Verb irreg practice Flashcards
I love to sing in the shower
Me encanta cantar bajo la ducha
my friend likes smart guys
A mi amiga le encantan los chicos inteligentes
We like your blue bag. is it new?
Nos encanta tu bolsa azul. ? es nueva?
I am interested in the foreign policy of my country
Me interesa la política exterior de mi país
I like good news
Me interesan las noticias buenas
I don’t like to read (for myself)
No me interesa leer
Aren’t you bothered by the noise from the street?
?No te molesta el ruido de la calle?
Big flies bother me more
Me molestan más las moscas grandes
We like Roberto but he doesn’t like us. He thinks we are stupid
Roberto nos cae bien pero a él le caemos mal. Piensa que somos tontitos
I am not worried about the future of my girlfriend. Is she worried about my future? I don’t think so.
No me preocupa el futuro de mi novia. A ella le preocupa mi future? No creo
I think that to read philosophy books bores me but Jose is not bored by it. Its incredible
Creo que leer libros de filosofía me aburre mucho pero a José no le aburre eso. Es increíble.
I am afraid to touch a spider. Its disgusting. My daughter is afraid of being alone in the dark.
Me da miedo tocar un araña. Ma da asco. A mi hija la da miedo estar sola en la oscuridad
Traveling favors the understanding of other cultures. Laws favor businessmen
Viajar favorece la comprensíon de otras culturas. Las leyes favorecen a los empresarios