Verbs Flashcards
to lose weight/to slim down
aliviar el estrés
to reduce stress
apurarse/darse prisa
to hurry/to rush
aumentar de peso/engordar
to gain weight
calentarse (e:ie)
to warm up
disfrutar (de)
to enjoy/to reap the benefits (of)
to train
estar a dieta
to be on a diet
estar en buena forma
to be in good shape
hacer gimnasia
to workout
llevar una vida sana
to lead a healthy lifestyle
mantenerse en forma
to stay in shape
sufrir muchas presiones
to be under a lot of pressure
tratar de (+infinitive)
to try (to do something)
levantar pesas
to lift weights
no fumar
no smoking
hacer ejercicio
to exercise
to sweat
hacer ejercicios de estiramiento
to do stretching exercises
hacer ejercicios de aeróbicos
to do aerobic exercises