verb conjugation practice: BITI Flashcards
I am a student (f)
Ja sam studentica
He is my friend
On je moj prijatelj
You are a students
Vi ste studenti
Coffee is great!
kava je odlična!
Max is tired
Max je umoran.
Sara is from Ireland
Sara je iz Irske.
Max and Sara are americans.
Max is Sara su Amerikanci.
You are an architect. (informal)
Ti si architekt.
The wine is very good.
Vino je jako dobro.
Marija is a teacher
Marija je profesorica.
Ivan and Marko are engineers.
Ivan i Marko su inženjeri.
We are from Spain.
Mi smo iz Španjolske.
You are well (formal).
Vi ste dobro.
I am (doing) great!
Ja sam odlično
She is my sister.
Ona je moja sestra.
Sanja is from Zagreb. She is from Zabreb.
Sanja je iz Zagreba. Ona je iz Zagreba.
Petra and I are sisters. We are sisters.
Petra i ja smo sestre. Mi smo sestre.
Lea i Lana are friends. They are friends.
Lea i Lana su prijateljice. One su prijateljice.
You and I are athletes. We are athletes.
Ti i ja smo sportaši. Mi smo sportaši.
Hrvoje and Ana are well. They are well.
Hrvoje i Ana su dobro. Oni su dobro.
Boris is a student. He is a student.
Boris je student. On je student.
Ante and you are from Split. You are from Split.
Ante i ti ste iz Splita. Vi ste iz Splita.
Dario and Tin are friends. They are friends.
Dario is Tin su prijatelji. Oni su prijatelji.
Am I…?
Jesam li ja…?
Are you..? (informal)
Jesi li ti…?
Is he, is she, is it…?
Je li on…?
Je li ona…?
Je li ono…?
Are we….?
Jesmo li mi…?
Are you (pl. or formal)…?
Jeste li vi/Vi…?
Are they?
Jesu li oni…?
Jesu li one…?
Jesu li ona…?
I am / I’m not
jesam / nisam
You are / you aren’t
Jesi /nisi
He, she, it is / he, she, it isn’t
Je / nije
we are / we aren’t
jesmo /nismo
You are / you aren’t (pl. or formal)
Jeste / niste
They are / they aren’t
Jesu / nisu.
Are you a student? (formal)
Jeste li Vi studentica?
Are they well? No, they aren’t.
Jesu li oni dobro? Ne, nisu.
Is your colleague Lukas at the campus? No, he isn’t.
Je li kolega Lukas na fakultetu? Ne, nije.
Jesi li ti Stephanie?
Da, Jesam.
Jesi li ti Englez?
Ne, nisam Englez.