Verbs Flashcards
to speed up
to sigh
to chuckle
Rir abafado
to moan
to groan
Ofegar X ficar ofegante
to pant X panting
to fulfill
Ex.: Aschoolfailsif it does not fulfill theneeds/requirementsofitsstudents.
Ex.: Zoos fulfill animportantfunctionin theprotection of rare species
He hasfailedto fulfill his dutiesas afather
To do something aspromisedorintended, or tosatisfyyourhopesorexpectations
Ex.: She said thepresidenthadfailedto fulfill hiscampaignpromises
to weep
to cry (chorar)
to remark (verb) remark (noun)
Verb -> to give a spoken statement of an opinion or thought
Ex.: He remarked that she was looking thin
Noun -> something that you say, givingyour opinion about something or statinga fact
Ex.: The children made rude remarks about the young man
to summarize
to sum up
to unwind
to relax, especially the mind, especially after working
Ex.: Musichelpsme to unwind
to resort
to appeal
“Recorrer a”
to trace
to forbid
to deceive
enganar, iludir
to hand
to issue
to undergo
toexperiencesomething,especiallyachangeor medicaltreatment.
to experience something, especially unpleasant
(“passar por”, “submeter-se a”)
to gaze
to stare, tolookat someone or something for a long time.
“contemplar”, “fitar”
to compute
tocalculateanansweroramountby using a machine or using mathematics.
(“computar”, “calcular”)
to equate
toconsiderone thing to be the same as orequalto another thing
to convene
tobringtogether agroupofpeoplefor ameeting, or tomeetfor ameeting
(“convocar”, “reunir-se”)
Ex.: Theprimeministerconvened (ameetingof) his cabinet todiscussthematter.
to glance
to look somewhere for a short time
to read something quickly
(“olhar de relance”, “dar uma olhada”)
acontece que eu sei que…
I happen to know that…
to assume
to suppose to be the case
to giggle
tolaughin anervousorsillyway
“rir tolamente”
to major (in something)
tostudysomething asyourmainsubjectat college oruniversity
(“especializar-se em algo”)
Ex.: She majored inphilosophyat Harvard.
to peel
to take of the skin of fruit or vegetables
to choke