Verbs Flashcards
Associate (sb/sth)(with sb/sth)
1- to make a connection between people or things in your mind
2- to spend time with sb
مربوط کردن، مصاحبت کردن
To speak angrily to sb because he/she has done sth wrong (سرزنش کردن)
Reprimand (sb for sth)
to tell sb officially that he/she has done sth wrong (تنبیه کردن، توبیخ کردن)
To develop in a successful way (رونق یافتن)
Persist (in sth/ in doing sth)
1- to continue doing sth even though other people say that you are in wrong or that you can’t do it
2- to continue to exist
پا فشاری کردن
To carve (wood) into and object
To thrust or spread (things, especially limbs or fingers) out and apart
To stop fighting against sb/sth (تسلیم شدن)
Dent (v)
to damage a flat surface by hitting it not breaking it
Trample (on/over sb/sth)
to walk on sb/sth and damage or hurt him/her (زیر پا گذاشتن - پایمال کردن)
Confine (sb/sth in/to sth)
1- to keep a person or animal in particular usually small place
2- to stay within the limits of sth
(محدود کردن)
1- to be a sign of sth, to mean
2- to express or indicate sth
(دلالت کردن بر)
Refer (to sb/sth)
1- mention or talk about sb/sth
2- to describe or be connected with sb/sth
3- to find out information by asking sb or by looking in a book
(منسوب بودن)
Refer (sb/sth to sb/sth)
to send sb/sth to sb/sth else for help or to be dealt with (بازگشت دادن)
Refrain (from sth / from doing sth)
to stop yourself from doing sth (خودداری کردن)
To prevent sth unpleasant (جلوگیری کردن)
to pay attention to advice, warning, . . . (توجه کردن)
Rave (about sb/sth)
1- to say very good things about sb/sth
2- to speak angrily or wildly
to express a very high opinion of sb/sth (تحسین کردن)
Demonstrate (sth to sb)
1- to show sth clearly by giving proof
2- to show and explain to sb how to do sth or how sth works
(نشان دادن، ثابت کردن)
To happen again or many times
1- to make sb very tired
2- to use sth up completely, to finish all
3- to say everything you can about a subject
(خسته کردن، تهی کردن)
to show sb with a movement of your finger or hand that you want him/her come closer
Incorporate (sth in/into/within sth)
to make sth a part of sth else, include (گنجاندن)
Demonstrate (against/for sb/sth)
to take part in a public protest for or against sb/sth (تظاهرات کردن)
To make sth difficult (مانع شدن)
(of problem or illness) to cause sb/sth to suffer pain, sadness (رنجور کردن، آزردن)
Smear (sth on/over sb/sth) (sb/sth with sth)
to spread a sticky substance across sb/sth
To tear or cut sth into shreds (خرد کردن)
1- (for sth) to remove or reduce the bad effects of sth
2- (sb for sth) to pay sb money because you have injured him/her or lost or damage his/her property
(جبران کردن، غرامت دادن)
to recommend or say that you support a particular plan or action (دفاع کردن، طرفداری کردن)
1- to cause sth happen
2- to encourage sb to speak by asking question
(به فعالیت واداشتن، برانگیختن)
1- to look at sb in a very angry way
2- to shine with strong light that hurts your eyes
to make sb angry, to annoy sb very much (خشمگینکردن)
1- to move backwards and forwards or from side to side (تکان دادن نوسانی)
2- to shake sth violently
3- to shock sb
Row (v)
1- to move a boat through water using paddles (پارو زدن)
2- to carry sb/sth in a boat that you row
to live or stay in a place (ساکن شدن، اقامت گزیدن)
Dwell (on/upon)
to think or talk a lot about sth that it would be better to forget
Spark off
to cause sth (جرقه زدن و شروع شدن)
Babble (v)
1- to talk quickly or in a way that is difficult to understand (ور ور کردن)
2- to make the sound of water running over stone
to allow air to move freely in and out of a room or building (تهویه کردن)
to cook meat or vegetables slowly in a little liquid in a covered dish
to say formally or clearly that sth is true or that you support sth strongly
to make a series of soft explosive sounds typically when being heated or as a symptom of a fault
to surprise sb/sth in a way that slightly shocks or frightens him/her/it
to happen after (as a result of) sth else
Pore over sth
to study or read sth very carefully
Coerce sb (into sth / into doing sth)
to force sb to do sth, for example by threatening him/her
1- to take hold of sth suddenly and firmly
2- to take control or possession of sb/sth
