Verbs Flashcards
Infinitive, Past Simple, Past Participle de….
pago la cuenta
He paid the bill
va llegir el llibre
she read the book
va dibuixar un quadrat
she drew a square
ella no volia fer-lo enfadar
she did not mean to make him angry
he began to cry
va començar a plorar
va construir un castell
he built a castle
ha portat un nou ordinador
he has brought a new computer (laptop)
ha trucat a la seva mare
he has rung his mother
she shot the gun and then he drove away
va disparar la pistola y llavors ell va conduir (anarse’n)
unfortunately she had drunk the poison
desafortunadament havia begut el verí
To Say (Past simple?) (past participle?)
To say, said, said
va tallar el pastis
she cut the cake
ha tallat el pastis i el seu dit
she has cut the cake and her finger
Caught, és el past participle de quin verb?
To catch