Venter Factors Flashcards
Formulas for adjusted SSE
SSE/(n - p)^2
Formula for AIC
Formula for BIC
Venter: Row times column parameter
Constant variance for all cells
f(d) = sum(h*q)/sum(h^2) h(w) = sum(f*q)/sum(f^2)
Venter: Modeled using f(d)h(w), assume variance proportional to incremental losses
f(d)^2 = sum(q/h)/sum(h)
h(w)^2 = sum(q/f)/sum(f)
BF type method
Venter: Modeled using f(d)c(w,d), assume variance is constant for all cells
f(d) = sum(c*q)/sum(c^2)
CL method, OLS average
Venter: Modeled using f(d)c(w,d), assume variance is proportional to reported losses
f(d) = sum(q)/sum(c)
CL method, volume weighted
Venter: Modeled using f(d)c(w,d), assume variance is proportional to square of reported loss
f(d) = sum(q/c)/sum(1)???
Venter: # of parameters in CL Method, m x m traingle
m - 1
Venter: # of parameters in BF method, m x m triangle
2m - 2
Venter: # of parameters in CC method, m x m triangle
m - 1
Venter: Losses modeled as f(d)h(w), and we group row and column parameters: How many parameters?
2m - 1 (don’t count first row, but count first column)
Test for linearity
Sequence of negative followed by positive residuals, may not be linear
Test for Correlation of LDFs
T = r[(n - 2)/(1 - r^2)]^0.5
T is t-distributed with n-2 D.O.F.
If more than 0.1m + sqrt(m) are correlated, strongly suggested to be correlated; m = number of testable pairs = (n - 3 choose 2)
Model inflation in BF method
q(w,d) = f(d)h(w)g(w+d)
g(w+d) is inflation term, could be (1 + j)^(w+d)
Venter test for high or low diagonals
Regress losses against:
Cumulative losses at prior age
Dummy variable for each diagonal
Making fewer parameters
CY affect becomes inflation, g(w+d) = (1+j)^(w+d)
AY effect, set h(w) = h(1+k)^w
age parameters, set f(d) = (1+i)^d
Model is h(1+i)^d(1+j)^(w+d)(1+k)^w [3 parameters]
Venter: Cape Cod h
h = sum(f*q)/sum(f^2) over the entire triangle