Verb phrases Flashcards
Melakukan tindakan
To take action
Memerlukan lebih lama daripada
To take longer than
Menggunakan kesempatan
To take the opportunity
Menuruti nasihat
To take/file advice
Mendapat gelar mahasiswa
To get a university degree
Menduduki jabatan
To take a position
Menempuh ujian
To take an exam
Memakan waktu
To take time
Menganggap remeh
To take lightly
Menjadi dewasa
To grow up (together)
Menanamkan kepercayaan kepada
To put faith in
Mengajukan pertanyaan/ide
To throw out/put forth a question/idea
Membagi waktu
To manage time
Berhak menentukan
The right to choose
Menarik nafas
To breathe in
Lepas nafas
To breathe out
mengundurkan diri
to resign oneself
merasa puas
to feel content
mengertakkan gigi
to grit your teeth
memgang peran
to play a role
bertepuk tangan
to clap your hands
mencari akal
to figure out
masuk akal
to make sense
Membangun hubungan
To make friends, build a relationship
memecahkan masalah
to solve problems
memegang omongnya
to keep one’s word
berusaha keras
to try hard
mematangkan rencana
to solidify plans
pikir matang-matang
to think carefully/deeply
menyeka wajah
to wipe (SO’s) face
menitikkan air mata
to tear up
asal pilih
to choose rashly
menerima suap
to take a bribe
melihat kedepan
mengambil resiko
to take a risk
hadir dalam hati
to reside in (your) heart
mengambil tindakan
to take action
bunuh diri
to commit suicide
suka pada
to like SO (romantically)
mencurahjan isi hatinya
to pour out your heart
mengikuti teladan
to follow the example of
meregang nyawa
to die (Lit: to stretch your soul)
melalaikan tugas
to shirk your responsability
berubah pikiran
to change your mind
berulang kali
many times
Memandang rendah
To look down on
Berbicara omong kosong
To talk uselessly; to not know what they’re talking about
Membuat dirinya dikenal
To make oneself know
Mengambil alih
To be over involved
Mengatur keuangan
To manage finances
Mencari akal
To figure out
Menarik perhatian
To get SO’s attention
Menjewer telinga
To twist SO’s ear
Memukul pantat
To spank
Tidur pulas
To sleep like a log
Mendapat konsekuensi
To get/receive/suffer the consequence
Mencetak gol
To score a goal
Menuruti nasehat
To follow advice
Menata rambut
To do/fix your hair
Menjadi dewasa
To grow up
Menarik kesimpulan
To conclude, arrive at the conclusion
Hilang kesabaran
To lose patience
Memberi dorongan
To encourage/give encouragement
Memberi peringkat
To rate
Menguasai keterampilan
To master a skill