Verbos Reflexivos Para Empezar Flashcards
I get up
me levanto
You have fun
te diviertes
She wakes up
ella se despierta
He feels sad
él se siente triste
We brush our teeth.
Nos cepillamos los dientes
They wash their hands.
Se lavan los manos.
I put on my shoes.
me pongo los zapatos
You get dressed.
te vistes
He goes to sleep.
él se acuesta
She shaves.
ella se afeita
we take a shower
nos duchamos
they bathe
se bañan
I organize my room
me arreglo el cuarto
she puts make-up on her face (she paints her face)
se pinta la cara
we dry off
nos secamos
I stay here.
me quedo aquí
we get married
nos casamos
They meet (they get together)
se reunen
she cuts her hair
Ella se corta el pelo
we take off our clothes
nos quitamos la ropa
they get along well
se llevan bien
I hurt myself
me lastimo
you say good-bye
te despides
He sits in the chair
se sienta en la silla