Verbs Flashcards
io scappo subito
I run away immediately
gli auguri
volevo farle le congratulazioni
I wanted to congratulate you
questo traguardo
this milestone, this finish line, this goal
magari immagino che sia impegnata?
maybe I guess that she’s busy?
Oh well
Salutations formally or hi informally
il cuoco
the cook
to bet (as to bet but also is in “I bet you thought.”)
Qualcuno si è dimenticato di dire.
Someone forgot to mention.
Si . . infatti . . no
Yes . . indeed . . no.
Avresti dovuto dirmelo . . . .
You should have told me (it) . . .
Mi hai fatto fare una figura!
You made me look good (as in foolish, not really good).
In fatti, non c’è veramente nessun problema.
In fact, there is really no problem.
in fact, precisely
Io gliel’avevo detto.
I had told them that.
Take a seat (informal).
Scusa se te lo dico . . .
Sorry if I tell you (it/this) . . .
Potevi avvisare tua mamma.
You could have warned your mom.
Va specificato?
Does it “go” specified . . . Should it be specified?
Si, lei si atteggia da persona aperta.
Yes, she poses as an open person.
to conceive of (as in to conceive of a thing as being a certain way).
E lei non supporta che una famiglia come tua possa essere felice.
And she can’t stand that a family like yours can be happy.
Vorrei che me lo dicessi in faccia
I wish you would tell me to my face.
rompere i colgioni
break my balls
E come se no bastasse. . .
And if that weren’t enough . . .
il fornitore, i fornitori
the supplier, the suppliers
to provide, to supply
si baciano
they kiss
si baciano il padrone di casa
they kiss the landlord
Chiedilo a tua amica.
Ask your friend (female friend).
Che vuol dire?
Non vuol dire niente.
What does it mean?
It doesn’t mean anything.
. . . Che Maria deve assistere a un attacco come questo.
. . . That Mary must witness an attack like this.
Perchè tu te lo sei dimenticato, ecco perchè.
Because you forgot, that’s why.
Come hai potuto?
How could you?
Ho distrutto questo.
I destroyed this.
Chi è che fa l’isterica?
Who is it that is hysterical?
I miei non facevano altro che urlarsi addosso di tutto.
My parents did nothing but scream at each other about everything.
on, about
Poi, si sono lasciati . .
Then, they broke up . . .
Andiamo lo stesso domani a Roma?
Lets go anyway (ie., all the same, let’s go) to Rome?
Ma vai a fare in culo!
But go fuck youself!
Ho invidiato . . .
I envied . . .
raffinato, ma mai pretenzioso. . .
refined, but never pretentious . .
turning point, twist (as in plot)
i cocci rotti
the broken shards
le spaccature
the rifts, the cracks (as in a broken glass)
Le spaccature
the scars the rifts, the cracks
Ma va’ a cagare, vai.
But go fuck yourself, go.
la parete
the wall
la portatrice
the carrier, the bearer
una specie di . . .
a type of . . .
una provetta
a test tube
Me la dai un’altra possibilità?
Will you give me another chance?
Devo mandare una lettera oggi.
I have to send a letter today.
Oggi vai in centro a spedire una lettera?
You going downtown to mail a letter, today?
È una persona orribile e non ha riguardo per le altre persone.
He is a horrible person and he has no regard for other people
Magari tu mi dirà cosa sta succedendo qui?
Maybe you will tell me what is going on here.
Fossi in te, lo farei il prima possibile
If I were you, I’d do that as soon as possible.
If you were me, what would you do?
Se fossi in me, cosa faresti?
If I were you. If he were you. If she were you.
Se fossi in te. Se lui fossi in te. Se lei fossi in te.
la ubicazione, la posizione
the location
la novità
the news (as in information or broadcast news)
the sighting (as in bird watchinb or a criminal on the run)
la ritiene responsabile
he/she holds (considers) you (la, formal) responsible
per legge
by law (as in by law, I have to do this)
chiamate intercettate
intercepted calls
la panchina
the bench (as in park or utility seating bench)
lei/lui si diresse verso . . .
she/he headed toward . . .
l’oggetto non si muoveva.
the object was not moving
la roccia
the rock
to remain
il racconto
the story
to supervise but also to be surveiled
nemmeno - nemmeno più
neither - not even anymore
we should
Not ti credo più.
I don’t believe you, anymore.
così a lungo
for so long
Me la caverò. - La caverò.
I’ll be fine. - I’ll get by.
Conta la verità.
The truth counts.
anche solo
even just
un volto amico
a friendly face
Per quanto ne so . . .
