* verb picture test Flashcards





dejar [la] Q] vt (a) (gen) to leave; (omitir) to forget, leave out; (abandonar) to leave, abandon, desert, forsake; (prestar) to lend; esfuerzo, trabajo etc to give up, stop, abandon; pasajero to put down, set down; to drop; (Com) balance etc to show, leave; beneficio to produce, yield; ~ aparte to leave aside; ~ atrás to leave behind, outstrip, out-distance; (fig) to surpass; ~ a uno muy atrás to leave sb far behind; ~ algo para mañana to leave sth till tomorrow, postpone (o put off) sth till tomorrow; ~ algo para después to leave sth till later; lo dejamos por muy difícil we gave it up because it was too hard; lo dejamos por imposible we gave it up as (being) impossible; así que lo dejamos so we gave it up; ¡deja eso! stop that!, drop that!, chuck it!; te lo dejo en la conserjería I’ll leave it for you at the porter’s office; ~ así las cosas to leave things as they are; dejémoslo así let’s leave it at that; como dejo dicho as I have said; deja escritas 3 novelas he left 3 novels which he had written; he left 3 finished novels; deja mucho que desear it leaves a lot to be desired; ¿me dejas 10 dólares? can I borrow 10 dollars, can you lend me 10 dollars?; ¿me dejas el auto? can you (o will you) let me have the car?

Y(b) (permitir) to let, allow; quiero pero no me dejan I want to but they won’t let me; ~ a uno + in fin to let sb + inf in, allow sb to + inf in; ~ a uno entrar to let sb in; ~ a uno pasar to let sb in (o through, past etc); ~ a uno salir to let sb out; ~ que las cosas vayan

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dejar [la] Q] vt (a) (gen) to leave; (omitir) to forget, leave out; (abandonar) to leave, abandon, desert, forsake; (prestar) to lend; esfuerzo, trabajo etc to give up, stop, abandon; pasajero to put down, set down; to drop; (Com) balance etc to show, leave; beneficio to produce, yield; ~ aparte to leave aside; ~ atrás to leave behind, outstrip, out-distance; (fig) to surpass; ~ a uno muy atrás to leave sb far behind; ~ algo para mañana to leave sth till tomorrow, postpone (o put off) sth till tomorrow; ~ algo para después to leave sth till later; lo dejamos por muy difícil we gave it up because it was too hard; lo dejamos por imposible we gave it up as (being) impossible; así que lo dejamos so we gave it up; ¡deja eso! stop that!, drop that!, chuck it!; te lo dejo en la conserjería I’ll leave it for you at the porter’s office; ~ así las cosas to leave things as they are; dejémoslo así let’s leave it at that; como dejo dicho as I have said; deja escritas 3 novelas he left 3 novels which he had written; he left 3 finished novels; deja mucho que desear it leaves a lot to be desired; ¿me dejas 10 dólares? can I borrow 10 dollars, can you lend me 10 dollars?; ¿me dejas el auto? can you (o will you) let me have the car?

Y(b) (permitir) to let, allow; quiero pero no me dejan I want to but they won’t let me; ~ a uno + in fin to let sb + inf in, allow sb to + inf in; ~ a uno entrar to let sb in; ~ a uno pasar to let sb in (o through, past etc); ~ a uno salir to let sb out; ~ que las cosas vayan

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ejar [la] Q] vt (a) (gen) to leave; (omitir) to forget, leave out; (abandonar) to leave, abandon, desert, forsake; (prestar) to lend; esfuerzo, trabajo etc to give up, stop, abandon; pasajero to put down, set down; to drop; (Com) balance etc to show, leave; beneficio to produce, yield; ~ aparte to leave aside; ~ atrás to leave behind, outstrip, out-distance; (fig) to surpass; ~ a uno muy atrás to leave sb far behind; ~ algo para mañana to leave sth till tomorrow, postpone (o put off) sth till tomorrow; ~ algo para después to leave sth till later; lo dejamos por muy difícil we gave it up because it was too hard; lo dejamos por imposible we gave it up as (being) impossible; así que lo dejamos so we gave it up; ¡deja eso! stop that!, drop that!, chuck it!; te lo dejo en la conserjería I’ll leave it for you at the porter’s office; ~ así las cosas to leave things as they are; dejémoslo así let’s leave it at that; como dejo dicho as I have said; deja escritas 3 novelas he left 3 novels which he had written; he left 3 finished novels; deja mucho que desear it leaves a lot to be desired; ¿me dejas 10 dólares? can I borrow 10 dollars, can you lend me 10 dollars?; ¿me dejas el auto? can you (o will you) let me have the car?

Y(b) (permitir) to let, allow; quiero pero no me dejan I want to but they won’t let me; ~ a uno + in fin to let sb + inf in, allow sb to + inf in; ~ a uno entrar to let sb in; ~ a uno pasar to let sb in (o through, past etc); ~ a uno salir to let sb out; ~ que las cosas vayan

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