Verbs Flashcards
io scappo subito
I run away immediately
gli auguri
volevo farle le congratulazioni
I wanted to congratulate you
questo traguardo
this milestone, this finish line, this goal
magari immagino che sia impegnata?
maybe I guess that she’s busy?
Oh well
Salutations formally or hi informally
il cuoco
the cook
to bet (as to bet but also is in “I bet you thought.”)
Qualcuno si è dimenticato di dire.
Someone forgot to mention.
Si . . infatti . . no
Yes . . indeed . . no.
Avresti dovuto dirmelo . . . .
You should have told me (it) . . .
Mi hai fatto fare una figura!
You made me look good (as in foolish, not really good).
In fatti, non c’è veramente nessun problema.
In fact, there is really no problem.
in fact, precisely
Io gliel’avevo detto.
I had told them that.
Take a seat (informal).
Scusa se te lo dico . . .
Sorry if I tell you (it/this) . . .
Potevi avvisare tua mamma.
You could have warned your mom.
Va specificato?
Does it “go” specified . . . Should it be specified?
Si, lei si atteggia da persona aperta.
Yes, she poses as an open person.
to conceive of (as in to conceive of a thing as being a certain way).
E lei non supporta che una famiglia come tua possa essere felice.
And she can’t stand that a family like yours can be happy.