Verbs Flashcards
Sipho ASKS the teacher a question
Finite Verb
Please MAKE me a cup of tea.
Finite Verb
The river FLOWS into the sea
Finite Verb
Mia FINISHED her homework
Finite Verb
She IS swimming
Auxiliary Verb
Mommy IS going to work
Auxiliary Verb
I AM baking muffins
Auxiliary Verb
She is WALKING home
Continuous Verb
I am ENJOYING school
Continuous Verb
Mia is WALKING home
Continuous Verb
My father IS leaving for work
Auxiliary Verb
My mom is SLEEPING
Continuous Verb
Nelson Mandela WAS a gentle person
Finite Verb
The wind BLEW all night
Finite Verb
The wind IS blowing
Auxiliary Verb
The wind is BLOWING
Continuous Verb
Mokgabo is GROWING
Continuous Verb
Mia PLAYS hockey
Finite Verb
Mokgabo is PLAYING netball
Continuous Verb
The lifeguard IS brave
Finite Verb