3- (usually passive) (emotion) to affect sb suddenly and very strongly
Seize up
(Machine) to stop working because it’s too hot or doesn’t have enough oil
Dash (v)
1- to go somewhere suddenly and quickly
2- to hit sth with great force, to throw sth so that it hits sth else very hard
to prepare food, especially vegetables by putting it into boiling water for a short time
Blanch at sth
to become pale because you are shocked or frightened
Blanch at sth
to become pale because you are shocked or frightened
to lift or pull sth up, often by using rope
to speak slowly, making the vowel sounds very long
Grope (about/around) (for sth)
1- to search for sth or find your way using your hands because you can’t see
2- to touch sb sexually, especially when he/she doesn’t want you to
Jot (sth down)
to make a quick short note of sth
Elaborate (on sth)
to give more details about sth
Stumble (on/across sb/sth)
to meet or find sb/sth by chance
Stumble (over/on sth)
to hit your foot against sth when you’re walking or running and almost fall over
Stumble (over/through sth)
to make a mistake when you’re speaking, playing, …
Blemish (v)
to spoil the appearance of sth that is otherwise aesthetically perfect
to rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo) from loss at sea
to put forward (an idea, theory, …) for consideration by others (مطرح کردن)
to make sth shorter especially a word or phrase
Prowl (about/around)
(Animal that is hunting or person who want to steal sth) to move around an area quietly so that you are not seen or heard
1- to hit sb/sth hard with sth, usually your fist
2- to make a loud sound by hitting sth or by beating hard
to speak in a low, quiet and often angry voice that is difficult to hear
to tell sth to sb or to make sth known publicly
to become smaller or weaker
to end sth
to want to have sth very much (especially sth that belongs to sb else)
to take legal action in court of law
to burn sth so that its color changes but it is not destroyed
Scrap (v)
to get rid of sth that you don’t want anymore
1- to make sth dirty or untidy by touching it
2- to become untidy, without a clean line around it
Pit (v)
to make small holes in the surface of sth
Bristle (v)
(Hair or fair) to stand up straight because of fear or anger
Bristle (with sth) (at sb/sth)
to show that you are angry
to complain in a bad-tempered way, to keep saying that you don’t like sth
to take a quick drink of sth especially alcohol
to move quickly up and down, to make sth do this
Aspire (to sth/ to do sth)
to have a strong desire to have or do sth
to treat sb rudely, for example by refusing to look at or speak to them
Protrude (from sth)
to stick out from a place or surface
1- to feel angry or upset because sb has sth that you think he/she should not have
2- to be unhappy that you have to do sth
to refuse sth that sb offered to you
Peep (at sth)
1- to look at sth quickly and secretly, especially through a small opening
2- to be in a position where a small part of sb/sth can be seen
to hurt or damage sth as a result of a sharp knock
Jar (on sb/sth)
to have an unpleasant or annoying effect
Gush (out of/from/into sth)
1- (liquid) to flow out suddenly and in great quantity
2- (container/vehicle) to produce large amount of liquid
3- to express pleasure or admiration too much so that it doesn’t sound sincere
to move or make sth move gently through the air
to pass flour, sugar or a similar substance through a sieve in order to remove any lumps
Sift through sth
to examine sth very carefully
Mediate (in sth) ( between A and B)
to try to end a disagreement between two or more people or groups
to pull sth suddenly quickly and hard
to try to find or take hold of sth with your hands in a nervous or careless way
to stand or move in an unsteady way so that you look as if you’re going to fall
to move in a feeble or unsteady way
to move unsteady from side to side
to bend over your head and shoulders down and forward
Crunch (v)
1- to make a loud noise when you are eating sth hard
2- to make a loud noise like the sound of sth being crushed
Delegate (v)
to give sb with a lower job or position a special task to do
to move around in your chair because you are nervous, uncomfortable, . . .
