Venir (Irregular Verbs) Flashcards
je viens
I come/am coming (present)
tu viens
you come/are coming (present)
il/elle/on vient
he/she/one comes/is coming (present)
nous venons
we come/are coming (present)
vous faites
you come/are coming (present)
ils/elles font
they come/are coming (present)
je venais
I was coming/came/used to come (imperfect)
tu venais
you were coming/came/used to come (imperfect)
il/elle/on venait
he/she/one was coming/came/used to come (imperfect)
nous venions
we were coming/came/used to come (imperfect)
vous veniez
you were coming/came/used to come (imperfect)
ils/elles venaient
they were coming/came/used to come (imperfect)
je suis venu(e)
I came/have come (compound past)
tu es venu(e)
you came/have come (compound past)
il/elle/on est venu(e)
he/she/one came/have come (compound past)
nous sommes venu(e)s
we came/have come (compound past)
vous êtes venu(e)s
you came/have come (compound past)
ils/elles sont venu(e)s
they came/have come (compound past)
je viendrai
I will come (future)
tu viendras
you will come (future)
il/elle/on viendra
he/she/one will come (future)
nous viendrons
we will come (future)
vous viendrez
you will come (future)
ils/elles viendront
they will come (future)
je viendrais
I would come (conditional)
tu viendrais
you would come (conditional)
il/elle/on viendrait
he/she/one would come (conditional)
nous viendrions
we would come (conditional)
vous viendriez
you would come (conditional)
ils/elles viendraient
they would come (conditional)