Verb Conjugations Flashcards
Verbs: godan: kau, yomu, hanasu, wakaru, au, Katsu, uru, asobu, nomu, shinu, aruku Ichidan: miru, taberu, okiru
Verb: ‘To speak’ dictionary form
話す (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ polite present/future positive
話します (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ casual present/future positive
話す (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ Polite present/future negative
話しません (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ Casual present/future negative
話さない (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ Polite past positive
話しました (godan)
Verb ‘To speak’ Casual past positive
話した (godan)
Verb ‘To speak’ Polite past negative
話しませんでした (godan)
Verb ‘To speak’ Casual past negative
話さなかった (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ polite command
話して下さい (godan)
Verb ‘To speak’ casual command
話して (godan) (only w/ close friends &/or children)
Verb ‘To speak’ rude/vulgar command
話せ (godan) (do NOT use lol)
Verb ‘To speak’ “if”
話せば (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ Polite “let’s”
話しましょう (godan)
Verb: ‘To speak’ Casual “let’s”
話そう (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ dictionary form
分かる (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ polite present/future positive
分かります (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ casual present/future positive
分かる (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ Polite present/future negative
分かりません (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ Casual present/future negative
分かんない or 分からない (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ Polite past positive
分かりました (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ casual past positive
分かった (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ Polite past negative
分かりませんでした (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ casual past negative
分からなかった (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ polite command
分かって下さい (godan)
Verb: ‘To understand’ casual command
分かって (godan) (kids and friends)
Verb: ‘To understand’ rude/vulgar command (b)
Verb: ‘To understand’ “if”
分かれば (godan)
Verb: ‘to understand’ polite “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘To understand’ casual “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘To read’ dictionary form
読む (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ polite present/future positive
読みます (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ casual present/future positive
読む (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ polite present/future negative
読みません (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ casual present/future negative
読まない (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ polite past positive
読みました (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ casual past positive
読んだ (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ polite past negative
読みませんでした (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ casual past negative
読まなかった (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ polite command
読んでください (godan)
Verb: ‘To read’ casual command
読んで (godan) (friends and children)
Verb: ‘To read’ “if”
読めば (godan)
Verb: ‘to read’ polite “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘to read’ casual “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘To see’ dictionary form
見る (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ polite present/future positive
見ます (Ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ casual present/future positive
見る (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ polite present/future negative
見ません (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ casual present/future negative
見ない (Ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ polite past positive
見ました (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ casual past positive
見た (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ Polite past negative
見ませんでした (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ casual past negative
見なかった (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ Polite command
見て下さい (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ casual command
見て (Ichidan)
Verb: ‘To see’ rude/vulgar command (b)
Verb: ‘To see’ “if” (b)
Verb: ‘To see’ polite “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘To see’ casual “let’s”
見よう (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ dictionary form
起きる (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ polite present/future positive
起きます (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ casual present/future positive
起きる (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ polite present/future negative
起きません (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ casual present/future negative
起きない (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ polite past positive
起きました (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ casual past positive
起きた (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ polite past negative
起きませんでした (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ casual past negative
起きなかった (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ polite command
起きて下さい (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ casual command
起きて (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ rude/vulgar command (b)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ “if”
起きれば (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ Polite “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘To wake up’ casual “let’s” (b)
Verb: ‘To eat’ dictionary form
食べる (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To buy’ dictionary form
買う (godan)
Verb: ‘To be able to’ dictionary form
出来る (ichidan)
Verb: ‘To meet’ dictionary form
会う (godan)
Verb: ‘To win’ dictionary form
勝つ (godan)
Verb: ‘to sell’ dictionary form
売る (godan)
Verb: ‘To play’ dictionary form
遊ぶ (godan)
Verb: ‘To drink’ dictionary form
飲む (godan)
Verb: ‘To die’ dictionary form
死ぬ (godan)
Verb: ‘To walk’ dictionary form
歩く (godan)
Verb: ‘To swim’ dictionary form
泳ぐ (godan)