to make a loud high noise because of pain, fear, enjoyment
to crash into sth or push sth with great force
Jolt (v)
to move or make sth/sb move in a sudden way
(Vehicle) to suddenly slide forwards or sideway without any control
1- (liquid) to come out quickly with great force, to make a liquid do this
2- to suddenly increase your speed or effort
to make a quick sudden movement, often that you can’t control, to cause sth to make a sudden movement
1- to burn the surface of sth in a way that is sudden and powerful
2- to cause sb to feel sudden and great pain
to make a sudden quick movement (usually with a part of your face) to show you are feeling pain or embarrassment
Snarl (at sb)
(Animal) to make an angry sound while showing the teeth
(Plants) to bend and start to die because of heat or lack of water
Plague (v)
to cause sb/sth a lot of trouble
Prickle (v)
to have or make sb have an uncomfortable feeling on the skin
to walk with difficulty through fairly deep water, mud, . . .
Tamper with sth
to make changes to sth without permission especially in order to damage it
Bustle (v)
1- to move in a busy, noisy or excited way
2- to make sb move somewhere quickly
Bustle (with sth)
to be full of people, noise or activity
to suddenly shake hard, especially because of an unpleasant feeling or thought
Cordon (sth off)
to stop people entering an area by surrounding it with a ring of police or soldiers
to turn around a certain point, to make sth do this
Flutter (v)
1- to move or make sth move quickly and lightly especially through the air
2- your heart or stomach flutters when you feel nervous or excited
to blow out air noisily as a way of showing that you don’t like sth or that you’re impatient
to make an agreement officially valid by voting for or signing it
to provide evidence or information that supports a statement or theory
to crash sth into a fine powder
(Voice or instrument) to make a deep clear sound that continues for a long time
Resonate (with sth)
1- (place) to be filled with sound
2- (place) to make a sound continue longer
Resonate (with sb/sth)
1- to remind sb of sth
2- to be similar to what sb thinks or believes
Sprout (v)
(Plants) to begin to grow or to produce new leaves
Spatter (sb/sth with sth) (sth on sb/sth)
to cover sb/sth with drops of sth wet
to make a hole or holes into sth
(Sound) to be repeated several times as it comes off different surfaces, echo
Reverberate (with / to sth)
(Place) to seem to shake because of a loud noise
to push or press sb/sth with your finger or pointed object
to make a short low sound in the throat people do that when they don’t like sth or are not interested and do not want to talk
Trot sth out
to repeat an old idea rather than thinking of sth new to say
Retort (v)
to reply quickly to what sb says in an angry or amusing way
to make a small hole by a sharp point, especially in a bicycle or car tyre
Glower (at sb/sth)
to look angrily at sb/sth
Sneer (at sb/sth)
to show that you have no respect for sb/sth by the expression on your face
1- to make sb’s body or mind weak
2- to make a country, an organization, . . . Weaker
to tie an animal to sth with a rope
Purge (sth of sb) ( sb from sth)
to remove people that you don’t want from a political party or other organization
Opt (to do / for sth)
to choose or decide to have sth after thinking about it
Cut down on sth
to reduce the quantity or amount
Clasp (v)
to hold sb/sth tightly
Elicit (sth from sb)
to manage to get information, facts or reaction from sb
to make the sound your feet make when you are walking in deep wet mud
to say firmly and often publicly what your opinion is, what you think is true
Lapse (v)
1- (contract) to finish or stop often by accident
2- to become weaker or stop for a short time
(Horse/rider) to go to the fastest speed
to be or go into a position that you are comfortable, protected or hidden
1- to give up being king or queen
2- to give sth up especially power or position
to make strong regular movements, to beat strongly
to pull sth hard and quickly, often several times
to become less strong, to be less strong
to make sb unable to do sth
to look steadily for a long time
