Verbal Advantage Level 1 Flashcards
Learn to understand and effectively use 50 advanced vocabulary words. Improve your test scores, or simply be more articulate in your daily life. Each word is used in context in a sample sentence and includes synonyms and a pronunciation guide.
Paraphrase (PAR-uh-frayz)
To restate, put what someone else has expressed into different words.
Ostensible (ah-STEN-suh-buul)
Apparent, appearing or seeming to be true, professed or declared as true without being demonstrated or proved.
Synonyms: plausible, specious.
Digress (di-GRES or dy-GRES)
To wander, stray from the point, ramble, deviate, go off in another direction.
Corresponding noun: digression.
Related words: ingress, the place you walk in, the entrance; egress, the place you walk
out, the exit.
Additional useful word: archaic (ar-KAY-ik), old-fashioned.
Uncanny (uhn-KAN-ee)
Eerie, strange, weird, mysterious.
Candor (KAN-dur)
Frankness, openness, sincere expression.
Synonyms: straightforwardness, outspokenness, forthrightness, ingenuousness (in-JENyoo-
Corresponding adjective: candid, frank, open, sincere. Synonyms of candid include
forthright and ingenuous.
Morose (muh-ROHS)
Gloomy, moody, glum, grumpy, ill-tempered, depressed.
Synonyms: sullen, dolorous, lugubrious, saturnine.
Antonyms: optimistic, jovial, sanguine.
Corresponding noun: moroseness.
Additional useful word: misanthropy, hatred of humankind.
Adept (uh-DEPT)
Skilled, handy.
Synonyms: clever, able, deft, expert, dexterous, proficient, adroit (Level 3, Word 41).
Corresponding noun: adept (AD-ept), a highly skilled person, an expert.
Saturated (SACH-uh-ray-tid)
Soaked, drenched, thoroughly wet, full of moisture.
Synonyms: steeped, permeated, impregnated, imbued, sodden.
Corresponding noun: saturation.
Pragmatic (prag-MAT-ik)
Practical, having to do with actual practice, concerned with everyday affairs as opposed to theory or speculation.
Congenial (kun-JEE-nee-ul)
Sympathetic, agreeable, having the same taste, nature, or temperament.
Synonyms: compatible, kindred, harmonious.
Antonyms: alien, dissident, incongruous (in-KAHNG-groo-us).
Capricious (kuh-PRISH-us)
Unpredictable, tending to change abruptly for no apparent or logical reason.
Synonyms: flighty, changeable, impulsive, fickle, erratic, whimsical, volatile, mercurial.
Antonyms: stable, reliable, unwavering, steadfast, abiding.
Corresponding noun: caprice, a sudden change of mind or change in the emotions.
Pronunciation tip: caprice is pronounced kuhPREES; capricious should rhyme with
Blatant (BLAY-tint)
Noisy, disagreeably or offensively loud, boisterous, clamorous; also, sticking out in a glaring way, obtrusive, flagrant.
Obligatory (uh-BLIG-uh-tor-ee)
Required, necessary, binding, mandatory.
Antonyms: optional, voluntary.
Negligible (NEG-li-juh-buul)
Unimportant, trifling, of little consequence.
Synonyms: trivial, insignificant
Adamant (AD-uh-mint)
Unyielding, immovable, inflexible, refusing to give in.
Synonyms: unshakable, unrelenting, implacable.
Sporadic (spor-RAD-ik)
Occasional, infrequent, irregular, not constant, happening from time to time, occurring in scattered or random way.
Antonyms: constant, incessant, unremitting.
Vanguard (VAN-gard)
The forefront of an action or movement, leading position or persons in a movement.
Concur (kun-KUR)
(1) To agree, be in accord with, unite in opinion.
(2) To act together, combine in having an effect.
(3) To happen together, occur at the same time, coincide.
Etymology tip: One meaning of the Latin prefix con- is “together.” By derivation, that
which concurs happens together, acts together, or is together in opinion.
Precociousness (pruh-KOH-shus-nis)
Early development or maturity, especially in mental ability.
Antonym: retardation.
Corresponding adjective: precocious.
Aloof (uh-LOOF)
Apart, at a distance, removed, withdrawn, not wishing to speak or associate with others.
Synonyms: unsympathetic, unapproachable, standoffish, indifferent.