold
売れる [うれる]
to drive
運転する [うんてんする]
to exercise
運動する [うんどうする]
to be affected
影響を受ける [えいきょうをうける]
to pray
お祈りする [おいのりする]
to get up
起きる [おきる]
to put, lay, place
置く [おく]
to send
送る [おくる]|う
to drive or walk someone
送る [おくる]|う
to become late
遅れる [おくれる]
to wake someone up
起こす [おこす]
to occur
起こる [おこる]|う
to get angry
怒る [おこる]|う
to treat (someone) to a meal or treat
おごる |う
to teach, instruct
教える [おしえる]
to push
押す [おす]
to receive favor, be in someone’s care
お世話になる [おせわになる]
to be late
遅くなる [おそくなる]|う
to get depressed
落ち込む [おちこむ]
for something to drop
落ちる [おちる]
to drop something
落とす [おとす]
to dance
踊る [おどる]
to become hungry
お腹が空く [おなかがすく]
to have an upset stomach
お腹を壊す [おなかをこわす]
to take a bath
お風呂に入る [おふろにはいる]|う
to memorize
覚える [おぼえる]
to recall
思い出す [おもいだす]
for water to boil
お湯が沸く [おゆがわく]
to boil water
お湯を沸かす [おゆをわかす]
to swim
泳ぐ [およぐ]
to get off
降りる [おりる]
to withdraw money
下ろす [おろす]
for something to end
終わる [おわる]|う
to buy
買う [かう]
to own a pet
飼う [かう]
to return a thing
返す [かえす]
to go back, return
帰る [かえる]|う
to take amount of time, money
かかる |う
to lock
鍵をかける [かぎをかける]
to write
書く [かく]
to draw
描く [かく]
to lend
貸す [かす]
for wind to blow
風を吹く [かぜをふく]
to catch a cold
風邪をひく [かぜをひく]
to count
数える [かぞえる]
to tidy up
片付ける [かたづける]
to win
勝つ [かつ]
to be disappointed
to be realized
叶う [かなう]
to put a hat on someone
被せる [かぶせる]
to put on a hat
被る [かぶる] |う
to be patient, tolerant
我慢する [がまんする]
to comb one’s hair
髪をとかす [かみをとかす]
to commute
通う [かよう]
to take care of oneself
体に気をつける [からだにきをつける]
to crop
刈る [かる] |う
to think about
考える [かんがえる]
to sightsee
観光する [かんこうする]
to be completed
完成する [かんせいする]
to be emotionally moved
感動する [かんどうする]
to cheat on exam
to do ones best
頑張る [がんばる] |う
something turns off, goes off
消える [きえる]
to change clothes
着替える [きがえる]
to notice
気が付く [きがつく]
to ask, listen, hear
聞く [きく]
to be audible
聞こえる [きこえる]
to kiss
to find something agreeable
気に入る [きにいる] |う
to worry (expression)
気にする [きにする]
to be decided (intrans)
決まる [きまる] |う
to decide (trans)
決める [きめる]
to be interested in
興味がある [きょうみがある] |う
to cut
切る [きる] |う
to put on clothes (above waist)
着る [きる]
to get nervous
緊張する [きんちょうする]
to take medicine
薬を飲む [くすりをのむ]
to compare
比べる [くらべる]
to give (me– to be receiver of the giving)
to make a plan
計画を立てる [けいかくをたてる]
to answer
答える [こたえる]
to treat someone to a meal, invite
to make a copy
コピーを取る [ーをとる] |う
to have difficulty
困る [こまる] |う
to get crowded
混む [こむ]
to chill out at home, lay around
to fall down
転ぶ [ころぶ]
to break something
壊す [こわす]
for something to break
壊れる [こわれる]
to be crowded (in the state of being crowded)
混んでいる [こんでいる]
to look for
探す [さがす]
to bloom
咲く [さく]
to bite, sting (also to stab, pierce)
刺す [さす]
to invite
誘う [さそう]
to cut classes
サボる |う
to touch
触る [さわる] |う
to participate
参加する [さんかする]
to agree
賛成する [さんせいする]