to work very hard for a long time at sth
Anoint (sb with sth)
to put water or oil on sb’s head as a part of a religious ceremony
(Used about a wet surface) to shine
Bleach (v)
to make sth white or lighter in color by using a chemical or by leaving it in the sun
Muse (v) (about/on/over/upon sth)
1- to think carefully about sth for a time without noticing what is happening around you
2- to say sth, usually to yourself, in a way that shows you are thinking carefully about it
Batter (v)
to hit sb/sth hard, many times
Sidle (up/over to sb/sth)
to move towards sb/sth in nervous way, as if you don’t want anyone to notice you
Collar (v)
to catch hold of sb who does not want to be caught
to bend or hang downwards, especially because of weakness or you are tired
to burn sb/sth with liquid
Venture (v)
to do sth or go somewhere new and dangerous when you are not sure what will happen
Canvass (sb for sth)
1- to try to persuade people to vote for a particular person or party in an election
2- to find out what people’s opinion are about sth
Ramble (v)
to walk in the countryside for pleasure
Ramble (on about sth)
to talk for a long time in confused way
1- (birds) to stay in the air in one place
2- (person) to wait near sb/sth
Groan (at/with sth)
to make a deep sad sound because you’re in pain or to show that you’re unhappy about sth
to walk at a slow relaxed speed
to hurt so badly that part of his/her body no longer can be used
Stray (v)
1- to go away from the place where you should be
2- to not keep to the subject you should be thinking or discussing
Drape (over sth / sth round)
to put a piece of material, clothing, . . . loosely on sth
Drape (in/with sth)
to cover sb/sth with clothes
Lodge (v)
1- to pay to live sb’s house with him/her
2- to become firmly fixed or to make sth do this
3- to make an official statement complaining about sth
Ebb (v)
(Sea water) to flow away from the land which happens twice a day
Ebb (away)
(Feelings) to become weaker
to say officially that sb is very good
to gradually stop feeding the baby or young animal with its mother’s milk and start giving it solid food
to move from side to side in a way that is not steady, to make sb/sth do this
to stand or move in a way that is not steady as if you are going to fall because you are drunk, ill or weak
to shake slightly, tremble
to arrange or control an event in an unfair way in order to get the result you want
Rig sth up
to make sth quickly, using any materials you can find
to cry softly especially with pain or fear
to say that sb/sth is ridiculous, to laugh at sth in a cruel way
Scoff at sth
to speak about sb/sth that shows that you think that he/she/it is stupid or ridiculous
to make sth less strong
to make an unpleasant loud high sound
Revel (in sth / doing sth)
to enjoy sth very much
1- to sit or lie in a place where you can enjoy the warmth
2- to enjoy the good feelings you have when other people admire you or give you a lot of attention
Jeer at sb/sth
to laugh or shout rude comments at sb/sth to show your lack of respect
Outlaw (v)
to make sth illegal
1- to stop sth happening, developing or continuing
2- to be or make sb unable to breathe because it is very hot and there’s no fresh air
to ask sb for sth in a worried way because you want or need it very much
to show sth that you’re proud of so the other people will admire it
Fritter (sth away / on sth)
to waste time or money on things that are not important
Trample (on/over sb/sth)
to walk on sb/sth and hurt it/he/she
Lavish (sth on sb/sth)
to give sth generously or in large quantities to sb
Prick (v)
to make a small hole in sth or to cause sb pain with a sharp point
Cluster (around sb/sth)
to form a group around sb/sth
to involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence
1- burn with a sudden intensity
2- gradually become wider at one end
1- feel, show, or express great anger
2- emit gas, smoke, or vapor
(liquid) bubble up as a result of being boiled.
to cut out surgically
(of a liquid or gas) filter gradually through a porous surface or substance.
withdraw formally from membership of a federal union, an alliance, or a political or religious organization.