Verbos Con Preposiciones Flashcards
To contribute to
Contribuir a
To meet with
Encontrarse con
To help
Ayudar a
To forget
Olvidarse de
To attend
Asistir a
To make up ones mind to; to decide to
Decidirse a
To dedicate oneself to, to devote oneself to
Dedicarse a
To start out, to burst out (doing something)
Echar(se) a
To start to, to begin to
Empezar a
To prepare to, to get ready to
Prepararse a
To cease
Cesar de
To come upon
Dar con
To provide oneself with
Hacerse de
To stop doing something
Dejar de
To be sure of
Estar seguro de
Must, have to
Haber de
To climb, to board, to come up
Subir a
To stop (doing something)
Parar de
To refuse to
Rehusarse a
To consist of
Consistir en
To refuse to
Negarse a
To take charge of
Encargarse de
To be happy to
Alegrarse de
To think about (to contemplate about doing something)
Pensar en
To invite to
Invitar a
To aspire to
Aspirar a
To smell like
Oler a
To resist, to oppose to
Resistirse a
To end up (by doing something)
Acabar por
To count on
Contar con
To delay in
Tardar en
To work as, to act as
Hacer de
To repent
Arrepentirse de
To complain of
Quejarse de
To end up (by doing something)
Terminar por
To begin by
Empezar por
To tire of, to grow tired of
Cansarse de
To do a favor
Hacer el favor
To start to, to set about to
Ponerse a
To be angry with
Enojarse con
To have just done something
Acabar de
To break up with
Romper con
To agree to
Convenir en
To get ready to
Disponerse a
To take an interest in
Interesarse por
To marry
Casarse con
To finish, to stop doing something
Terminar de
To threaten with/to
Amenazar con
To consist of
Constar de
To boast of
Jactarse de
To be freightened at/of
Asustarse de
To try to
Tratar de
To get out to, to leave to
Salir a
To offer to, to volunteer to
Ofrecerse a
To agree to
Quedar en
To think about (I.e. to have an opinion about)
Pensar de
To force
Obligar a
To reunite with, to join
Reunirse con
To be a question of
Tratarse de
To be in favor of
Estar por
To come to
Venir a
To contribute to
Contribuir a
To do something again
Volver a
To run to
Correr a
To come to, to arrive to
Llegar a
To doubt
Dudar de
To dream of/about
Soñar con
To learn how to
Aprender a
To begin to, to start to
Comenzar a
To get accustomed to
Acostumbrarse a
To worry about
Preocuparse por
To take advantage of, to abuse
Abusar de
To remember
Acordarse de
To teach how to
Enseñar a
To take care of
Cuidar de
To regret, to repent of
Arrepentirse de
To dare to, to be so bold as to
Atreverse a
To help
Ayudar a
To insist on
Insistir en
To go down, to take down
Bajar a
To face, to overlook
Dar a
To be in love with
Estar enamorado con
To travel to
Viajar a
To approach
Acercarse a
To lead to
Conducir a
To contribute to
Contribuir a
To take care of
Cuidar a
To begin to
Echar(se) a
To force to
Forzar a
To invite to
Invitar a
To send to
Mandar a
To go on to
Pasar a
To get ready to
Prepararse a
To renounce
Renunciar a
To tend to
Tender a
To devote oneself to
Dedicarse a
To attend
Asistir a
To face, to overlook
Dar a
To address, to go toward
Dirigirse a
To enter
Entrar a
To be equivalent to, to equal to
Equivaler a
To be located at
Estar a
To be seated at
Estar sentado a
To play (game, sport)
Jugar a
To smell like
Oler a
To look like
Parecerse a
To love
Querer a
To answer
Responder a
To taste like
Saber a
To be a fan of
Ser aficionado a
To sound like
Sonar a
To knock on
Tocar a
To be ‘s turn
Tocarle a
To board, to get in to
Subir a
To appear at
Asomarse a
To refer to
Referirse a
To intend to say
Querer decir
To meet
Encontrarse con
To fill with
Llenar de
To be busy with
Ocuparse de
To hear about
Oír hablar de
To lose sight of
Perder de vista
To serve as
Servir de
To dress in
Vestir de
To return (in time)
Volver en
To notice
Fijarse en
To trust, to rely on
Confiar en
To opt for
Optar por
To pray for
Rezar por
To vote for
Votar por
To travel by
Viajar por
To ask for/about
Preguntar por
To strive to
Afanarse por
To apologize for
Disculparse por
To get over, to recover from
Recuperarse de
To have taken (photos)
To abominate, to loathe
Abominar (de)
To end up + gerundio
Acabar por
To agree to
Acceder a
To happen to + inf
Acertar a
To be astonished at, to be amazed at
Admirarse de
To hold on to
Agarrarse a
To come early
To take advice from
Asesorarse de
To stick one’s head out of
Asomarse a
To he associated with
Asociarse con
To aspire to
Aspirar a
To be ashamed of
Avergonzarse de
To center on
Centrar en
To stop raining
Cesar de llover
To match with, to go with
Combinar con
To feel sorry for
Compadecerse de
To take pleasure in
Complacerse en
To congratulate on
Congratularse de
To consist of
Constar de
To contrast with
Contraponer a
To be suspicious of
Desconfiar de
To not live up to; to not go with; to be unworthy of
Desdecir de
To get rid of
Deshacerse de
To be different from
Diferir de
To provide with, to equip with
Dotar de
To become addicted to
Ennviciarse en
To do one’s best to
Esmerarse en
To expose to, to run the risk of
Exponerse a
To graduate from
Graduarse de
To fill with, to stuff with, to cram with
Henchir de
To border with
Limitar con
To choose between
Optar entre
To penetrate, to look into
Penetrar en
To be proud of
Preciarse de
To start proceedings against
Proceder contra
To protest against
Protestar contra
To stay with
Quedar con
To reflect on
Reflexionar sobre
To denounce, to disown
Renegar de
To end up in
Resolverse en
To surround with
Rodearse de
To go out of
Salir de
To stand out for; to distinguish by/with
Singularizarse por
To suspect
Sospechar de
To succeed (someone)
Suceder a
To be acquainted with
Tratar con
To try to
Tratar de
To come across, to bump into
Tropezar con
To use
Usar de
To use of, to make use of
Valerse de
To be different to, to differ from
Variar de
To fly to
Volar a
To get away from
Zafarse de
To take revenge on
Vengarse de
To be supposed to
Haber de + infinitivo
To make sure of
Cerciorar de
To think about
Opinar de