Verb Tense Stems Flashcards
To learn the stems to use in construction of selected verb tenses - Future, Conditional, Imperfect and Passe Compose.
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Acheter (To Buy)
Acheter , Achet , (Av) Achete
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Achever (To Finish / Achieve)
Achever, Achev , (Av) Acheve
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Agir (To Act)
Agir, Agiss , (Av) Agi
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Aller (To Go)
Ir , All , (Et) Alle
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Arriver (To Arrive)
Arriver , Arriv , (Et) Arrive
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Avoir (To Have)
Aur , Av , (Av) Eu
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Battre (To Hit)
Battre , Batt , (Av) Battu
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Casser (To Break)
Casser , Cass , (Av) Casse
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Changer (To Change)
Changer , Chang(e) , (Av) Change
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Chercher (To Look For)
Chercher , Cherch , (Av) Cherche
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Commencer (To Begin)
Commencer, Commenc , (Av) Commence
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Comprendre (To Understand)
Comprendr, Compren, (Av) Compris
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Connaitre (To Know - A Person)
Connaitr , Connais, (Av) Connu
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Croire (To Believe, Think)
Croir, Croy , (Av) Cru
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Depasser (To Pass, Exceed)
Depasser , Depass , (Av) Depasse
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Devenir (To Become)
Deviendr , Deven , (Et) Devenu(e)(s)
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Devoir (to Owe, Should)
Devr , Dev , (Av) Du
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Dire (To say)
Dir , Dis , (Av) Dit
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Donner (To Give)
Donner , Donn , (Av) Donne
What is the Future and Conditional (always the same) stem, Imperfect stems and Passé Composé past paticiple (and verb - avoir or etre used) of this verb
Ecrir (To Write)
Ecrir , Ecriv , (Av) Ecrit