verb + infinitive Flashcards
To undertand patterns that verbs must follow when combined with the infinitive of another verb such as verb + inf. verb a + inf. verb de + inf. verb en + inf. verb que + inf.
consentir en (to consent to): La compañía consiente en pagar a 108 empleados más de $193.000 en salarios atrasados. The company consents to paying 108 employees more than $193,000 in back pay.
consistir en (to consist of): El éxito consiste en obtener lo que se desea. Success consists of obtaining what is desired.
convenir en (to agree to): Como padres, el domingo convenimos en hacer las siguientes cosas con nuestros hijos. As parents, on Sunday we agreed to do the following things with our children.
esforzarse en (to strive to, to make an effort to):
Me esfuerzo en conocer a mis compañeros de trabajo. I am making an effort to get to know the people I work with. (The phrase esforzarse por can also be used with little change in meaning.)
insistir en (to insist on): El canciller de Argentina insistió en retomar las negociaciones con Gran Bretaña. The Argentine chancellor insisted on restarting negotiations with Great Britain. (The verb phrases empeñarse en and empecinarse en, although less common, can be used with much the same meaning.)
interesarse en (to interest in): Me intereso en comprar autos usados en más o menos buen estado. I am interested in buying used cars in more or less good condition.
molestarse en (to bother to): Nunca me molesté en leer más de esos pocos libros. I never went to the bother of reading more than those few books.
obstinarse en (to adamantly insist on): La derecha se obstina en combatir un pasado que ya no existe mientras la izquierda se obstina en llorar por un pasado que, afortunadamente, ya no volverá. The right insists on fighting a past that still does not exist while the left insists on crying for a past that, fortunately, still won't come.
pensar en (to consider): Pensaré en trabajar en algún tipo de proyecto escolar. I will think about working on some kind of school project.
persistir en (to persist in): Mi amigo persiste en gastar más de lo que gana. My friend keeps on spending more than he earns.
quedar en (to agree to): Quedamos en salir a los ocho con sus amigas y su hermano. We agreed to leave at 8 with her friends and her brother. (In some regions, quedar de is preferred.)
tardar en (to be late in) La policía noruega admitió que tardó demasiado en llegar a la isla el día de la masacre. The Norwegian police admitted that they were too late in arriving on the island the day of the massacre.
vacilar en (to hesitate in) Los granjeros no vacilaban en comprar tierras irrigadas. The farmers didn't hesitate in buying irrigated land.
acabar de (to finish, usually recently) Acabo de leer la biografía de Simón Bolívar. I just read Simon Bolivar's biography.
acordarse de (to remember) No me acuerdo de ver a nadie sacando fotos. I don't remember seeing anyone taking pictures.
alegrarse de (to be happy to) Se alegra de haber realizado el cambio y afirma que esa era la carrera que estaba buscando. He is happy to have made the change and says that was the career he was looking for.
arrepentirse de (to regret, to repent of) Mi hija se arrepintió de subir el video de su novio a YouTube. My daughter regretted uploading the video of her boyfriend to YouTube.
cansarse de (to tire of) Nunca me canso de verte. I never get tired of seeing you.
dejar de (to quit, to abandon) Mi esposa quiere dejar de trabajar para cuidar a nuestro bebé. My wife wants to quit working in order to take care of our baby.
depender de (to depend on) El futuro de nuestra sociedad depende de ganar la lucha al crimen organizado. The future of our society depends on winning the fight against organized crime.
disuadir de (to dissuade from) La disuadí de ir sola. I talked her out of going alone.
jactarse de (to boast about) La semana pasada, insurgentes alineados con Al-Qaeda se jactaron de matar a 56 iraquíes. Last week, insurgents aligned with al-Qaida boasted about killing 56 Iraqis.
olvidarse de (to forget) Me olvidé de comprar leche. I forgot to buy milk.
parar de (to stop) Los aficionados no pararon de gritar durante todo el partido. The fans didn't stop shouting for the entire game.
pensar de (to think about) Pienso de salir entre la 2 y 3 por la tarde. I'm thinking about leaving between 2 and 3 p.m.
preocuparse de (to worry about) Como no me he preocupado de nacer, no me preocupo de morir. (cita de Federico García Lorca) Just as I haven't worried about being born, I don't worry about dying. (quote from Federico García Lorca)
quejarse de (to complain about) Muchas personas se quejan de trabajar mucho, pero yo les digo que demos gracias a Dios de tener un trabajo. Many people complain about working a lot, but I tell them let's give thanks to God for having a job.
terminar de (to quit, to stop) He terminado de creer en la humanidad. I have quit believing in humanity.
tratar de (to try to) Trata de ser feliz con lo que tienes. Try to be happy with what you have.
tratar - to treat
Acceder (to agree to): Los empresarios accedieron a estudiar las demandas de salario. The employers agreed to study the salary demands.
Acercarse (to approach):
José se acercó a ver si yo estaba bien. Jose approached in order to see if I was OK.
Acostumbrarse (to be used to):
No me acostumbro a perder. I’m not used to losing.
Alcanzar (to manage to):
No alcanzaba a comprenderlo. I wasn’t able to understand it.