Verb to be Flashcards
Bpen (to be something - cas d’utilisation)
Occupation (aā-chêep) - Nationality (săn-chat) - Relationship (kwaam săm-păn) - illness (kwãam jèp-bpùai)
Subject + bpen + Noun
Thai Verbs to be you can not use with an adjectives
I am a teacher
phom bpèn krũ
She is a doctor
ther bpēn mör
They are students
Pùak-kão bpẽn nák-rĩan
I am a Thai
phom bpẽn kòn-tãi
She is a Japanaese
ther bpēn kòn yêe-bpùn
They are Chinese
Puak-kão bpēn kön-jeen
She is my friend
ther bpẽn pùean köng-pom
We are friends
pûak-rão bpên pûean gān
He is my father
kão Bpẽn pôr köng-põm
I have a cold
phom bpẽn wàd
I have a fever
phom bpẽn kâi
Yuu (to be somewhere - cas d’utilisation)
To specify the location of the subject.
To specify where the subject lives.
To specify where the subject stays.
Subject + yuu + Noun
I am at home
phõm yùu (têe) bâan
The telephone is on the table
Tôh-rá-sàp yùu bõn dtó
My house is in the garden
Bâan kóng-pom yùu nãi suan.
The cat is under the chair
Mãew yùu dtâai gâo-êe
You are in my room
kũn yùu nãi hông köng-pom
I live in America
phõm (aã-săi) yùu nãi bprà-tâed à-mãy-rí gã
She lives in Bangkok
thẽr (aã-săi) yùu nãi grũng-tâep
He lives in Krabi
kão (aã-săi) yùu nãi krabi
I stay at the hotel
pom pák-yùu têe rõng-rãem
(have to use pák- yùu beacause you are staying for a short period)
I stay at friends house
pom pák-yùu têe bâan kỗng pûean
kūe (to introduce something - cas d’utilisation)
However küe is rarely use in Thai conversations you use kue in the following =
subject + küe + noun
Noun here is the something that is use as introduction, example, clarification, explanation, meaning, definition .
For example :
1. This is Peter. Nêe küe kun Peter.(demonstrative pronoun)
2. This is my pens. Nêe kue bpàak-gãa köng-pom.
*** if “Küe” follows a demonstrative pronoun (this, that, these, those,
it can be omitted)
She is beautiful
ther suay
In Thai language we not use adjectives with a verb to be
This fried rice is delicious
Kãao - pàd née à-ròi
In Thai language we not use adjectives with a verb to be
The noodle is hot
Guăy-dtiăw rón
In Thai language we not use adjectives with a verb to be
This is not my dog
Nêe mâi-châi măa
I am not a Thai
phõm mâi-châi kõn-tãi
They are not students
Pûak-kão mâi-châi nák-rĩan
Negative sentence for yuu (to be somewhere)
I am not at home
pom mâi-yùu têe bâan
I don’t live in Thailand
pom mâi-yùu bprà-tâed tãi
You are not in the room
Kũn mâi-yùu nãi hông
This coffee is not hot
Gãa-fãe née mâi rón
The fried rice is not good
Kâao-pàd mâi à-ròi
This room is not clean
Hông née mâi sà-aàd