Verb + a, de, en, con, por, que + infinitive Flashcards
acostumbrarse a ___
to be accustomed to ____
animar a _____
to encourage to ___
aprender a ___
to learn to ___
atreverse a ____
to dare to ____
ayudar a ____
to help to ___
comenzar (e>ie) a ____
to begin to ___
decidirse a ____
to decide to ___
dedicarse a ____
to devote oneself to ____
disponerse a ___
to get ready to ___
echar(se) a ___
to begin to ___
empezar (e>ie) a ___
to begin to ___
enseñar a ____
to teach/show how to ___
invitar a ___
to invite to ___
llegar a ___
to succeed in ___, manage to____
llevar a __
to be led to ___
meterse a ___
to start to ___
negarse (e>ie) a ___
to refuse to ___
obligar a uno a ____
to force/compel someone to ___
persuadir a uno a ___
to persuade someone to ___
ponerse a ___
to begin to ___
prepararse a ___
to prepare to ___
renunciar a ___
to renounce/give up doing ___
volver (o>ue) a ___
to ____ again
bajar a ____
to go downstairs to ___
correr a ___
to run to do ____
entrar a ____
to go in(side) to ___
pasar a ___
to stop by to ___
regresar a ___
to go/come back to ___
salir a ___
to go out(side) to ___
subir a ___
to go upstairs to ___
venir a __
to come to ___
acabar de ___
to have just ___
acordarse (o>ue)
to remember to ___
alegrarse de ___
to be glad to ___
arrepentirse (e>ie) de
to regret ___
avergonzarse (o>üe)
to be ashamed to ___
cansarse de ___
to get tired of ___
dejar de ___
to stop doing ___
desesperar de ___
to despair/lose hope of ___
encargarse de ___
to take charge of ___
hartarse de ___
to get fed up with/have enough of ___
jactarse de ___
to boast about ___
olvidarse de ___
to forget to ___
presumir de ___
to presume to ___
terminar de ___
to finish ___
tratar de ___
to try to do something
consentir (e>ie) en ___
to consent/agree to ___
consistir en ___
to consist of ____
demorar en ___,
tardar en ____
to delay/put off/take long in ___
dudar en ___, vacilar en___
to hesitate/be hesitant to ___
empeñarse en ___
to insist on ____, to be determined to ___
esforzarse (o>ue) en ___
to strive to ____
insistir en ___
to insist on ____
interesarse en ___
to be interested in ___
quedar en ___
to to agree to ___
amenazar con __
to threaten to __
contar (o>ue) con ___
to count on/rely on ___
soñar (o>ue) con ____
to dream of/about doing _____
empezar (e>ie) por ___
to begin by doing ___
esforzarse (o>ue) por ___
to strive/work hard to ___
interesarse por ___
to be interested in ___
optar por ___
to opt/choose to ___
votar por ___
to vote to do ___
tener que ___
to have to ___
hay que ___
one must do ___ (general obligation, not personal)
to be accustomed to doing something
acostumbrarse a hacer algo
to encourage someone to do something
animar a uno a hacer algo
to learn to do something
aprender a hacer algo
to dare to do something
atreverse a hacer algo
to help someone do something
ayudar a uno a hacer algo
to begin to do something
comenzar a hacer algo, echar(se) a hacer algo, empezar a hacer algo
to decide to do something
decidirse a hacer algo
to devote oneself to doing something
dedicarse a hacer algo
to get ready to do something
disponerse a hacer algo
to teach/show how to do something
enseñar a hacer algo
to invite someone to do something
invitar a uno a hacer algo
to succeed in doing something, manage to do something
llegar a hacer algo
to be led to do something
llevar a hacer algo
to start to do something
meterse a hacer algo
to refuse to do something
negarse (e>ie) a hacer algo
to force/compel someone to do something
obligar a uno a hacer algo
to persuade someone to do something
persuadir a uno a hacer algo
to prepare to do something
prepararse a hacer algo
to renounce/give up doing something
renunciar a hacer algo
to do something again
volver (o>ue) a hacer algo
to go downstairs to do something
bajar a hacer algo
to run to do something
correr a hacer algo
to go in(side) to do something
entrar a hacer algo
to stop by to do something
pasar a hacer algo
to go/come back to do something
regresar a hacer algo
to go out(side) to do something
salir a hacer algo
to go upstairs to do something
subir a hacer algo
to come to do something
venir a hacer algo
to have just done something
acabar de hacer algo
to remember to do something
acordarse (o>ue) de hacer algo
to be glad to do something
alegrarse de hacer algo
to regret doing something
arrepentirse (e>ie) de hacer algo
to be ashamed to do something
avergonzarse (o>üe) de hacer algo
to get tired of doing something
cansarse de hacer algo
to stop doing something
dejar de hacer algo
to despair/lose hope of doing something
desesperar de hacer algo
to take charge of doing something
encargarse de hacer algo
to get fed up with/have enough of doing something
hartarse de hacer algo
to boast about doing something
jactarse de hacer algo
to forget to do something
olvidarse de hacer algo
to presume to do something
presumir de hacer algo
to finish doing something
terminar de hacer algo
to try to do something
tratar de hacer algo
to consent/agree to do something
consentir (e>ie) en hacer algo; quedar en hacer algo
to consist of doing something
consistir en hacer algo
to delay/put off/take long in doing something
demorar en hacer algo; tardar en hacer algo
to hesitate/be hesitant to do something
dudar en hacer algo;
vacilar en hacer algo
to insist on doing something, be determined to do something
empeñarse en hacer algo
to strive to do something
esforzarse (o>ue) en hacer algo
to insist on doing something
insistir en hacer algo
to threaten to do something
amenazar con hacer algo
to count on/rely on doing something
contar (o>ue) con hacer algo
to dream of/about doing something
soñar (o>ue) con hacer algo
to begin by doing something
empezar (e>ie) por hacer algo
to strive/work hard to do something
esforzarse (o>ue) por hacer algo
to be interested in doing something
interesarse por hacer algo; interesarse en hacer algo
to opt/choose to do something
optar por hacer algo
to vote to do something
votar por hacer algo
to have to do something (personal obligation)
tener que hacer algo
one must do something (general obligation)
hay que hacer algo