As far as I know . . .
to compare
una petroliera
an oil tanker
to enlist (as in army or police—think of “to enroll”)
parecchie volte - parrechia
many times - quite a lot
non si può
cannot be done
to recruit
la valutazione del rischio
the risk assessment
multiple homicide
barely (as in not much, say, for experience or work history).
a patto
provided (as in provided that the enginer works)
some or a few
il colloquio
the interview
la scissione
the split, the severance
il soggiogamento
the subjugation
testa di cazzo
il rivolta
the revolt
essere ridotto
to be reduced
a te non frega un cazzo
you don’t give a fuck
si sforzano
they try hard
grugnire, grugnisce
to grunt, he/she grunts
to resume, also to recover as in getting well
to sigh (breathy sound)
to resign (think of to be “dismissed” or “dis-placed”)
insomma. . .
in short . . . (as introductory phrase before an explanation . . thing of “in sum” as being the “short” of the whole equation)
entro qualche giorno. . .
within a few days (and, yes, the word for day is singular)
. . . che sia andata a finire così.
. . . that it turned out like this.
to wish (as in wishing someone good luck or ot have a good day)
il fallimento
the failure
literary (as in the literary world of business)
la letturatura
the literature or the things that are read
E così feci.
And so I did (as a finite activity that was not ongoing)
un viscido luogo
a slimy place
to jump
inoltre . . .
moreover, furthermore
la tua mano è stretta in un pugno.
you hand is clenched in a fist.
coupling (as in linking, too)
assumptions or hypotheses
tempo da perdere
time to waste
fanny packs
saltare fuori
to jump out
crazy as in “you’re the king of crazy” or think “folly”
tipo di . . .
kind of (as in kind of like that car over there)
everyone (as in ogni + uno)
La paura attecchisce.
the fear takes root.
to replace
Ti sei invaghito.
You are enamored.
Che si fotta questa situazione!
Fuck (screw) this situation! (think “that is fucked this situation).
lair (think “cove”)
il doppiogiohista
a double agent (notice masculine article).
la spietata efferatezza
the ruthless brutality
dovrò . . .
I will have to . . .
Che cavolata!
What bullshit.
Il spirito d’impresa.
The spirit of enterprise (as in business).
. . . . .da schifo . . .
. . . awful . . crap . . worthless, as in You draw crap: Tu disegni schifo.
unharmed (masculine)
Cosa stanno tramando?
What are they up to?
to tame
to swap (exchange, due to s + cambierare or “change”)
daddy, affectionate . . as in little daddy.
cacciare - caccia - pilota di caccia
to hunt - he/she/it hunts - fighter pilot
Mi pare ovvio.
It seems obvious to me.
il salto
the jump
to fry
Vediamo di . . .
Let’s see or we’ll see or let’s try . . . .
Riporta subito qui le chiappe.
Bring you ass (your buttocks) here right now.
bulli principianti
beginner (level or skill level) bullies
taci, amico
shut up, friend
big mouth (as in smart-ass mouth)
la rissa
the fight
il fascicolo
the file (as in information folder)
ansimare - ansima
to pant - he/she/it pants
si chiude - porta si chiude
closes - door closes
forza - forza!
strength/force but also an exhortation or word of courage along the lines of “come on” or “you can do it” or “move along and do it”
mi raccomando
listen to me (idiom)
folla parlotta
chattering crowd (noises)
scattare una foto
to take a picture
screens (tv)
to clear up or clear out something (as to clear out a crowd in an area)
la folla si raduni
the crowd gathers
la partita
the match (as in a game)
scattare l’allarme
to trigger the (security) alarm
Io ho chiuso. Abbiamo tutti chiuso.
I’m finished (“closed” as in too tired/overwhelmed/done with things. We’re all done.
even (as in I might even do this or that)
to turn myself in (as in to police)
buttons (as in buttons you push to operate something)
to stammer or stutter
la mira
the aim (as in shooting a gun)
la chiatta
the barge
il volto
the face (of a person or animal)
to cover up something (as in illegal coverup)
to refer
Partiamo tra tre minuti.
We leave in three minutes.
un graffio - graffire - ho graffito questa scrivania.
a scratch - to scratch - I scratched this desk.
Raccoglila! Raccogliere
Pick it (feminine object) up! To collect, gather, pick up, harvest
un granchio - i granchi
the crab - the crabs
Ecco la ragione che . . .
Here is the reason that . . .
Ce la fai?
You’ll make it (make it to there)?
Andai in una cafeteria . . .
I went to a cafeteria . . .
at least
Quanto ci vorrà?
How long will that take?
Put it down.
Il ghiaccio non regge.
The ice doesn’t hold up.
to get around something