Verbal Periphrases with Infinitive Flashcards
deber de + inf
to “should” or “must”
expresses doubt or possibility
deber + inf
to have to
obligation/weaker than tener que
tener que + inf
to have to
stronger obligation than deber + inf
poder + inf
capacity, ability,
or assumption (when poder is conjugated in the conditional)
venir + a
expresses approximation
parecer + inf
expresses conjecture
to seems to, to appears to
querer + inf
expresses wishes and desires
saber + inf
expresses skill
to know how to do
ir a + inf
used to express future action or an
unexpected action or situation
soler + inf
repetition or habit
to usually
acostumbrar (a) + inf
habit, repetition
to be used to; to get used to
acabar de + inf
completion of recent action
to have just
volver a + inf
to return or repeat ; to do again
estar por + inf
to be about to
comenzar a + inf
empezar a + inf
ponerse a + inf
entrar a + inf
to begin to; to start to
dejar de + inf
parar de + inf
expresses interruption
to stop
acabar de + inf
terminar de + inf
expresses end, finish
to finish
pasar a + inf
to go on to next; to transition to else
empezar por + inf
denotes the first action or step to take place in a series
to begin by
acabar por + inf
terminar por + inf
denotes the last action or step in a series
to end up; to end by
venir a + inf
denotes results and outcomes
to turn out to be