Venipuncture, ABG's, IV's & Injections Flashcards
Purpose of Venipuncture
To obtain a blood sample for diagnostic testing (also starting IV’s)
Venipuncture Indications
If venous samples are needed in larger quantities than the finger-stick method can provide
Venipuncture Contraindications
- Skin infections
- Venous fibrosis on palpation
- Presence of vascular shunt/graft
- Presence of vascular access device on that extremity
- In UE on the same side as a mastectomy
Venipuncture Complications
- Infection (cellulitis)
- Infection of the vein (Phlebitis)
- Thrombosis
- Laceration of the vein
- Hemorrhage or hematoma @ puncture site
- Vasovagal syncope
What veins are MC used for venipuncture?
Superficial veins in the antecubital fossa (median cubital vein)
Why are the superficial veins in the antecubital fossa MC used for venipuncture?
- Less likely to roll
- Lies more superficially
- Skin is less sensitive here
Metacarpal Vein Considerations
- More painful & likely to roll/collapse
- Use butterfly needle
MC needle sizes for venipuncture in adults
- 21 gauge (green)
- 22 gauge (black)
Needle size for children or pts with small veins
23 gauge (light blue) butterfly
Light Blue Venipuncture Tube
- 3.2% Sodium citrate
- Prevents blood from clotting by binding Calcium
- Coagulation
Red or Gold Venipuncture Tube
- Serum tube with or without clot activator or gel
- Chemistry, serology, immunology
What does clot activator do?
- Promotes blood clotting w/glass or silica particles
- Gell separates serum from cells
Green Venipuncture Tube
- Sodium or lithium heparin with or without gel
- Prevents clotting by inhibiting thrombin & thromboplastin
- STAT & routine chemistry
Lavender or Pink Venipuncture Tube
- Potassium EDTA
- Prevents clotting by binding Calcium
- Hematology & blood bank
Gray Venipuncture Tube
- Sodium fluoride, & sodium or potassium oxalate
- Fluoride inhibits glycolysis, and oxalate prevents clotting by precipitating calcium
- Glucose, BAC, lactic acid
Indications for Blood Cultures
- Infection of the blood suspected (bacteremia or septicemia)
- Monitoring efficacy of pharm tx of blood borne infections
Blood Culture Contraindications
- Site of active skin infection
- Failure of multiple previous blood cx
- Relative CI in pts on Coumadin
Suspect Contaminated Blood Culture in:
- Samples with common skin flora (Staph epi)
- Mixture of several kinds of bacteria in a sample
- Growth is found in only one of several specimens from separate venipunctures
Blood Culture Equipment
Two bottles:
- one containing aerobic media
- one containing anaerobic culture media
Purpose of ABG’s
To determine gas exchange levels in the blood related to respiratory, metabolic & renal function (acid-base balance)
-ONLY reliable determination of ventilation & alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient (A-a Gradient)
What artery is used for ABG’s?
femoral 2nd choice